-1 Make Love Not War

Chapter 8

Author's Notes: Well, another chapter. Sorry for the long update, writher's block was really being a bitch for me.

Disclaimer: See Chapters 1-5 for the disclaimer.

Andrew opened up the flap of the tent that housed his squad. He and Ash walked in. Right away, they both saw some rowdy misbehavior. There were soldiers wrestling, screaming random obscenities at each other, and objects being thrown through the air. "Is it always like this?" Ash asked, embarrassed at the way the soldiers were acting. "Usually. Actually, this is considered to be my soldiers on their best behavior." Andrew replied.

Andrew walked further into the tent. "SOLDIERS, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SIT DOWN!" he yelled. Everything quieted down and there were some calls of "Sir, yes sir!" and every soldier rushed to take a seat. Andrew sighed and massaged his forehead. "Okay, what the hell happened?" he asked. "Sir!" one of the soldiers called. "Mosharrif here broke into my private cooler and drank the last Coca-Cola, sir!" he answered. "GOD DAMN IT, WHALON! DO YOU HAVE TO BREAK EVERY MOTHER FUCKING RULE THAT I LAY DOWN FOR THIS TENT! I TOLD YOU BEFORE, NO PRIVATE COOLERS ALLOWED! IF YOU WANT COCA-COLA, YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE NEXT SHIPMENT TO ARRIVE! NOW GO OUT AND GET RID OF THAT COOLER, NOW!" Andrew yelled. "Yes, sir! Sorry sir!" Whalon said, and he went out to dispose of the cooler as he was ordered. Ash was standing behind Andrew, trying very hard not to burst out laughing.

"And as for you, Mosharrif, stay the fuck out of other people's things! If this problem persists, I will have to send you to see the General with a behavior complaint, so knock that shit off!" Andrew barked. "Yes, sir!" Mosharrif said. "God, I feel like I'm leading an army of mental patients instead of soldiers." Andrew said to Ash. "AND WHEN WHALON GETS BACK, FORM UP EVERYONE! WE HAVE A NEW RECRUIT WITH US!" Andrew yelled to his soldiers.

When Whalon came back, everyone formed up into a big circle in the middle of the tent. "All right men, this is our new recruit, Private First Class Ash Ketchum of the Kanto Army. You may recognize him as the newest Pokemon Master, and a soon to be father." Andrew said. "Wait, how did you find that out?" Ash asked. "I read the National Enquirer magazine article about you. By the way, the way that you proposed to May, very excellent. Acting out a scene from Top Gun, which happens to be one of my favorite movies. That was classic." Andrew said. "Well, that was Brock's idea, I've never seen Top Gun." Ash replied.

Andrew looked shocked. "YOU'VE NEVER SEEN TOP GUN! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! You need to take a movie night with me. It'll be one of the movies on the playlist. Trust me, you will not be disappointed." Andrew said. "Sounds good." Ash said. "But what are we doing, standing around here, talking about movies, when we should be talking about the mission. Let me introduce you to the rest of the squad."

All three of the men in the squad lined up. "All right, Ash, first off, this is Private Logan Whalon, our SAW gunner. Next is Private Mosharrif Massourant, our support gunner. And that guy over there is Corporal Joshua Hilton, and no, he has no relation to Paris Hilton. Hilton is our medic. Need any help with wounds or injuries, he'll help patch you up. He also knows how to use a gun, so he can defend himself pretty easily. And of course, you know me, and I'm the team leader." Andrew said. "Now, what position were you in your squad?" Andrew asked. "I was a Support Gunner myself." Ash replied. "Well, since we've already got ourselves a Support Gunner, how are you with a sniper rifle? We could use a sniper." Andrew asked. "Yeah, I could be sniper, I already had some training with a Drugonov Sniper Rifle." Ash replied. "Well, we don't have a Drugonov, so how does a PSG-1 sound?" Andrew asked. "I'll take it." Ash replied.

"Okay, now that that is all over with, we need to go over the plan for our next mission. Y'see, we need to go back to that hideout that your squad failed to take tomorrow. Even though the SCUD missiles were taken out, we still need to try to find out where the fuck Osama bin Laden is. Chances are that the terrorists are trying to regroup from your attack last night. We'll have four squads go in instead of two. Ash, as well as the PSG-1, we'll also give you one of our M-16s. The M-16s that your military uses are just pieces of shit, no offence. You'll also have your Desert Eagle .50 cal AE. We need to capture as many terrorists as we can, as well as capturing their weapons cache. If we capture this cache, we can cut down the number of weapons that Al-Qaeda uses, so we'll have an easier time in the area. We also have captured RPG-7s, so we'll be using those. We also have Apache helicopter support, as well as mortar and armor support. Ash, you'll also me our Radio Op, you understand?" Andrew asked. "Yes, sir, Sergeant." Ash replied. "All right then men, let's all get some rest, we'll need to be up at 4:00 AM tomorrow to start the mission."

Ash had trouble falling asleep that night, thinking about tomorrow's mission, while also thinking about back home with May, Pikachu, and his mother. He thought about his own father, who served in the NATO forces during one of the several civil wars in Beirut. His own father was killed during that war, a month after he had started his Pokemon journey. Ash closed his eyes. "Dad," he thought. "I promise you that I will do what you didn't do during Beirut. I'll survive. I'll be there for my wife and child after he or she is born. Hell, I'll promise to be alive for my child's birth. I just hope that you are watching me from heaven, with God and Jesus looking down on me and our family. I will fulfill my promise to you, just like when I fulfilled my promise to become a Pokemon Master. I'll also visit your grave, with May, Pikachu, and my child. I'll point to your grave and say "There is a man who sacrificed himself selflessly for his country, earning himself a Medal of Honor for his accomplishment. This I promise you, Dad. I hope that you can be proud of me after all this." After he was done thinking, Ash drifted off to sleep, dreaming about back home, hoping that he would go home in a plane, and not in a casket.

Author's Note: Well, Chapter 8 is over with. Again, I apologize for the long wait. Well, read and review! Points go out to those who can guess what SAW, SCUD, and RPG mean.