Author's Note
Hello yet again, fellow Phantom fans! I have returned at long last for the third installment of my Phantom series. Before I get started, I would like to thank everyone that's been reading thus far. Your support has meant a lot to me, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. I write to entertain, and it's been an honor for me to be able to bring you with me into the realm of fiction. We can all use a bit of escape from time to time, especially with this crazy world we're living in as of late.

For all intents and purposes, this volume will be a drama. There will be twists and turns (those that know me should not find this surprising). Without giving the entire plot away, know that there is a method to my madness. I may not end my series with elderly versions of my characters, but I will try to address a few questions that will help bring closure to future events (those that took place in the 2004 movie version of The Phantom of the Opera). Admittedly a fourth installment may be necessary to tie things up. I will have to wait and see how this one goes.

For those joining me for the first time, my stories are written dually in part for my love of the characters in the 2004 movie. Their portrayals have been a great inspiration for me, and thus their depictions have been the sole basis of my series. If you have not read my previous two volumes, I'd suggest at least giving them a quick browse or reading the last few chapters of each, just to get a general idea of where we are at in the storyline. I am a die-hard E/C (Erik and Christine) supporter and I do my best to keep the characters true, but due to their growth and progression throughout the series, I have at times used my own view of what they may be like, or how they might react. I don't feel that the characters go too far out of the box, as it were, I just hope that you, the reader, can enjoy my tale as I wish it to be told via my mind's eye.

My series does not bash on Raoul de Chagny (as played by Patrick Wilson in the film), so for those that have come to read one, you'll be sorely disappointed. Raoul has been a great supporting character in my series and I'm pretty proud of how he's turned out. Hopefully you can enjoy reading him as much as I've enjoyed writing him.

Occasionally there are nods to Leroux and Kay, but mostly in names and places alone.

I enjoy hearing from my readers and I personally respond to reviews as well as private messages, so feel free to write me. But please refrain from unnecessary flames.

–Gwen a.k.a. Phanatic4Phantom

I do not own the Phantom of the Opera characters, but I do have some original characters that do belong to me. My heartfelt thanks go to Gaston Leroux, Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Susan Kay, for giving the world The Phantom of the Opera. And a huge thanks to Joel Schumacher for putting the Phantom I most adore on the big screen. Everyone has their favorites, and mine is Gerard Butler. He is my Phantom.

Story Rating
Rated M for violence, harsh language, and possible adult situations.

(AUGUST 2010 NOTICE: Volume 3 Temporarily Removed. Please see my profile for news updates. Thank you!)