I hope you know I hope you know

That this is nothing to do with you

It's personal myself and I

We gotta straighten it out tonight I cant hear properly

And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket.

next bit is something about a full moon

It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry.

A/N: hahaha sorry guys, I forgot the lyrics to this.

Ten Ten bowed her head, hoping she wouldn't break into tears. She distracted her mind, sniffed a little and turned to the others who stared in shock at her.

"You can go home if you want" Without another word she walked upstairs, clicking her door shut quietly and sitting on her bed, staring out at the window to where she first saw Neji topless.

Ten Ten could feel phlegm in her throat, she already knew she was so sick. She had been coughing already so much.

She sneezed and blew her nose, drooping her shoulders she told herself to relax.

The night was dull and dark, and Neji Hyuuga did not hesitate to walk back home. He promised to himself that he would get over this soon, maybe even now. Neji opened his palm, the soaked half heart that Neji made for her lay crumpled and soggy in his palm. He threw it on the ground with bared teeth, walking faster.

"Fucking Kiba" Neji's eyes felt weird and he wiped what he thought was raindrops coming from his eyes off before anymore could come out.

Neji's pace slowed down and came to a stop.

It might not be the right time

I might not be the right one

But there's something about us I want to say

Coz there's something between us anyway

I might not be the right one

It might not be the right time

But there's something about us I got to do

Some kind of secret I will share with you

I need you more than anything in my life

I want you more than anything in my life

I miss you more than anyone in my life

I love you more than anyone in my life.

Neji had then that night, became the harsh, no feelings Neji he had been always. The prodigy.

Ten Ten lay in bed with a stomach ache, the others had looked after her for a bit until she told them to go home, but it got worse, not only did she have a virus, she had a fever too. All those times in the rain really pulled off.

Neji was at home with the others comforting him, but of course Neji was definitely not in the mood.

"Neji you should go take care of Ten Ten" Sakura gave her a little shove.


"You know there was always something wrong with her, or course her hair and fashion. I never trusted her, frankly I thought that she didn't belong in the group"

"Ino! Cant you tell that-" Shika whispered in Ino's ears.

"Shut up Ino! Just shut the hell up! You don't know what you're talking about!" Neji swiveled around, his eyes piercing and cold. Ino backed down.

"Go on Neji, she's sick!"

"I…cant. I said I'd stay away" Neji grumbled, he just wanted to hold her in his arms right now, give her a reassuring kiss and take care of her.

"Neji, if only you knew" Sakura sighed and walked off to accompany Sasuke. Everyone seemed a bit down, well not Ino. The house was quiet in seconds and Neji shuffled around. Maybe he could go over there and just…no he couldn't.

"Neji come on! Let's go!" Naruto tugged on his sleeve, pulling him out of the house. Reluctant but eager, Neji was pulled all the way down the street again and to the front of Ten Ten's house. Now the ever, Naruto was the most annoying. And worse, Neji just came at the worst time.

Light poured in Ten Ten's room, and two figures stood holding hands. Two familiar figures.

"Uh oh…" Naruto fell silent as Ten Ten received a kiss from Kiba! Neji was as still as…a lifeless…thing. Naruto looked at Neji's face which seemed to have 'nothing' stuck on, but he knew that deep down he was hurting bad.

"Come on, let's get outta here…I'm pretty sure it's just a friend thing" Naruto's eyes shifted and he tugged on Neji's sleeve again.

Ten Ten pulled away.

"What are you doing?" Her eyes were watered up.

"Just giving you comfort that's all."

"Kiba, I just broke up with Neji" Ten Ten reminded him and he pulled her into a reassuring hug. She sneezed three times.

"I know, it's okay" Kiba kissed her forehead.

A/N: Okay guys, I know that Kiba and Ten Ten's not a couple but…in this story they'll be a couple for just a few chaps.

"So how did it…go…" Sakura pounced on him excitedly, but after he did not reply Sakura decided it was best she'd stay quiet.

"We should leave him guys" Naruto whispered to the others and they nodded, leaving the room and going to their own.

Neji did not know what happened next, perhaps he got drunk again and went high and he somehow had spilled water on his face, or maybe that he blacked out from drowning.

Neji liked to think it as being weak, in a way it was training to toughen up, endure the pain. The others liked to think it as crying.

Sorry guys, I know Neji Hyuuga doesn't cry but I have nothing else to put in "

Neji stayed up that whole night, his mind was blank and he tried hard not to think of what he saw.

Sunlight poured on Neji's face and he looked up at the sky, the bright morning sun glared and he got up, opening his door he sat down at the table, wondering what to do. Sasuke was already up and he was helping himself to a huge bowl of oats.

Neji remembered that day when he fussed over a bowl of oats when he was sick. Now who was going to give oats to Ten Ten?

Neji growled at the thought of Kiba sleeping over at her house and taking care of her. Neji's anger bubbled up at Kiba, Sasuke seemed to notice this and he placed his spoon neatly next to the bowl.

"You know, you could just go over to her" Sasuke's in-a-matter-of-fact tone of voice pissed Neji off more than anything.


"There's such thing as apologizing" Sasuke stated and Neji pushed the chair back and stood up.

"Why is everyone giving me advice!" Neji stormed off to his training spot, three of Ten Ten's shuriken were still stuck in it's target. Neji jerked them out and threw them so it stuck in the ground.

"Why is your habit of hiding behind trees like that Hinata?" Neji's eyes tightened as Hinata revealed herself from behind the trees timidly.

"U-um…I-I was j-just t-t-thinking that y-you should go t-to Ten Ten a-and apologize" Neji kept silent, staring at the ground.

"I-I can c-come i-if you want" Hinata added in.

"No." Neji walked off and Hinata followed.

"Don't follow me" Neji warned with his head still looking at the ground. He heard approaching footsteps and he looked up to see Ten Ten with Kiba's hands around her waist standing in front of him. His harsh eyes revealed nothing, Neji blinked. Ten Ten boiled, it was bad enough being sick but with Neji standing in front of her and Kiba made it worse.

Ten Ten avoided eye contact and Kiba smirked.

He approached him and placed a hand on Neji's shoulder.

"At least you tried" Neji hit his hand away and growled. To Neji's surprise, Ten Ten looked totally different, she had her hair loose around her shoulders and wore more revealing clothes. That was definitely not Ten Ten.

"Was this your plan? To break us up?" Neji lowered his voice.

"Dude, you weren't even serious says she" Kiba nodded in Ten Ten's direction and Neji looked at her, her eyes bored into his.

Ten Ten coughed and Neji flinched to walk to her, but remained stable.

"Kiba, can we go now?" Ten Ten's voice was hoarse and she coughed, Kiba went over to her and felt her forehead. They walked past Neji, he kept his eyes forward and so did Ten Ten, as he heard their footsteps fade away he looked behind him. All he saw was Ten Ten's swishing hair.

Yeaaa this is another short chapter. Do you guys like it so far? Or is it really too OOC to handle Place hand on forehead dramatically ????

Uhh yea thanks to all those who can be bothered to review this story and for all those who thinks this sucks or cant be stuffed to move their mouse over a little button please review!! Be bothered, get your lazy hand up and clickety click away!


Bye for now!
