Vae Victis
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Leave me be to rid my overcrowded mind with these meager musings. I do own one character. Guess who?
Having placed the small doll by the sword Shang had planted in the snow and silently paid her respects to the general, Ping stood to follow the rest of the troops into the Tung Shao Pass. She took one last glance at the carnage the Hun army had caused and the miserable remnants of the once invincible Chinese Imperial Army.
Are we really the Emperor's last hope? she thought. The responsibility of protecting an entire kingdom was a heavy burden to bear, especially when all your comrades were as inexperienced in warfare as yourself. She doubted that even their valiant captain, for all his military prowess, had had much firsthand exposure to the horrors of war.
After considering their grim fate, she sighed and was about to turn around when her eye caught a flicker of movement from the field of corpses. She frowned and squinted into the distance. Indeed, there was a solitary shadow, moving steadily but silently from the battlefield towards them.
"Captain," she cried, "I think there's someone out there."
Shang immediately turned his horse around, surprised at Ping's warning. How could anyone have survived such slaughter? he thought, horrified. He rapidly regained control of the situation.
"Ready your weapons," he ordered quickly, "this may be a trap. We don't know whether this person is ally or foe. Keep alert."
Immediately, every soldier gripped his sword tightly and furrowed his brow in concentration. This was to be their first taste of battle, and they did not want to be caught unawares. All eyes were turned towards the moving figure, now coming into sight despite the smoke and snow.
Likewise, Ping readied her weapon but something told her that this was no enemy. The figure looked hauntingly familiar. The figure continued, staggering and slightly limping, silent and menacing.
In a few moments, the smoke cleared and the stranger's face was scene. Everyone was so attired in wonder at the scene that only Ping recovered quickly enough to utter the person's name.
"Captain Argos!"
The figure placed an empty gaze at the voice. Somehow, Captain Argos had survived the madness and the slaughter.
Argos paused for a moment, trying to take in the scene before collapsing on the spot. Ping had rushed forward and caught the poor creature.
Before anyone else could reach them, Ping whispered, "Diana, what has become of you?"
And then, Diana, no, Damon Argos, as she should be called to adhere to the senseless gender laws of China's military, moved her soulless, bloodshot pupils to the speaker, with a gaze so penetratingly empty that Ping was taken aback. To see someone so strong fall into a limp, helpless heap was exceedingly disconcerting and disheartening. If this military genius was defeated, what hope was left for them all?
Ping pushed these depressing thoughts away. Then she remembered. Two foreign military officers had been summoned to aid in the campaign against the Huns. These were the most feared warriors in their own lands, so much so that their reputations had crossed the Great Wall. The Emperor had requested their assistance and they had arrived at the Wu Zhong camp on the same day she clumsily walked in.
First, was Captain Damon Argos. Only Ping knew his true identity. Captain Argos was a young noblewoman from a country called Asturia, who was reputed to have an excellent military record and extensive experience in the battlefield. Having trained extensively with the Asturia's masters called the Knights Caeli, she was proficient in swordplay and military strategy. But she had to disguise herself as a man and change her name. This was not because she feared the penalty of death. She was not subject to China's gender laws, which she deemed ridiculous. But her country had convinced her to hide her true identity so as not to insult the Chinese people. Diplomacy was the order of the day and Asturia wanted as little conflict as possible with their ally although China understood little of women's worth. So she donned a man's apparel and masqueraded as a man, much to her amusement despite the fact that she detested politics.
The other person summoned by the emperor was a certain Commander Dilandau Albatou. His reputation was more impressive. Although the same age as Captain Argos, he had already achieved as much as more senior military officials. His viciousness in battle was renowned. He was a master with the sword, and with hand-to-hand combat as well. He was also a master in wielding weapons that involved fire. He had fought in many wars and formerly commanded an elite group of warriors. His unit had been decimated by a stronger enemy years before, but he survived. And it was not just his military prowess that gave him such a fearsome reputation. Dilandau Albatou showed no mercy or compassion for his opponents. He was a relentless fighter and was never hampered by emotion. He was cold, calculating and uncontrollable. His fury knew no bounds. And he was eternally defiant, even of his superiors. He lived to fight and to win, at all costs. The mere sight of him was enough to send chills up his enemies' spines. His presence never failed to strike fear in the hearts of even the bravest soldiers. His most haunting feature was the color of his eyes. They were blood red and they glowed with an almost maniacal pleasure when he was fighting. With his pale skin and silver hair, he seemed like an Angel of Death.
But where was he now?
Ping would not allow herself to believe that Commander Albatou had been defeated too. It was only then that she noticed the object Captain Argos clutched in her gloved hands. The soldier's eyes widened in utter disbelief. It was a golden diadem with a magenta crystal in its center.
Dilandau's diadem.
And all this time, Diana's empty gaze had never left Ping's distraught face. Finally, she whispered in a tone so low so that the others may not hear, "Mulan…"
…I have seen Hell."
AN: Well, that's the start. Sorry it's a bit short and confusing. I'm starting "in medias res" so the next few chapters will be in flashback form. I hope this first one seems interesting enough for you to read on. Kindly leave a review so as not to leave me completely in despair. Thank you.