Summer Lovin': The Final


Kiri-Kiri-Chan: I hate to say it but I am actually quite glad this is over.

Rayzo: Why do you say that?

Kiri-Kiri-Chan: Well now I have more time to concentrate on my other stories.

Man I took on way too much. But still, I'm kind of sad that this is the last

Chapter and there will be NO sequel, sorry kids.

Victim: Another lie that you have told, Kiri-Kiri-Sama

Kiri-Kiri-Sama: Well, I'm sorry. But there won't be a sequel.

Chains: Anyway, we want to thank all those who reviewed, added the story to

Their favourites, and added it to their alerts.

Chaos: Well love you all!

Kiri-Kiri-Chan & Chains & Chaos & Rayzo & Victim: Sayonara


Summary: It was good to know someone as stupid as you.


"N-Naruto-" Sasuke bit into his lip. His head was resting on the pillow and his fingers tangled in the sheets. He tried hard not to scream out loud. Just because he was on bottom didn't mean he would act like a uke, so he tried keeping all the moans and the 'it hurts' locked up inside of him. But Sasuke was finding it increasingly hard to keep it all in.

"Sorry Sasuke-" The blond panted as he slowly slid himself into Sasuke, "This is my first time; I really don't want to hurt you, but you really are t-!"

"Shut up!" Sasuke moaned at the blond, not wanting to hear just how tight he may or may not be. Sasuke's lip started to drip blood as he felt the blonds' hand stroke his erection and his soft lips touch his neck. The pleasure of it was driving him overboard but the pain of the blond sliding himself into Sasuke's ass was taking him away from the immense pleasure the Naruto was causing. He wasn't even fully in yet!

"Sasuke-" Sasuke onyx eyes looked up at Naruto's deep blue eyes, "scream for me." Sasuke couldn't deny the simple request. Sure all the things Naruto was doing made him want to scream out loud, but when the blond asked him to stop holding it all in, he just let it all go, moans, groans and all. As the blond slid fully into Sasuke, he let out a painful gasp of air and closed his eyes tightly, hoping maybe that would make the pain go away, sadly it didn't.

"I-i-m sorry, Sasuke." Naruto mumbled as he licked away at Sasuke's neck and kept his fingers around his dick, trying to get rid of the pain for Sasuke. It wasn't working as well as he was hoping. He waited until he thought Sasuke was ready for the blond to start moving again, not wanting to hurt his lover more than he already was. When he finally felt Sasuke relax he slowly pulled away and slid back down again.


Sasuke's point of view!


Oh god, this is, this is so good! But it hurts at the same time so I'm a little confused. Maybe Naruto has done this before, but I cant, "Ahh! Oh god- ahh! Naruto!" I can understand why the ukes are always blushing so bloody much. It is so embarrassing to whine and moan like this, but , it is so good, so right now

I don't give a damn!

"Mm Sasuke!" Well Naruto seems to be enjoying himself too.


Normal point of view


Naruto's speed started to pick up, and he started too slide in harder. Sasuke would have asked the blond to slow down, but after a few moments of pain, it started to subside and only his pleasure was left. He wanted more. He wanted

Naruto to go harder and faster, but he could tell Naruto was still a bit hesitant. If Naruto didn't start slamming himself into Sasuke soon, the Uchiha knew he would make a complete fool of himself, but, as Naruto hit something deep inside Sasuke, all reason and pride in Sasuke was thrown out the window.

"Fuck Naruto, go faster!" he screamed at the blond who instantly obeyed. His hand

tightened around Sasuke's cock, and he pumped harder.

It all happened in seconds.

It felt like Sasuke would explode, he felt like a huge weight was desperately trying to escape from him.

He closed his eyes. The moans were becoming louder, more lustful. He felt Naruto going harder, much harder. He felt the blond jerk him off faster. He felt the blonds' hand entwine with Sasuke's, and the bites on his neck become slightly harsher, not that the Uchiha was complaining.

Then it hit him very, very hard.

"I'm gunna cum!" He screamed out, most of his words muffled by the pillow he dug his head in. It all came out in that second, Sasuke had never felt anything like it. He had had sex before, but compared to the orgasms he had before, they were nothing. They barely left even half of the burning hot feeling that was consuming his body completely right now.

But as soon as it came, it left, leaving Sasuke to bask in the after-glow. A few more thrusts from Naruto, and he felt his own orgasm flood his body, engulfing him in sheer pleasure.

Heavy breathing and flesh meeting flesh were the only things left in the room as

Naruto still thrust in and out of Sasuke very slowly and tiredly. Then he slid out of him, and rolled on the other side of the bed, looking up at the ceiling, his face red and flushed.

