A/N: So when did I last update? Like, August? Haha. Wow. Well, I am quick to say the least! I'm just torn. Because I don't know how much to JUST focus on the actual events of the reunion, and how much to focus on like, what happens with just Addison and Derek while they're like, chillin' in the hotel room aha. Suggestions? I appreciate it!

And this is for Rachael ahah who told me to update. So I am, because I love her: )!


"How far did you go this morning?" Derek asked as Addison returned from her jog.

"Six miles," She answered. "I would have done more if we had time, believe me."

"Well we're running late as it is!" Derek chastised her. "Breakfast is in fifteen minutes. Shower, now!"

"You're lucky I came back at all!" Addison teased, though Derek was sure there were serious undertones to the statement.

"Ads, it wasn't that bad. I mean, yes, Jenna's a little crazy… and I'd feel better if you never saw Skippy Gold again…" He mumbled the last part, embarrassed of his childish jealousy, "But we're going to have a fun weekend. Plus, at least you got to humiliate Jessica Thompson a little bit. See? It was good!"

"It was terrible!" Addison insisted.

"It really wasn't." Derek smiled coyly.

"It really, really was, Derek." She sighed, trying to refrain from collapsing on the bed and sleeping indefinitely. Reuniting was tiring.

"Shower. Now." Kissing her quickly, he then pushed her gently in the direction of the bathroom. "You have five minutes! Then it's time for breakfast."

"I'm sure I could interest you in other non-breakfast involving activities?" She raised an eyebrow suggestively and it took all of his strength to stick to his resolve.

"As enticing an offer as it is, we are going to breakfast, and we are going to the rest of this reunion. You having fun at your reunion is my goal."

"Well aren't you ambitious," She laughed as she started the shower.


"We better not see Mark anywhere around this hotel this morning." Addison scowled as they made their way towards Ballroom Two where breakfast for the reunion was being served. If having to participate, against her will, in activities with these people all day wasn't enough, she had to eat with 

them too. At least when they were dancing she could pretend to be preoccupied, while eating breakfast she could only ensure she was constantly chewing for a few minutes maximum.

"I wouldn't be surprised, though it's nearing eight thirty, he should be long gone by now." Derek remarked, looking at his watch. Addison shook her head. "Ah, Ballroom Two, here we are!" Derek made the point of being over enthusiastic in hopes some of it would rub off on Addison. She pointedly frowned to show him it wouldn't be working, and to discourage any more of this over cheeriness.

"When was the last time I even ate breakfast?" Addison complained under her breath as Derek led her into the ballroom which seemed to her, a strange place to be eating breakfast.

"Where do you want to sit?"

"Addison! Addison, come sit here!" She'd barely begun to think of a reply to his question which may get her out of eating breakfast here altogether, possibly something about room service, when they heard her name from across the room.

"Oh good lord." She sighed as they made their way over towards the table which was completely full, save for two seats to the left of Nolan Graham.

"I saved you a seat. And your friend, too."

"Fiancé." Derek corrected.

"Same thing," Nolan replied with a wave of his hand. Sitting down, Addison attempted to recognize the other guests at their table.

"Do you remember everyone?" Nolan asked. Addison simply shook her head. The table was filled with, who she assumed to be, former jocks that she paid little attention to during her teenage years and would certainly not recognize now.

"I don't know anyone." Derek supplied, and Nolan regarded him with hardly veiled annoyance.

"Guys, this is Addison Montgomery." Nolan interrupted the various conversations at the table to inform them.

"You're the chick with the braces whose clothes got stolen in grade nine gym class! That was epic!" One of them remembered with a laugh.

"Damn, I wish that would happen now." Another laughed, elbowing his friend.

"It's a wonder none of them have dates," Derek whispered to Addison who didn't bother to suppress her giggle.

"She played clarinet." Nolan supplied, trying to ease the awkward tension that had settled around the table after one of Addison's not so modest high school memories had been brought up.

"She's hot." One of them stage whispered to another, and the rest laughed.

"Knock it off guys." Nolan warned, rolling his eyes at them. "They think because we're at a high school reunion we can act like we're in high school."

"Clearly." Derek rolled his eyes. Addison just continued to stare blankly at the menu.

"Josh, move." She heard a voice to the left of Derek say. No, command. She looked up to see a full grown man scramble out of his seat and a far more attractive grown man take his place. "Nolan, how are you this morning?"

"Tired. Very tired. Not much of a headache however, for which I am grateful." The man just laughed, revealing dimples and perfect teeth which Addison remembered very well.

"I bet. And who is this lovely lady? I don't believe we met last night. Eli Harrison."

"Addison Montgomery." She smiled politely.

"Soon to be Shepherd. I'm Derek."

"Shepherd, I assume." Eli smiled. Addison laughed and shook her head at Derek, indicating how necessary she found, or rather didn't find, his remark.

"If it were me, I'd be bragging too." Nolan smirked.

"If I were her I'd be bragging." Eli laughed, winking at Addison who tactfully hid her shock.

"So what do you do now?" Addison asked Eli.

"I'm actually a lawyer. I pulled my grades up and got into post secondary school and I love it, couldn't be happier."

"Wow," Addison was genuinely surprised. "What about you Nolan?"

"Real estate agent. Love it. It's convenient and good money too." He nodded.

"I really feel like we're reuniting." Derek teased under his breath. He had been the one who was all 'we have to go to your reunion' and now he was jealous and wanting to leave? He had his chance to leave last night, when Addison hated the reunion. Or this morning, or well, up until five minutes ago when she started to have fun. Little did she know the fun was just beginning...

I'm so bad at being mysterious haha it hurts. Mixed with my lack of ending things skills and well, it's a pretty bad combination. I just wanted to write SOMETHING so that I could post it and start to continue and develop an actual plot haha of some sort. We need some conflict and a rise and then well, a fall. Anyways, I'm going to stop writing this too long A/N. Haha REVIEW.