An Aila Story Come one! Come all! Come view a wacked out fanfic of two card captors placed in an interesting situation you won't find out about till the next chapter!
Sakura: "Are you OK, Aila?"
Shaoran: "Aila no Baka."
Aila: "Totally cute hunk of a Chinese Gaki!"
Shaoran: "........." Major sweatdropage.

******************** I CAN NOT BELIVE I KEEP FORGETTING THIS!: I do not own Card Captor Sakura. The Lovely ladies of CLAMP are the creators, not me. They and kodansha own the rights.

Little Meets Big(and hot ~_^)

Chapter 1

Hold, leg up, toe down, shift weight to toe... slash down. Right behind left, shift weight, lift arms-

"Hello Sakura." Shaoran called to the 16 year old girl who was watching him behind a tree. He knew she was approaching for the last couple of minutes.

"How'd you know I was there, Shaoran?"

"You're very noisy when you move."

Sakura responded with her lower lip pouting, which Shaoran saw out of the corner of his eye.
"And I sensed your aura."

"Oh, I guess that could give me away." Smiled Sakura.

Shaoran continued on with his exercise, and Sakura continued to watch.

'I wish she wouldn't just stare, its harder to concentrate with her around.' Thought Shaoran in the middle of a swing.

She moved back and found a place at the trunk of a tree. She sat and still watched, to Shaoran's uncomfort. His face remained emotionless, so she didn't have a clue.

'All though I've seen his exercises with with the sword countless times, its so cool, not to mention totally hot. And his movement with the sword is, dare I think, graceful?' Sakura smiled at the thought of what a guy with think if he where called graceful. 'He's so impressive with it that even Tomoyo has video tapped his excersizes.

After about 10 minutes without a word, Sakura decided it was time Shaoran had a little break. She stood up when his back was turned and walked up to him.

'Hmmmmm. I wonder what he'd do if I...' thought Sakura mischiviously.

'Uh oh. What's she up to now?' wondered Shaoran when he sensed her movement.

Sakura couldn't stand it any longer. She jumped forward, wrapped her arms around his neck from behind, and kissed his cheek.

All though in the four years of going out with her, they kissed a lot, it never failed when she catches him off guard; Shaoran turned a bright, crimson, red.

He stood ridged while Sakura hung on to him, and she was now hugging him even harder. Shaoran turned a shade darker when he realized her chest was pressed against his back.

"I was just wondering Li-kun," Sakura began, "Could you teach me how to use a sword?"

Shaoran recived a bit of a mature thought. 'Bad Shaoran.' he chastized himself. She means nothing like that. (N/A: I couldn't resist. Gomen. Well, he is a guy anyway, isn't he? ~_^ ) Then he pictured a sweet, smiling Sakura. Now he tried to picture her with a sword in her hand. Very hard to picture.

The end of Shaoran's mouth curled up at the humorus vision of Sakura with a sword. He turned his face to her, and she saw his smile.

"Why do you wan't to learn how to use a sword?"

"Well..." She removed herself from his back, (to Shaoran's relief, and disappointment) and started to explain. "I was watching this show about a girl who was forced into the sword duels at her school, and she beat everyone's butt, even the kendo and fencing team captains! So this show started to get me thinking I should know how to handle a sword if I ever got in a situation like that girl-" (A/N: Sorry. Couldn't stop myself mentioning another of my fave animes.)

Sakura stopped talking when she heard the mission of the story. Something rarely heard by other people, Shaoran laughing. She smiled at her sucess.

"Sakura, do yourself a favor and lay back on the Shoujo (girl) Anime. Especially that anime. Also, if you ever where in a situation like that, which I totally doubt you'd be in, since to are the great and powerful card mistress, you could just call upon the Sword Card."

"But I don't want to depend on the cards that much. Anyway, even with the sword card, do you think I could beat you in a sword duel?

"Definitely no."

"See, I need you to teach me! So will you?"

"I have to think about it Sakura. If you start going around dressed like a guy and getting yourself into duels, I'll worry about you." He said playfully.

"All right." She said in a bit of a disappointing voice. The she remembered why she was here. "So do you want to go do something?"

