I'm back for another chapter… Yay!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
A few days had passed and Naruto had calmed down a lot. The horrible thoughts still plagued his mind but he had learned how to control his frustrations. He would simply train with Sasuke.
Hinata had moved out of her apartment and moved in with him. Then the morning sickness kicked in. That was a scary transition. When it first happened, Naruto started to panic a little, until Hinata explained it was natural… messy, but natural.
This morning she had an appointment with Tsunade. Naruto would have gone with her, but he had a previous engagement, so he couldn't go.
'Maybe I should just blow Sasuke off and go with Hinata.' Naruto thought to himself.
'She'll be fine kit. Just go to Sasuke and work through some of your frustrations before you lose yourself on Hinata.' Kyuubi told him.
'Alright… I guess your right, which is really unfair coz I like being right.' Naruto whined.
'I know you do.' Kyuubi smiled.
Naruto blinked and all of a sudden he was at the training ground. He must have walked faster then he thought.
Sasuke and Naruto trained for three and a half hours without a break. Naruto could have gone longer, but Sasuke was out of chakra and was panting heavily.
"You'll make a great hokage one day." Sasuke told him.
But Naruto didn't want to become hokage. It was apart of his happy, go-lucky persona he put on for the world. Although he had wanted to become hokage once, when he found out about the reason most people despised him, he gave up on it.
"Yea… maybe…" he said as he sat down against a tree near by. He looked up to the sky and instantly knew why Shikamaru loved doing so as well. It was peaceful. Relaxing. They don't judge you like people do.
"Do you think Shikamaru will name one of his kids Cloud when he has them?" Naruto asked suddenly.
"Maybe… they are his favourite things to look at… besides Temari." Sasuke replied while silently wondering why Naruto asked that question.
"Yea, you don't need sharingan to notice that." Naruto smiled and Sasuke chuckled.
"That's surprising, you noticed something other then ramen." This made Naruto laugh heartedly.
"You're a dick, Sasuke. Anyone ever tell you that?"
"Yea, you do all the time."
Naruto cracked up. There was nothing really funny about what was said, it was just that, Naruto's emotions were running high. Everything that had happened to him these last few days were making his emotions come full force. Even though Naruto was always intense with his emotions, but they were stronger now.
Sasuke smiled at his ridiculous friend. His humour was always catchy to anyone that close enough to listen. Sasuke knew about power and it's struggle, everyone knew that and they also knew the brotherhood between the two. Most found it odd but those who could claim they knew the pair knew that sibling rivalry was the only part of 'brother' between them.
They both knew of hardship, they both knew of loss but they wore these mantles differently. Sasuke held his head up high and the fierce nature burned in his eyes for all to see and hence it burned brightly but for how long?
Naruto didn't hold his head anywhere he was fluid like Hinta's charka abilities, his flame burned with ferocity unimaginable but it was deep, deep inside his heart. This flame would last forever but how long before it consumed everything even his soul?
Naurto took a stroll, Hinata and Kakashi did it to relax them perhaps it would rub off, it didn't it just gave him more time with himself. Himself, his memories and Kyuubi of course all of which was never good. Naruto had learned at an early age, the time where he learnt most things, simply to breathe.
He had startled all of his Sensei's but mostly the focused dreamer Kakashi, that he could understand the world's need to breathe. Most of his trainers thought that he would be brute strength and spontaneity but he amazed them, being in his head even during a fight and still coming out the victor.
The world hurried, it rushed and it speed. Missing the importance of the senses, to look, to feel, to smell, Naruto knew them all intimately. However since Hinata had come around he discovered senses could open yet anther world.
The sight of her smile brought one to him mind, if not his face, the smell of her, particularly her arousal, that one warmed him. She was his and something so pure needed him so badly. The taste of Hinata could drive him over the edge into a place that not even he could describe.
It was not something he came across everyday… somewhat new to him. That someone was capable of loving him, not physically, but emotionally. To be aware of what he holds and still love him. Sure there was Iruka, Jiraiya, Kakashi and Tsunade. But no more then that… but what about Ichiraku? Surely he must know, the guy was ancient. Nice. But ancient all the same. Naruto decided that he was in the category with Jiraiya and Kakashi too.
Thoughts clearing in his head. Naruto decided that what happened to him, needed to happen to him, in order to make his mind just as strong as his body. But he also wondered, how long would it be for something to come along and destroy everything Naruto was? How long would it take for Naruto to break and become someone he never wanted to be?
Would it ever happen? Or was it closer then he thought?
Those dreams came back to mind. What did they mean? Was someone going to try and kill him? Would he be chased out of the village? He really hoped not. This was his home. His entire life was based here. What would his friends think if they found out about the fox? Would they be as kind and understanding as Hinata was? Or would they turn into the same village people that blamed him for their beloved Fourth's death?
'Father… I understand why you chose me. But I have to wonder… did you know what my life would be like?' Naruto thought.
"Of course he didn't know." Kyuubi informed. "The Fourth's dying wish was for you to be seen as a hero of this village. But fear clouded the people's mind."
Naruto could understand that. After all, he trained his ass off, and then his first real mission, he froze. He knew what he was supposed to do, but froze. And in thinking of that incident, he found it impossible to find fault in peoples actions. Even if their actions hurt him the most.
"You are to forgiving for your own good." The fox chimed in.
Okies. There's another chapter. Sorry it's taken so long. I've been really sick, and I was graduating from high school and I was celebrating birthdays, my own 18th was in there somewhere. Lol.
Review please and thank you.