A/N In response to a challenge of sorts from a friend at Loralee's Yahoo group.
request: I'd like to read an HP/SS or
HP/other in which Dumbledore forces a
marriage or bonding
contract with someone Harry hates "for his own
You can see why I suggested Snape, he's one of the few people
Harry does hate. The thing that would make it different is that
after AD casts his "you will live together, grow to love
each other,
walk hand-in-hand through rainstorms, etc, ad fluffy
blessing, Stockholm Syndrome doesn't set in. The
general feeling
is that propinquity or simple desperation will
force Harry to fall
passionately in TWU LUUUV with the other
person. Do something
different - have it blow up in Dumbledore's
I'd like a happy ending, but NOT with the non-consensual
"mate." If
the other person is abusive, I'd like a
certain amount of revenge,
and hopefully lots of payback for
everyone who forced Harry into
this travesty. Have his friends
(especially Ron) stand up for him
and help as much as they can.
PS - Kill Voldie, too.
Wedding Hells.
Trunks were packed, owls caged, friends said goodbye to. Hogwarts was emptying for the summer. Breakfast was eaten in the Great Hall for the last time that year. Harry poked at his food morosely.
"Cheer up, mate," Ron tried to break his foul mood, "maybe we'll get to spring you from the Dursleys early this year."
"I don't see why I have to go to them in the first place, but it's all for my own good. Humph. Amazing how 'my own good' always happens to coincide with the Wizarding World's best interests."
"You are just being petty, Harry," Hermione admonished, "really, you must be more grateful that the Wizarding World allowed us into its folds…"
She was cut short by the Headmaster approaching them.
"Ah, Harry. I was looking for you," the ancient Mugwump twinkled merrily, "I wish to speak to you."
"If it's about the wreck in your office…"
"No, no," Dumbledore smiled benignly.
"Well, I'm going back to the Dursleys. That's what you wanted, isn't it?"
"You will not be going to your aunt and uncle, Harry," Dumbledore said, startling the Ministry Six who were having breakfast together, "but this is best discussed in my office."
All teens followed him, and Dumbledore decided not to comment. Once inside the office, he sat behind his desk.
Fawkes was missing, Harry noticed.
"Headmaster? Is Fawkes alright?"
"Oh, yes, of course," Dumbledore waved his concern away, "Now, why I brought you here. With the Ministry acknowledging Voldemort's return, the time has come to tighten the relationship between Ministry and Hogwarts."
"Yeah, Dad said something like that ages ago," Ron and Ginny nodded.
"Exactly. The way things are, with Harry needing special training, we have found a solution that provides both a cooperation between our two institutions as well as provide Harry with everything he needs."
"What, Headmaster?" Harry lost patience, "Am I to train with the Aurors?"
"You will get a tutor, of course," Dumbledore nodded, "your wife will train you."
"My…my…" Harry stuttered.
"Yes. You will marry Dolores Umbridge. Or Dolores Potter, I should say."
Nearly choking in indignation, Harry could not find the words to express himself. The Headmaster pressed on.
"Of course, since you are a minor, your wife will become your guardian until your coming of age. Your aunt and uncle were most cooperative in signing over guardianship. The ceremony will take place tomorrow, here at Hogwarts, and then you and your new wife will move to a secure part of the Ministry building where you will get your own apartments. As our former Defense teacher, Dolores will prepare you for your inevitable battle against Tom."
Harry swallowed. "How…how do I say this, Headmaster? Oh yes, I know. NO BLOODY WAY IN HELL I AM MARRYING THAT HORRIBLE BITCH! You cannot marry me off like I am your…your SLAVE!"
"Dear boy, I realize this must be a shock but it's all for the best. And I do not tolerate you speaking of your wife like that." Dumbledore stared at the boy with kind, but steely eyes.
"You WILL marry her tomorrow."
Harry turned to his friends.
Ginny looked repulsed, but she and Hermione were resigned. "If it's for the best, Harry – the Wizarding World needs you."
Ron and Neville were outraged, but dared not question the Headmaster. Luna stared off into the distance.
"I will not marry her," Harry insisted.
"You will see reason, my boy," Dumbledore said wearily before he called a House Elf.
"Take Mr Potter to the room I set up for him," he instructed the creature. Within seconds, Harry found himself in a bedroom apparently on the empty third floor of the castle, if he judged the distance to the ground correctly from his barred window.
