So, back by popular demand is the little oneshot gone crazy. If you haven't read it yet, go read the beginning of the story "demonic." go on, shoo.

So you guys must really love this story, eh? You were practically threatening to kill me if left it at that. Well, the customer is always right. Here you go.


Hinata gripped the paper tightly. She wasn't quite sure how she felt about this, and for sure it made her uneasy. The paper was an entry from her diary. The entry about him. Scrawled across the bottom were three words.

I like this.

Walking home that day, she clutched the piece of paper torn from her diary by unknown means to her chest.

"Hello, Hinata." A voice suddenly shattered her cocoon she had spun to keep the world out. Jerking her head up, she saw that demon standing there, smirking slightly. "Tell me," he purred quietly, brushing aside her bangs and looking into her eyes. "Do you believe in demons and angels?"

Hinata blinked nervously. He had just touched her hair. "What do you mean?" she asked, trembling slightly.

"Because I do." Sasuke continued, still standing very close to her. "I saw one today. An angel. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." His voice was still soft and silky.

She blinked a little. Was he talking about her? Surely not, she was no angel, nor was she beautiful. "Who was this angel?" she asked quietly.

Sasuke smirked again and stepped slightly closer, whispering to her. "Her hair was the color of a starless sky, and her skin was frosted white. Unblemished. Her lips were innocent and untouched." Hinata could feel the color rising on her cheeks as she continued to look down. "But the thing that captured me the most was her eyes. They were huge, round luminescent orbs of pearl that seemed to stare right through you into your soul. They pierced me." Sasuke put a finger under her chin and forced her to look up at him. "And I think it is those eyes that I fell in love with."

Hinatas lower lip trembled slightly. "S-Sasuke kun?" she questioned softly.

His dark eyes danced. "Such convincing proof that angels exist as I have ever seen." He leaned in closer and closer still, whispering into her ear. "An angel and a demon. Strange, wouldn't you think?" she felt his hot breath on her neck. He pulled back and looked into her beautiful eyes, obsidian clashing with quarts as she stared back. He put his finger on her chin again, and pulled her up to his mouth, kissing her lightly at first.

Then just when Hinata registered what happened and began to respond, he pulled back with a smirk. "Strange, yes." she murmured, a small smile creeping onto her lips as she rose to meet his lips once more.

But so very right.


Well, I hope that satisfies you guys' crazy hunger for sequels. R&R, please.