AN: Woot, I'm about halfway through with this story. Just to reiterate and/or clarify: these are missing scenes that happen during or inbetween the episodes. They are titled the episode they are in. They never actually happened. Except in this story. Hehe. And the summary Amanda and I came up with was just too cute not to post. :)
Summary: At the end of the day, Hunter has some thoughts he'd like to share, and they make Cam nervous.
Good Will Hunter
"Do you think I'd make a good dad?" Hunter asked him as they walked. Cam frowned.
"I suppose. Why do you ask?" He cast a sidelong glance at his partner, who was staring thoughtfully ahead.
"I think I did a pretty good job with Charlie this week. I mean, it took some time but he came around. I think I'd like to help more kids like him. Who could know better than me, right?" Hunter spoke quietly.
"That's a good idea." Cam offered, unsure what he was supposed to say. "You don't want to take on too much, though."
Hunter rolled his eyes as he glanced over at him. "I'm not talking about now. I'm talking about later." He clarified. "I'm talking about having kids, when I'm ready."
Cam paused. He could just not say anything to that. Hunter probably wouldn't call him on it. But then, that simple statement provoked certain questions Cam thought should be voiced. He just wasn't quite sure how, and they were probably the kind that should be times right.
"Do you want kids?" Hunter asked him before Cam could think of something to say.
Cam shrugged, uncomfortable. "I've never really thought about it."
Hunter looked over at him skeptically. "You're 24, and you haven't thought about having a family some day?"
"No, actually." Cam paused, and then retracted. "Well, I guess I've thought about it… but I never came to a definite decision." Cam admitted. "You want kids?"
"As many as I can get." Hunter said happily.
Cam thought about that. Hunter was clearly gay, and yet he harbored no residual side effects of that sexuality. He wanted to get married, wanted kids… he wanted a white picket fence life. It had never occurred to Cam that maybe he could be gay and still have all that. Maybe with Hunter it was a possibility.
But kids? That was moving a little too fast. He knew he should change the subject, but he wasn't sure where to go from there.
"Hey, don't freak out over there. I'm just saying, it's something I plan on." Hunter nudged his arm, and Cam frowned.
"I'm not freaking out." He objected. He was, but Hunter shouldn't know that. If Hunter could read his emotions that easily he really was in trouble here.
"Are you sure?" Hunter teased.
"Of course I'm sure." Cam crossed his arms. Hunter sniggered beside him.
"Okay. If you say so." He bumped Cam's shoulder again, a subtle offer of comfort. Cam bumped his back.
They were totally alone. And yet, Hunter was keeping his distance. They'd reached the edge of the city, and Cam could streak back to ops anytime. Usually, Hunter would start closing in about now. But he just kept walking, and some voice in the back of his mind made him ask.
"How are you gonna go about having kids?" Cam asked uncertainly. Hunter looked over at him.
"Adoption." Hunter shrugged. "I feel like I owe the system something. There are lots of good kids out there."
Cam nodded. "Won't that be difficult?"
Hunter raised an eyebrow.
"To adopt as a gay man. I thought they frowned on that." Cam watched the road ahead of his very carefully.
"There are special agencies these days that aren't as homophobic as their predecessors. It's becoming more and more common place for gay couples to adopt." Hunter paused, and then he grinned somewhat ruefully. "I guess they figure with the rising numbers of orphans it's better to have a couple of homo's adopting them than no one at all."
Cam grimaced and didn't answer. Hunter had it all figured out, apparently. Kids? He wanted to ask. Seriously? Of course, Hunter would make a great dad. But did Cam want kids? He wasn't sure. And if he decided he didn't, what would that mean for him and Hunter? Would Hunter still want to date him if there wasn't a prospect for the future? Would he consider having kids with Hunter?
His brain was suddenly spinning out of control, and he shook his head to clear it. Where had this sudden worry about the future come from? And since when did he include Hunter in his plans for the future?
Thinking about it, maybe he should. Things with Hunter were good, and just because he wasn't sure if he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him yet, that was no reason not to plan the next few months with him. The kids talk could wait.
Hunter had asked him a simple question, one which he'd never answered. He looked over at Hunter, who was staring thoughtfully ahead. Cam had to wonder if his mind was going to same place Cam's had just been.
"You would make a good dad." Cam told him honestly.
Hunter looked over at him. "You think so?"
Cam nodded. "Yeah. A really good dad." Hunter smiled at him, and Cam found himself grinning back like a lovesick school girl. He changed the expression to one of chagrinned amusement and nudged Hunters shoulder again. "Of course, you'd always be the good guy. You know, the one the kids go to because they know you can't say no."
"Oh yeah? You think so?" Hunter laughed.
"I know so." Cam affirmed. "You'd give them the candy before dinner, let them stay up past bedtime, never be the one to punish them. Perfect dad in the kid's eyes."
Hunter grabbed Cam's hand and made him stop and turn to face him. He wrapped one arm around Cam's waste and kept the other tangled in Cam's hand. "Guess that means you'll have to keep me in line, then." Hunter whispered.
Cam searched his eyes, and found them to be completely serious. Cam gulped.
The corners of Hunter's mouth twitched. "Hypothetically, of course."
Cam couldn't resist rolling his eyes. "I specifically remember an agreement not to talk in hypotheticals."
Hunter smirked. "Yeah, but literal's freak you out."
Hunter kissed him before he could respond, which was probably best for both of them. It was a comforting thought that Hunter was planning his future with Cam in it, and maybe just a little bit unnerving. Cam decided not to think about that part. Kissing Hunter, wrapped in his arms, it wasn't so hard to imagine a life with him. It wasn't something he was going to think too much about, and he wasn't going to get his mind set on it. But they were together today, and today could turn into tomorrow in the blink of an eye.
Kids with Hunter? Yeah, he could get used to that idea.