"What? You couldn't find Tomoyo?"

"Since when do I need a reason to go out with my boyfriend?" She asked as she hugged him, this time in front.

'Man,' he thought. 'I love it when she calls me that.'

"You really couldn't find Tomoyo, could you?"

Sakura just looked up to him and smiled.

Shaoran got a sweat drop in the back of his head.


On a bench overlooking the town (A/N: a.k.a. make out point! ^_^) sat two people.

"So Tomoyo, did you miss me?" conferred the 16 year old boy with a long, dark braid.

Tomoyo looked at him with her eyes almost in tears, "Of course I did!"

Eriol rested Tomoyo's head on his shoulders, and smiled.

"Did you miss me, Eriol-kun?" She asked playfully.

"What. Hmm. Let me think about it for a minute.

She quickly sat up and gave him a venomous look. A true warning. Eriol sweat dropped looking at her, the brought her back to him with his arms.

"Nothing in this world is a beautiful or Intellectual, or brings a smile to my face like you, my Tomo-ko of Japan."

Tomoyo smiles at him a giant smile, which causes him to smile, her head returns to his shoulder, and they watch the sunset together.

Minutes later she asks, "What do you have in store for Sakura and Shaoran this time, and how long are you staying?"

Eriol sweat drops again.

(A/N: Ohhhhhh. I could of stopped their, and made you wait till the next chapter, but I wont do that. Read on! I'll just put the cliffhanger at an even better spot. (Laughs evilly.) Muhahahaah!)


Class next day...

"Settle down now class." Sensi Tugahama told the class.

Sakura was still looking at Tomoyo. Sakura couldn't find her all day yesterday, and her and Shaoran ended up watching movies at his house, which was fine by her. However what bugged Sakura about Tomoyo was that she had been smiling all morning. She definitely had an exceedingly large amount of smiles today. 'She sure is happy about something.' Sakura thought.

Sakura took out a piece of paper to write a note asking her what was so great about today.

"I'm happy to announce that today we have a new student with us today..." Reported the teacher.

Sakura started to write her note.

"I believe many of you have been his classmates in the past.

Sakura was no longer paying attention, while Shaoran listened to the teacher suspiciously.

"Please welcome Hiiragizawa, Eriol."(A/N: Ok, Ok, please forgive me for having him show up the same way as in my other fanfiction. I was gonna delete that one, but people actually like it. -_-')

At the mention of his name, Sakura broke her lead, and threw her head up.

'THATS WHY!' she yelled in her head.

Shaoran let out a groan.

Sakura looked at the door just in time to see the 16 year old boy walk in the door.

She couldn't help but smile at him. Eriol smiled back with a nod of his head.

Sakura could hear Shaoran grinding his teeth.

"Eriol, you may sit behind Shaoran Li.

Shaoran looked up in horror at this.

When Sakura stole a look behind her, Shaoran was in the process of banging his forhead on his desk. 'Oh well.'

Eriol started walking towards his new seat, and received tons of hello's from old acquaintances. When he got to Shaoran he just smiled, and sat down.

Shaoran didn't take his eyes off of him.

"Mr. Shaoran, please face the front of the class." Called the teacher.

Shaoran complied, wishing he had eyes on the back of his head.

When he did face forward, he saw a folded note on his desk.

He opened it slowly, suspecting who it was from.

How's my favorite decedent?


O.K.. I stopped there. You gonna read the next chapter? So far I totally like this fanfic better then the last one, which I am curently trying to salvage. Warning. The next chapter will be longer, but it'll answer these questions:

What does Eriol have in store for our cute couple of card captors.

Will Eriol and Tomoyo start making out in pure passion in front of Shaoran and Sakura.

Ok, maybe the last one has a very little chance of happening. Find out what happens next time on the next exciting chapter of, oh! What did I call this again? Don't forget to respond. Was this Kawiii? Aila no Baka? Sukoi? Whatever?

Sailor Moon Says:
"This author's gone totally wakko."
Shaoran: "Aye."
Sakura: You sure you don't need, uh anything?"
Aila: "Sakura-chan, can I borrow Chinese Gaki?"