Wow... This... this is it, guys. I'm still not sure how the end showed up in this chapter, but I just started writing, and I find that I like the way this chapter leaves the story. I hope you guys do too, and I want to thank all of my readers! Enjoy!

Chapter 5

I woke quickly, almost sitting upright, but restraining myself at the last second. Someone was moving, and it was coming from Atem's bed. Since the accident nearly six months ago, I had moved into the room with him so he wouldn't be alone; I knew that he was having just as much trouble sleeping as I was.

We were just too used to sleeping with each other, I guess. Even though I could now feel his presence and was able to hear him breathe at night, it was still… cold without him in the bed with me. I was so used to drifting off with my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat while he wrapped himself around me in his sleep. I missed that often, but I knew that with time it would no doubt happen again.

Now that he had the brace off, I could no doubt go lay with him again, but he had told me no with a sad look. 'I don't want to risk stressing myself. You know how we move in our sleep, who knows what could happen.' he had said.

As much as I hated it, I knew that he was right. It was better that we remain apart now, because if we did, we would probably get to be together sooner than not. But it was still lonely at night without his warm muscular body against my own, his arms wrapped around me, his breath on my hair.

I looked back towards the bed on the other side of the room, opening my eyes wide as though it would help me see better. I saw a dark shape shifting on the bed, and I stood silently, moving forward. "Atem?"

There was a sound of surprise, and then I saw Atem's head turn towards me, my vision beginning to focus in the dark room. "Aibou, you scared me. I didn't know you were awake."

I smiled slightly, standing beside his bed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to." I paused, and then pressed on. "What were you doing?"

There was silence for a few moments, and then Atem spoke. "I had wanted to surprise you, but since you've noticed, I suppose I'll have to tell you now." I watched him smile widely, and then something clicked in my mind. "I can feel my legs again. Not much, but just enough to move them."

I smiled as well, excitement bubbling in me. "Really? You can move them again?.!"

He chuckled softly. "Not enough to stand or anything, but I can bend my knees again, and wiggle my toes. It's progress! I've been working on them for about an hour every night."

I frowned, sitting on the bed beside him and focusing on his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me, Atem? I can help."

He looked away from me. "I told you, I wanted it to be a surprise. You can't imagine how excited I was when I realized that I could move. It was by accident, while I was trying to move while going to sleep. I managed to bend my knees a little, and I nearly shouted out in happiness."

"But you didn't want to wake me?" I questioned softy.

He nodded. "No. It took everything I had to remain silent, trust me on that one. I'm sorry, I would have told you, aibou, but after everything you have done for me, I wanted to return the favor with something special of my own."

I leaned forward, hugging him gently. "I understand Atem, you don't have to apologize. But I don't know what I've really done for you other than cause you more pain… I made you cry a lot during those first few months, and after that I really was no help at all."

I felt his warm hands on my face an instant later and he pulled me towards him, looking me right in the eyes. "Don't you even say that! You have been so much of a help to me, I can't even begin to describe it. Not only were you there to help me through the pain and to help me get around, but you were there for me emotionally."

I let my eyes close as he kissed me softly, relaxing into his touch and leaning against him where he lay on the bed. He transferred his touch to around my waist, pressing me closer to his body. The kiss grew steadily more passionate, his tongue slipping between my lips and dancing with mine.

We parted slowly, and my eyes fluttered open to stare into his deep crimson orbs. I smiled, leaning down and placing my cheek against his collarbone. "I love you…" I murmured, tangling our fingers together and placing them against his chest.

I felt his smile against my hair. "I love you too, Yugi. And I would be lost without you. Without your support, I don't think I would have ever gotten this far."

I planted gentle kisses along his knuckles, holding his hand close to my face. "Gods…" I whispered. "It's been so long since we've been this close…"

His grip on me tightened. "I know… I've missed the feel of you, aibou… your touch, the feel of your skin and hair…" His next breath was shuddered. "I miss you so much at night…"

I turned my head to press my face against his chest. "I know, love… I miss you too…"

We lay like that for a long time, his arms wrapped securely around my waist, my face against his tan skin, and then Atem spoke softly. "Perhaps… I think we can risk it tonight… If I am sore in the morning, we won't again, but I need to have you with me…"

I smiled, and then pulled the blankets over both our bodies, snuggling close to him. "I'm here, Atem… Now sleep, you need it…"

He shifted me, turning to where I was the one against the bed, he nearly on top of me. He laid his head in the crook of my neck and shoulder, his breath ghosting over my pulse point. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders, holding him to my heart throughout the night.

I had never slept so deeply.

"Yugi! Yugi, come quick!"

The sound of Atem's loud voice startled me out of my reading, and made my heart race. He sounded almost panicked, and that in turn caused me to become anxious. What if something had happened to him?.!

I ran down the stairs, going to Atem's room, where he had been for the past few hours. I ran in to the sight that I had never expected.

Atem was standing. Standing tall and proud in the middle of the room, his shoulders squared and his feet apart. His legs were shaking slightly, but he was upright, and of his own power.

The wide grin on his face was infectious, and I had to keep myself from tackling him, lest I knock him over and hurt him. I instead stood in front of him, and held out my hands.

He walked to me, slow and shaky, but he did it. Almost as soon as he reached me his legs buckled and I had to support him, but he walked. He hugged me, his breathing tough in my ear. "I did it, aibou… we did it…"

I hugged him, pressing kisses all along his face. "I'm so proud of you, Atem! I'm so happy!"

He leaned away from me, pushing himself up to his feet again, wobbling for a second, and then standing strong once more. "It was all thanks to you, my love. Without your support, I probably wouldn't be able to do this."

I flung my arms around him, unable to stop myself. We both hit the floor, Atem letting out a soft grunt as I landed on his lap, but he still held me tightly. I kissed him, eliciting a shocked sound from him, but then he kissed me back, his hands cupping my cheeks.

Everything was going to be alright now, I knew it.