Sasuke laid down on the bed, his eyes still wide and his mouth still partly open and panting. Naruto looked deep into Sasuke eyes and smiled deeply. "Thanks."


Back to Sasuke's mind


Thank you! That was. . . Amazing! How could that be Naruto's first time?!

Naruto sits up, and pulls at my arm to do the same, so I slowly sit up. My ass hurts like a bitch, but I don't regret it at all.

"Thank you." Naruto mumbles to me again and leans in for a deep kiss. His tongue touching mine, my hand goes to the back of his head as I try to deepen the kiss.

Naruto lifts himself into my lap and wraps his arms around my waist. I like this kiss, maybe even more than the kiss we shared that was filled with raw lust because this kiss is filled with love. I really love him. Fuck, I love him so much! He pulls away from me, a thin silver line of saliva connecting us before it slowly cascades away. "I love you, Sasuke," he whispers in my ear, and he tucks his head under my chin as I hold him tightly in my arms.

"I love you too, Naruto." I whisper back to him.



You know, I feel like dirt. I feel like I should be punished, and in a way I guess I should. Looking into Naruto's sad eyes you would feel the same way. I forgot to mention to him that I was leaving today, but in all honesty, I completely forgot. So now, I'm by my car, my bags in the back and ready to leave while Naruto tries to look away from me and give me a happy smile, but it's completely fake. There are tears running down his face so it's a dead give away.

"I-I-I-I'll miss y-y-y-you S-S-S-Sasuke!" He cries out, trying to wipe the tears away. I'm gunna miss my idiot. I feel like someone just ripped my heart out and threw it at an old, hungry homeless man.

"I'll miss you too, Naruto." He moves into my arms and I hold him tight. I asked my parents if I could stay here, but they wouldn't allow it. So here I am, holding a crying Naruto while my brother looks at his pink nails, and my father cries that both his sons are gay and he will never get a grandchild while my mother pops another pill and puts her head phones on, listening to Britney Spears. I want to stay with Naruto!

"Get in the car, Sasuke!" My father shouts at me. I wish it would start to rain; it usually does in the movies, but, this isn't fiction (Kiri-Kiri-Chan: Of course not), it's real life, and the clouds won't suddenly cover the bright blue sky and start to pour like god firing bullets down on us.

"Sasuke!" He chokes out; begging me to stay and I honestly wish I could. I am so sorry Naruto. "I love you."

"I love you too, Naruto," and I kiss his lips, not in a hard or passionate kiss, but a soft one filled with love.

"Sayonara, Sasuke." My blond-haired, blue-eyed, ramen loving, uke-looking Naruto whispers into my ear.

"Sayonara," I didn't think this would be so hard, but it hurts, it hurts so fucking much, and I just want to hold him and never let go, "Naruto." I open the door to our car and slip in. I keep looking at Naruto as we leave, as the car drives away and even when Naruto goes out of sight, I still look out the window. I didn't know it would hurt this much.


Kiri-Kiri-Chan: Yep, so that's the end, no more Summer Lovin'. Sniggers But I lie once again!!



The first day of school always sucks: First, I must fight my way threw my fangirls. They are some crazy girls, and they cam sometimes get violent.

Shikamaru, my best friend, once actually got his lazy ass up to try and help me, but he got a broken arm. So yeah, I'm on my own now. fuck-in-hell!! Who just ripped my t-shirt! That's it, now I'm angry!

I push my way to threw the crowd and get ready to blow my lungs out to every fangirl to leave me the hell alone!

"Wow, he sure does have a lot of fangirls!" Yes, I know, and they stalk me to-

Wait! I know that voice!! I turn round, slowly, like in slow motion and see him-

Rock Lee . . . ?

Oh wait, Naruto is next to him, whoa, thank god!

"Naruto?" I'm not imagining things am i? Naruto is there? Right?!

"I missed you SO MUCH SASUKE!" He runs towards me and tackles me to the ground.

"Did you miss me?" Naruto tilts his head to the side. Aw, hes so cute! I don't say anything; I just grab his chin and pull him down onto my waiting lips! My fangirls are either crying or having Nosebleeds, but hey, I don't care. I got some nice piece of ass right here to keep me occupied.

"So, is that your summer love Sasuke?" Shikamaru asks from behind me. How he got there, I do not know. I look up at him from where I am on the floor and smirk.

Naruto looks up at Shikamaru and shouts:

"It's way more than just Summer Lovin'!"


Kiri-Kiri-Chan: Finished! Thank you for all your love and reviews! I hope you enjoyed my story and I hope you go read my others!! Big smile

Rayzo: It has been a pleasure

Chains: Later

Victim: I haven't been here long, but thank you.

Chaos: I ain't no hollaback girl, I ain't no hollaback girl!

Kiri-Kiri-Chan: PEACE!!