Author's Chapter Notes:

Yeah I'm so sorry for the wait for this chapter...I got a really bad writers block that I think is totally gone now. So enjoy this chappie!!


Day Off


Naruto sighed as he walked back to his room. He didn't want to see Sasuke quite yet not after what he heard from Itachi.
'Hey Sasuke! I saw Itachi who's innocent! So please don't kill him!'

'Heya Sasuke I found your brother so don't kill him because he's innocent.'

'Hey Sasuke, your bro's innocent so don't kill him.'

'Ooo I got a headache. I can't tell him I saw Itachi because he'll flip! He'll kill me. No he'll demand to see Itachi then hell kill me.' Naruto slowly opened his door where Sasuke was sleeping. 'He's going to hate me.' Naruto thought as he lifted the bucket of ice cold water he had gotten earlier and poured it on top of Sasuke. The raven jolted awake and looked around. Seeing Naruto carrying a empty bucket and glared.
"I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't and I saw you humans do that in a movie." Naruto said with a innocent face and nearly laughed when he saw Sasuke look at him like he was a idiot.
"What time is it?"
"Uh 5:00."
"Well let's get ready to meet the gang." Sasuke savored the words. Since he was anti-social he rarely hanged out with people. Naruto nodded as he went back to the closet. Sasuke frowned.
'Naruto's acting the same but I feel that somethings off.' Sasuke thought as he watched Naruto. "I'm taking a shower."
"Kai I'll see you in a bit." Naruto called out. Seeing that Sasuke was out of the room, Naruto climbed up on the bed and looked out the room.
'Sasuke's brother cares about him but I can't tell Sasuke that. I need Sasuke to get over his brother and over his parents death. But my real priority right now is to get Sasuke closer to other people so when I leave he isn't alone. Though I wish I could stay with him forever I can't. I have to still be a warrior angel since this guardian angel thing is only temporary or until he killed Orochimaru at least.' Naruto sighed and leaned his head on the cold wall. Unknown to him, Sasuke was standing at the doorway watching Naruto carefully. Sasuke became worried when he saw Sadness and slight confusion on Naruto's face. Emotions that shouldn't be seen on the blondes face.
"Naruto what's wrong and if you say nothing I swear I'll strangle you!" Naruto jumped and stared at Sasuke as if he were a ghost.
"Sasuke? I thought you were taking a shower?" "Well I'm not so answer the question." Naruto sighed and looked out the window. Sasuke quickly climbed up on the bed and lifted the blonde onto his lap. Sasuke rested his head on Naruto's shoulder, making the blonde shiver when he felt Sasuke's hot breathe t his cold neck.
"Naruto talk to me." Sasuke said in a pleading voice. "You promise not kill or hurt me?"
"I promise." Naruto took a deep breathe before he started to talk.
"Well I know what happened to your parents. Naruto whispered and felt Sasuke stiffen. "I found out during one of your nightmares. I know it was your brother who did it and you want to kill him but I don't want you to be become a murderer. I know it's selfish of me to say but if you kill him I'll have to leave you." Sasuke took a long shaky breathe before he answered.
"I-I'm not mad but I wish you had told me sooner. I-I don't want to be a murderer and I won't...I won't kill...Itachi if it means you will leave. I... I promise." Naruto turned around and hugged Sasuke tightly. Sasuke felt some sort of regret about giving up his dream it hit him in the heart but if he had to choose between Itachi and Naruto he would choose Naruto. He was glad that Naruto was happy and he hugged back tightly. They stayed like that for a moment but a knock on the door ruined the moment. Naruto jumped off the bed growling and he slammed the door open. His jaw dropped to the ground when his eyes met Gaara's.
"Gaara please don't be offended but WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?" Naruto yelped making Sasuke frown. Sasuke jumped off the bed and saunter to Naruto before he wrapped his arm around the blonde and looked at Gaara pointedly.
"Naruto who is this?" Sasuke asked in a fake sweet voice.
"Uh this is Gaara he's-"
"I'm one of his angel friends." Gaara finished receiving a weird look from both Sasuke and Naruto.
"I'm Sasuke." Gaara nodded in acknowledgement before he turned back to Naruto.
"I just wanted to tell you I am now enrolled in this school and I'm now in the room beside you."
"What?!!!" Naruto shrieked eye twitching. Gaara in class...doing homework...listening to teachers orders...does not compute...
"I'm going I need to unpack." Gaara said as he walked away.
"We should get going." Sasuke informed Naruto who was still staring at the spot where Gaara had stood. Sasuke slapped Naruto on the back of his head, snapping the blonde from his daze of Gaara killing all of hos teachers.
"Idiot we should get going." Sasuke repeated slowly.
"Oh yeah! Let's go!" Naruto said as he grabbed Sasuke's hand and began to pull him away.
"Hey! Wait up!" Naruto stopped and saw Kiba running towards them. "Glad I caught you in time! I need to tell you that we aren't going to the p.n.e but going to that memorial park with the lake."
"Okay..." Naruto said as he gave Sasuke a confused look.
"I know where it is." Sasuke said with a bored expression.
"Great I'll see you there." Kiba said as he ran off. "What's the memorial park?"
"A very well known park is all." Sasuke said as he led Naruto out of the building. "But it's far away so we'll have to take the bus."
"...What's a bus?" Sasuke gave the blonde a strange look.


Chapter End Notes:

Yeah short chapter but I don't have enough time to type more. The next chapter will be short tooo but I'll try to make the next next chapter longr. See ya!!!