SUMMERY - Did you know that Phoenixes can take human form? My father did.

DISCLAIMER - I do not own Harry Potter or any affiliated trademarks. Nor do I get paid for my writings.

Chapter Four - Truth

Hermione stared incredulously at the golden girl in front of her. "What do you mean it doesn't hurt? Your entire hand is red. Are you all right?"

"What I mean, Hermione, is that I don't feel the scratches. I can't feel them. And no, I don't think I am 'all right'. It's bad enough to have the fact that you're cursed announced to the entire divination class, but to be reminded of it so forcibly by someone as despicable as that toad is just awful."

"But I thought Trelawny was just making that up like she always does. And you acted like she was wrong. No one knew that she'd been right for once. But what do you mean, you can't feel the scratches?" said Hermione

Phoenix sighed. "How is it possible for such a bright girl to be so stupid?" she said as she turned to look into Hermione's chocolate eyes. "I can't feel anything; not the pain, not your hand, nothing."

Phoenix looked almost as though she were going to cry, and the sight combined with her words floored Hermione. Phoenix was bright and happy and hot-tempered. Not this.

"How long?"

"Since I was born. My father's best friend decided that if dad was going to abandon him for a woman that he didn't deserve to be happy. They weren't lovers or anything," she added in response to Hermione's shocked look, "Dad's friend was just really possessive. They found out later that he had a mental disorder. But that didn't make him any less capable of casting a strong curse."

"I thought that those kind of curses were only found in muggle fairy tales," Hermione said softly, "I had no idea stuff like that actually happened to people."

"Most myths have a bit of truth to them; muggle fairy tales included," Phoenix said.

"Is there any way of breaking the curse?"

"Oh yes; how are most curses broken in muggle story books?" Phoenix allowed a hint of laughter into her tone.

"You mean you have to kiss your true love to break the curse?" Hermione was amused.

"Yes, but not just anyone can be my true love. That's the problem. Actually, that's the reason I came to Hogwarts. I've been to five schools in five years, hoping to find the right one.

"You see, father's friend was a well known seer. He knew quite well he couldn't create an unbreakable curse, and when he placed it his seer side took over and prophesied the way to end it. Would you like to hear the curse?"

Hermione nodded.

Phoenix did not speak, instead, she began to sing. The tune was haunting and sad, enhanced by a voice the likes of which Hermione had never heard from a human throat.

"Ashen child, golden bird

None shall ever break my word

'Til palest Dragon, icy cold

Your hand with love in his shall hold

Until that day, you shall not feel

Not touch of hand, nor bite of steel

Not fire's heat, nor deadly chill

'Til curse is broke by Dragon's will"

It took Hermione a moment to realize that silence had fallen. Phoenix was gazing into the middle distance, and she almost decided it would be best not to disturb her. But curiosity was gnawing at her.

"Do you know what it means by 'palest dragon?'"

"I didn't. No one we knew could figure it out. I think that I know now though."

Phoenix turned and her eyes locked with Hermione's.

"I think it's talking about Draco Malfoy."