I'm only writing this because I'm so extremely bored right now. lol. It's probably a one shot, unless you would like to read more. You should also know I'm doing this under the pretence that The McQueen house is situated behind the Dog In The Pond, and therefore having JP and Craigs bedroom parallel.

Don't Get Me Wrong

The sky outside had turned from extremely light blue to shockingly dark in only a matter of hours, Craig Dean mused as he stared blankly out his bedroom window. An array of stars had formed in the sky, almost moulding together. Craig watched in awe as each one glistened. He cast his eyes to the bedroom window facing him, not even realising her'd done so, and felt his breath catch at the sight of him.

He was sat, strangely enough on the floor by his bed, staring straight ahead to what Craig remembered as being nothing but a blank wall. Craig wondered if he was talking to someone stood in the doorway, away from Craig's view. Or whether, like him, he was simply lost.

A split second thought swept through him and he picked up his mobile phone, opened a blank message space and began to type.


John-Paul McQueen was crying. One after another, single tears rolled casually down his cheek. He hadn't even realised he'd been crying until he snapped from his daydream and spotted a patch of damp on his sleeve, where the puddle of tears had gathered together. He quickly brought his hand to his cheek and wiped tear after tear away. But he knew, deep down, wiping the tears away wasn't going to erase the pain, nor was it going to make it any easier to bare.

Then he heard it. An unmistakable buzzing, coming from the spot beside him where his mobile phone lay. Gathering what little strength he had left, he picked it up and opened the message that had arrived. North. He thought for a moment, wondering what it meant. The number had come up anonymous.

Then - almost as quickly - it registered. Pulling himself upright, he walked towards the window and glanced towards the sky, at the array of stars glistening with almighty strength.

There was a message behind them. One only he could read. We won't give up. It said.

He cast a glance at the window opposite, the curtains shutting only a split second earlier. They wouldn't give up. He agreed. And he climbed into his bed and tucked himself safe under the duvet. Safe in his own world. Just like he knew they'd both be doing.