A/n: This is my first story, so please be nice. Help is greatly appreciated, but please be nice about it. I know its not the best of sorties, but I wanted to post something. Thanks, and please Read and Review
Lily Truscott bobbed her head and mouthed the words to Kellis's Bossy as she rounded the corner to her street. She smiled to herself as she remineced her day's adventures. Of course, she had spent the afternoon with Oliver and Miley. After a long day of skating and surfing, and quite uncomfortable girl talk with Miley, Lily was surprisingly happy to be heading home. The sun was setting, and Lily stopped to stare at the beautiful sight. She loved the sunset. On bad days, she would head to the beach and just watch the sunset. It was a good way to relax, in her mind. As she came upon her house, she saw her mother's black jeep in the driveway, but no sign of his dad's car. 'Great' she thought to herself. She skipped to her door and gently opened the front door, making sure to not disturb her mother. She closed her eyes as the door made a big thud, and quietly squeaked her way across the living room, and to the bottom of the stairs. She mounted the first step, and quickly turned around at the sound of her name.
"Lily, is that you?" Mrs. Truscott called from the kitchen.
Lily squeezed her eyes for a second and opened them again. "Yes Mom, it's me."
Her mother, know in the living room sputtered. "You are laaaate."
"What? By 10 minutes!" Lily protested.
"I don't care, late is late. You are grounded." Her mother said.
Lily, for the first time, realized her mother's cheeks flushed red, and her voice sounded…off.
"Mom, that's not fair." Lily said.
"It is. Now where is that dumb dog? It's been barking all day." Her mother said. She began to snap her fingers and looking around the house.
"Mom, what are you talking about? We don't have a dog." Lily said.
Her mom stumbled and laughed in high pitch.
Lily came off the step and followed her mother into the kitchen
"Are you drinking?" she said bitterly.
"Noo." She said.
Lily walked into the kitchen and looked around. Of course, there was alcohol beverages scattered everywhere. On the counter, the table, the stove, by the microwave.
Lily frantically ran over to the various locations and started throwing the drinks away while screaming. "Mom! Why do you have to do this to yourself?"
"Oh Lily, stop. And give me the drink."
The two began fighting over the liquor. Mrs. Truscott grabbed the bottle, making Lily stumble forward, and the drink to fall.
"Now look at what you did" her mother said, pinking it up.
Lily just looked at her mother in disbelief.
"Where's dad?" she asked.
"He never came home from work yet. Won't be home for another 2 days. Apparently, work is more important to him then us." Her mother said.
Lily grew sympathetic towards her mother. It must be hard to raise a child by yourself, while your husband is at war. She sighed and cleaned up the mess. Her mother walked into the living room. Lily turned off the stove, witch her mother probably forgot to turn off.
She sighed and went into the living room. Only to find her mother passed out on the couch. She put a blanket over her, and went up stairs, all the way to her bed. She flopped down on her stomach.
"Why me?" she moaned.
She got up and looked into the mirror and began to brush her hair.
Then she looked at her body. She noticed how big her hips were getting.
And she couldn't help but think her thighs were huge.
"Oh my god. I'm fat!" she cried.
She flopped into bed for the second time, and went to sleep.