A/N: I do not Own Teen Titans or the song I Want a Mom. I do however own this idea it camae to me and I had to write it. Bold italic are the lyrics to the song I Want A Mom and they will be posted through out this FanFic.

Chapter 1: I want a mom that will last forever

I want a mom that will last forever

"Ok class next month is Christmas and I want you to draw pictures of what you want for Christmas." Kori Anders said to her second garde class. She watched her calss adn they got out thier crayons or markers and started drawing on the paper she had given them. Kori loved teaching, snd she loved kids. This job was perfect for her. Five minutes passed and most of the class was done drawing. She decided it was time to see waht everyone had decided to draw.

"Ok is anyone ready to show their pictures?" Kori asked. Several hands shot into the sir. Kori looked around the room and selected a girl with pink hair, and dark blue eyes. "Karly come on up." Kori said. The small girl walked up to the front ofthe room and held up her picture.

"Would you care to explian it to us?" Kori asked.

"Yes this is a picture of a i pod, and a dog. I really want a puppy for christmas, but its more likely I'll get the ipod" Karly said smiling.

"Ok who's next." Kori asked. More hands went up. Kori then chose one of her best students Marie Garyson. Marie had black hair and dark green eyes. She was one of the birghtest students Kori had ever met. This little girl had wormed her way into Kori's heart and she could not help but favor the girl, even though she knew she shouldn't play favorites. Marie walked up to the front of the class and held up her picture.

"This is a picture of a mom that's what I want." Marie said looking at her picture as she said it.

"Why don't you have a mom?" A kid in the back of the class asked.

"I don't know." Marie said, "My dad says she left," she said looking down at the floor. Kori felt bad for the girl. She didn't know much about Marie's life outside of school. She had read the girl's school file. She knew Marie was being raised by her father, and that was it. She knew nothing of the girls's mother and neither did Marie obviously.

"My Mommy told me she dosen't have a mommy because she was a whore." A kid from the back of the class pipped up. Kori was floored. She looked up to see a boy standing in the back of the room. He had blonde hair and light blue eyes. She could not believe he had just said that.

"Jesse Moth." Kori said.

"Yes." Jesse said looking up at Kori.

"Come with me," Kori took Jesse to the pricipal's office, leaving her aid in charge with instruction to continue sharing the darwing with the class. Kori knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Come in." Came a female's voice. Kori slowly opened the door and walked into the room. She saw an older woman sitting behind a desk. She had dark midnight black hair and sapphire eyes.

"Ms. Roth, Jesse here used some inapporite language in my class." Kori said placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. Jesse crossed his arms over his chest and looked away from the two women.

"What did he say?" Ms. Roth asked curiously.

"He said Marie Grayson didn't have a mom beacuse she was a whore." Kori said.

"I'll call his mother and we'll have a little chat." Ms. Roth said. Kori nodded and left the office, and went back to her class. She thought about what Jesse had said. She had tried so hard to get him to leave Marie alone but he wouldn't. He and Marie just could not get along. For as long as she had known the two, which was only a few months at this piont, they had always been fighting.

I want a mom to make it all better

After school the kids were getting ready to leave. Kori stopped Marie, she wanted to talk to Marie and make sure she was ok especially after what Jesse had said. She also wanted to give Marie a not to give to her father. She wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery of Marie's mom, if he was willing to tell her.

"What is it Miss Anders?" Marie asked curiously.

"I was wondering if what Jesse said bothered you," Kori asked as she knelt down so she was level with Marie.

"No I'm fine," Marie said smiling.

"You sure?" Kori asked.

"Yes." Marie said.

"Ok could you give this to your father for me?" Kori said handing Marie an envlope. SHe wanted to talk to Marie's father and get somethings straight. She wanted to know more about Marie.

"Yes." Marie said.

"Ok see you tomorrow." Kori said. Marie nodded and walked outside where she saw her dad waiting for her. SHe smiled and ran over to the car and quickly got in.

"Hey dad." Marie said excitedly.

"He Mar Mar." Richard said smiling down at her.

"Oh my teacher Miss Anders wanted me to give this ro you." Marie said giving the note to Richard. Richard took it and opened it and read it. It said, 'Dear Mr. Grayson, today in class a kid made a bad comment about your family I would like to meet in preson tomorrow after school and discuss somethings if that's alright with you, Kori Anders.'

Richard looked a Marie, she was smiling and playing with her backpack totally oblivious of her surroundings.

"What?" Marie asked looking up at him confused.

"Nothing." Richard said, "wanna go get some Ice Cream before going home?" he asked. Marie nodded. Richard smiled and started the car.