The Other Half

The life of fifteen year old James Pierce. What J.T. Yorke left behind.

Hey everyone! I'm writing this new FF that I hope is enjoyable. This first part is the POV of the main character who is J.T. and Liberty's fifteen your old son.

Read and Reply please! Thanks.

Chapter 1: Who is James Pierce?

No one could possibly understand the thoughts of a fifteen year old as complicated as I am. That's the whole point. I want it to stay that way, I don't need my so-called parents asking me repeatedly, "What's up with your grades?" "Why are you so irresponsible?" or the most common, "Could you try doing one thing right?"

Robert, my dad, is probably one of Toronto's best attorneys, thus his lack of time being at home. Then when he has the two hours to spend with us, he's BS-ing about his job and messages left by my teachers. Debbie, my mother, just sits there and nods. Agreeing with him, I mean is it my fault Mademoiselle Devereaux, my old hag of a French teacher, has some of the sweatiest pits ever?

Trying to avoid the 'rent's' is pretty easy. Especially when they send you to you room telling you to "Think about your actions." I have the choices of: A.) Jump on the computer and look at curvy blondes, B.) Then as I come across Miss June, Nigel—my best friend—will IM me, suggesting we go skateboarding. C.) I'll either sneak out of my window with a skateboard in one hand down the side of my house and fall into Debbie's row of tulips. D.) Or if I had a sucky day, continue to Miss July.

I'm a rebel okay? Nigel of course thinks I'm the class clown. Referring back to the time when I asked the same annoying French teacher if she had a reservoir saved up under her arms because if she does, there's a leak. That one is a classic. It cost me a week in detention but definitely worth it, especially when Leah Cameron smiled about it. God, her smile is amazing.

Every kid in my ninth grade class wishes they had what I have. I live on the pretty wealthy side of town and in the only house on the block with a pool. My parent's, they have about three cars—each, but at least two is at our summer house. Actually I took the BMW on a joyride last month, it's in the shop now.

These tiny factoids I'm giving you aren't even close to what I experience on a day to day basis. You don't know about Robert's wine bottles that have been filled with apple juice, just to trick Debbie. You have no clue about what I discovered when I was twelve. The mistake I was about to make only a month ago. This is probably rated G compared to the truth. I just want know who exactly James Pierce is.