"I hate you."

"Do not."

"Do… owww ow owww! To!"

"You do not! Just push already!"

"Shut up!"

"Make me!"

"Oh that's mature! OW! Shut up Rodney! I hate you!"

"You do not! Now push already!"

"But it hurts. And I'm tired." She sighed. leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah but babies are cute right? You'll get to hold him."

"I'm telling you. She's a her. And I've been holding her."

"Let's not get into technicalities right now. Push… remember? You have to do that to get one of these."

"Ummm…" She giggled.

"Don't even say it. To easy."

"OWWWW! I hate you!"

"Fine hate me! Just push!"

"All most, Laura. Head's out now. Just one more." Carson smiled.

"Easy for you to say." Laura grumbled.

"This is going to be a snarky baby."

"Shut up Rodney. I hate… ow ow owww… I hate you."

"It's a girl!"

"Told you so."

"Do you still hate me?"


"You have to think about it?"

"No. You're cute when you panic."

"Not fair."

"K'you can have the next one."

"We get more?"

"Well look how cute this one is. We might as well."

"Gimmie." He motioned to Carson, taking his daughter.

"So… Sydney Mae McKay," he said holding her so that Laura could see. "Meet Mommy. Mommy this is Sydney."

"Hey there, Peanut."

"Must you give her a nickname already?"

"Who just pushed her out?"

"Peanut it is."