Yelling and screaming did not help. The room was Silenced, locked and warded. He was a prisoner once again.
The teens had found themselves shoo'ed out of Dumbledore's office after the elf had taken Harry. Stunned, they complied, except for Luna.
When her usually unfocused eyes bore into his own, Dumbledore felt a chill run up his spine.
"This is a huge mistake, Headmaster," the girl said matter-of-factly, "one that you will come to regret, I am sure. You would do well to reconsider before the consequences of what you did today catch up with you."
The Headmaster sat up straight. "Miss Lovegood, you are too young to see the big picture. Believe me, I have only Harry's best interest in mind."
"No, you don't," the girl turned, "That is like a Snorkack telling a Blibbering Humdinger that the Humdinger should let him decide its future."
The old man couldn't help himself. "Humdinger?"
Luna didn't even turn around. "Humdingers are the Snorkack's favourite food."
Harry had not thrown another tantrum. This was too big for that.
When Dumbledore entered his prison a few hours later accompanied by several Order members, he stared coldly at the old man.
"You will marry tomorrow, Harry," Dumbledore said.
"Even in the Wizarding World I have to give my consent. When I refuse to say 'I do', I will not get married."
"There are ways," the Headmaster said absentmindedly.
"I can shake off Voldemort's Imperius Curse," Harry sneered, "I'm sure I can manage yours."
Moody grabbed him by the collar of his robes. "APOLOGISE! Suggesting Albus would ever use an Unforgivable!"
Harry didn't even try to free himself. "What he is doing is already unforgivable. Why not add the spell to it?"
"If you will not be reasoned with, we have little choice."
Suddenly Harry found himself bound and on the bed.
"Severus, give him the potion and make sure nothing goes wrong. Dose him again in the morning if you deem necessary."
"Headmaster, as much as I hate it, the boy has a point. What good will marrying him off against his will do?" the Potions Master inquired.
Dumbledore sighed. "Severus, just dose him. I am certain you will not try anything…foolish, in your misguided beliefs. After all, there are several people who would still attempt to…how shall we put it? Hold you responsible for your previous choices?"
"Yes, Headmaster," Snape inclined his head.
"Good. Alastor, we need to go over the ceremony. I want Order members at key points…"
When they left, Snape approached Harry with a syringe.
"I am sorry, Potter," he said curtly, "If things become unbearable for you after your wedding, I own a small house in a Muggle town. You would be able to hide there for a short period of time. I am not sure what good it would do, but it is all I can offer."
Harry swore as the potion entered his bloodstream, but he felt no real anger towards the Potions Master. He had understood all too clearly what Dumbledore had threatened the man with.
Things became hazy, then. He felt the potion pounding away on his will, seeking to break it beyond repair. This was foul stuff indeed. Through his confused mind, he understood what it was to do – make him submit. Not just for the wedding, but for a very long time, perhaps for good. It pounded on his mind like the Potions Masters Legilimency attacks had done and he smiled a bit. He had learned to bear that. He could bear it. How Dumbledore expected a nearly mindless, submissive creature to defeat Voldemort was a mystery to him, however.
With that thought, he sunk into oblivion.
The Quibbler.
Yesterday, in a ceremony conducted in Hogwarts' Great Hall, Harry James Potter married Dolores Jane Umbridge. The Hall was packed with Order members, Ministry personnel and various interested parties.
The bride wore a deep pink dress, with a bouquet of pink roses. Her pink shoes and pink gloves matched the outfit perfectly.
While the bride made a very content impression, the groom looked like he was drugged. Interviews with insiders at Hogwarts suggest that this may well be the case.
"Harry was forced into this marriage by the Headmaster. He hates Umbridge, who tortured him with a bloodquill last year. He still has the scar," an anonymous source tells us.
Indeed, the Boy Who Lived is not even of age yet. Guardianship has been transferred to his now wife, who with that controls every single aspect of his life. Harry Potter has also been withdrawn from Hogwarts, apparently also against his wishes, to continue his training in private under the watchful eye of his wife.
One must wonder what the Headmaster is up to with these actions. The Wizarding World depends on the Boy Who Lived in the fight against You Know Who. Is alienating said boy in this way a wise move? And if Harry Potter is truly kept drugged into submission, is he still capable of fighting He Who Must Not Be Named?
We at the Quibbler wonder…