Disclaimer: I don't own Scrubs, I don't own the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus song "Face Down" but ohhhhh God I wish I did.

Author's Note: Yes, I do plan on updating My Personal Problem at some point, but that point is not now. So enjoy what I'm giving you.

Warnings: Slash, abuse, all around not nice feelings.

Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now
As she falls to the ground?
-Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

My Face Down

The first time it happened he called it an accident.

Seriously, who could blame him? It was one of the big differences in being with a guy and being with a girl. If you get into a fight with a guy you hit him, natural instinct really.

Yet it still seemed to catch the younger guy off guard.

Perry couldn't even remember what they had been fighting about at the time. It just sort of happened. Next thing he knew there was a very shaken JD in front of him holding his face where it had already turned red. The two would brush it off, saying this was an accident, a once in a lifetime thing, that it was just a slip up. Perry fought that week to attempt re-programming his mind, as JD put it.

The second time it happened it was a control rush.

It was sick really, this pleasure he got out of seeing him in pain. He remembered the fight this time, JD had gone out drinking with Turk and Elliot (or as Perry would later put it, his two lovers on the side.)

That was the first time JD had to use the cover-up, which he would be berated incessantly by Perry for days.

"Some man, can't even take a punch. Why don't you do what your battered woman's club says to and tell everyone you walked into a door. Save some dignity, Misty."

The third time JD had enough.

Well, eventually he would decide he had enough, after he regained consciousness. There was no real reason behind the hit, just hitting him to hit him. Dominance. He wasn't sure if it was the intensity behind the punch or when he hit the ground, but when he woke two hours later he was positive he had to get out of there.

Turk and Carla let him move in for a the rest of that week while he stayed away from work. He never told them what happened, but they knew.

And then he made the biggest mistake of his life.

He went back.