"Jodie! Jodie, are you okay?"
Jodie opened her eyes to Gabriel Gray kneeling over her.
"You're alive!" she exclaimed and sat up to hug him. He kissed her on the forehead and hugged her back.
"I was…dead…wasn't I?" he asked.
Jodie looked at him and hesitantly shook her head. He looked into space, shocked at what she had told him. Sudden coughing off to the side startled them and they both looked to where it was coming from.
"Peter Petrelli?" Gabriel asked amazed. Jodie crawled over to Peter and helped him sit up as he coughed.
"You okay?" Peter asked Jodie.
"Yeah, you?"
"Fine," Peter said as Jodie thought of something and looked back at Gabriel who had stood up.
"How do you know Peter?" she asked, confused.
He's not supposed to remember Peter, she thought.
Not sure what to say, Gabriel looked at Jodie then Peter, then back at Jodie. "…Isn't he…the president's brother?"
"You remember the president?" Jodie asked.
"…We watched the news last night, remember?" Gabriel said.
Peter stood up a little cautiously. "Jodie, he remembers everything," he said as he grabbed Jodie's arm and helped her up.
"What?" Jodie asked, still confused.
"The Haitian's powers didn't work," Peter said.
"How would you know?" Gabriel asked.
"I can read your mind," Peter said.
"I see you've met Matt Parkman," Gabriel said.
"You've met Parkman?" Peter asked.
"Researched him," Gabriel explained. "Met him yesterday. I shot him with his own bullets the day you blew up five years ago, didn't I?"
"Gabriel," Jodie said, shocked. "Why did you pretend the Haitian's powers worked on you?"
Gabriel looked at Jodie. "I - I want to forget the past," he said. "I actually kind of wanted the Haitian's powers to work. I want to start over. I want to forget…Sylar."
Peter concentrated on him. "He's telling the truth," he said.
Gabriel looked at Peter. "You have an amazing power, Pete," he said. "I'm sorry I tried to…kill you for it. I'll understand if you never forgive me." He then looked at Jodie. "And I could never explain how sorry I am for all the pain I've caused you. I never meant to hurt you in anyway."
Jodie looked at Peter then back at Gabriel who had looked from Jodie to the floor. "I'm sorry for all the people I've killed," Gabriel continued. "And all the people I've tried to kill, and all the families who were hurt by what I did." He looked back up at Jodie as a small tear ran down his cheek. Jodie wanted to cry too but she managed to hold back her tears. She walked over to Gabriel and kissed him on the lips, then held him in her arms. He wrapped his arms around her and they stood there for a few minutes, embracing each other.
Peter stood where he was and waited patiently for them to separate. When they did, he smiled at both of them. Jodie hugged Peter as he said, "I should probably get going back to New York."
"What?" Jodie asked as they pulled away. "You just got here. Stay for a few more days."
"I have family business to help out with," he said, smiling. "Maybe you'd consider moving back to Manhattan with him." Peter nodded toward Gabriel.
"Won't everybody still want to kill me?" Gabriel asked.
"Well," Peter said, "where have you been hiding for the past five years?"
"Everywhere," Gabriel said. "I'm tired of hiding."
"Maybe we should all meet," Jodie said. "Us three, Nathan, Mr. Bennet, Claire, Matt, Mohinder, the Haitian, Molly, and the rest of us. Just our friends from five years ago." Jodie looked at Peter. "You and Matt will be able to tell everybody that Gabriel has put everything in the past and will no longer be…killing anybody."
"Something tells me that won't work," Gabriel said, "But…I'm willing to give it a try."
"Then come with me back to New York," Peter said. "The Haitian will be coming and I'll see if Parkman can make it at the last minute. You can bring Cody if you want."
The three of them smiled at each other because they knew that from then on, life would be different.
This is probably the end. Sorry if it sucked, I'm not too good at endings. You might see a thrid addition to the story about even more into the future, but I'm not sure where I'll be going with it so don't count on another addition. Let me know what you thought of the whole thing. Thanks to all my readers (it means a lot to me) for taking the time to read this and review this (scifigirl77). Thanks again!