Hey guys, so, a new story. Hope you like it. There's another note at the bottom for all those who read my other fic, 'Waiter Dude'. Please review!!! Xx

Gabriella moaned as her alarm clock sounded. She angrily slammed the buzzer down and it stopped. She smiled and rolled back over to sleep, completely forgetting she had school.

A knock came at the hotel door and she huffed and stormed over.

'Yes?' she said angrily, her face softening when she saw it was her manager.

'I thought you might have forgotten, you have to be at school in an hour, get cracking, Jerry's taking you' Lucas Franks said.

'Crap! I forgot, oh I'll never be ready, tell me, what's this school like, do they dress fashionably or would I look out of place if I did?' she asked him.

'Oh it's definitely a fashion conscious school, just as you requested, you can wear anything you like, just be snappy about it' Lucas replied, before shutting the door.

Gabriella walked over to her wardrobe and spent ten minutes deciding what to wear, seeing as her designers had put everything together in outfits, it wasn't hard.

She decided on a short, silk, leopard shirt dress that only just reached halfway down her thigh (picture in profile); knock them dead first day she thought.

She had a quick shower, got her hair dresser to style her hair in a loose, slightly curled side ponytail, resting on her left shoulder, and got her make-up artist to give her kohl outlined black eyes with gold eye shadow, bronzer and clear lip gloss.

She looked at her image in the mirror and smiled, she would definitely make an impression alright!

With Troy

Troy was casually leaning against the wall with Chad, waiting like everyone else for Gabriella Montez, the stunning model, to arrive. Everyone else was waiting down by the gates, but the 'elite' were waiting by the doors, holding court.

Word had got round that Troy wanted Gabriella and no-one complained, although there were many mothers wanting to kill him for their daughter's heartbreak…and the mascara stained pillows.

A huge sleek black car with tinted windows pulled up outside school. Troy grinned at Chad who winked. Bring it on.

Gabriella P.O.V

Ok, so why am I so nervous? I've walked down catwalks with Kate Moss for crying out loud! Why is this so nerve wracking? Ugh, I hate schools.

Ha! Those cheerleaders, I'm assuming they're cheerleaders by the way they're dressed, look a state! Why are their eyes so puffy? It looks like they've been crying.

Ok, Jerry's pulled up. Time to get out, although I wish it wasn't.

Right, icy act resumed. I only have a year of this then I can return to modelling. I don't need to make friends; I'll only leave them behind anyway.

Ok, I'm going, I'm getting out…in a second…ok…now? No, Jerry's opening the door… crap…I just want to go home...Shit…he's opening it…alright…sunglasses on…no smile, it's all good.

No-one's P.O.V

Gabriella stepped out of the car. Gracefully, one perfectly smooth, tanned leg followed by another, head down, then looking up, like in the movies. Gabriella Montez knew how to make an entrance.

A few people tried to walk up to her but her bodyguards just pushed them out of the way. People created a passage way for her to walk through. No-one said a word, just stared.

Gabriella could feel hundreds of eyes on her, but she kept her head straight and looked directly ahead. She didn't want the bodyguards, she thought it was ridiculous, it was a school, it's not as if someone would shoot her, the worst thing that could happen was a jealous girl would put bubble gum in her hair. Lucas insisted on it though, at least for the first week, he said.

As she walked up to the front steps, the bodyguards parted, one on each side, allowing her to walk up.

As she reached the top she saw four boys leaning casually against the wall. Lounging scruffily is the way she'd put it.

They looked like they'd spent hours perfecting their hair and making sure their colours didn't clash with each others. Gabriella liked guys who dressed fashionably but not totally vain. These guys were obviously too vain for their own good.

One of them, a guy with an afro, seemed to leer at her, Gabriella wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a smile or what, either way she wasn't impressed. The two on the other side were checking her out, it repulsed her. They weren't trying to hide it either.

The last one, with bright blue eyes, who was sort of good looking in her opinion, if not a bit golden boy-ish, just winked at her, she rolled her eyes and carried on. Acknowledging none of them.

Troy, Chad, Zeke and Jason were dumbfounded. Had she just blanked them?

'No worries guys, it'll change, soon' Troy said, before casually strolling in.


Ok, so I couldn't resist!! Lol, I'm going to be writing this one at the same time as Waiter Dude but Waiter Dude will be top of my proprieties so this one will be updated every other day or something. Hope you like it and review!!

Btw, do you think Gabriella and Sharpay would make a good team in this? As in icy bitches, Sharpay looking up to Gabriella cause she's famous or something? Help would be great!!! xxx