Yes, today was a good day.

Amy Rose walked cheerfuly down the sidewalk, arms full of groceries and heart full of happiness. She was on her way home from the store with supplies which she would use to make Sonic a huge, delicious cake to show her love for him.

"I know Sonic will love this cake," she exclaimed to no-one in particular. Well, the streets were pretty much deserted. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, after all! Hehee!"

A few blocks later, the pink hedgehog was feeling a bit tired, so she set her bags down and leaned against a building, right on the corner. A dim alley stretched off to one side.

"Phew! I gotta work on my cardio!" She giggled and bent down to pick her bags up again. A hand materialised from no-where and clamped over her mouth. Her muffled screams went unheard as another hand dragged her into the darkness.

Thrown into a pile of garbage, Amy tried to scream, but a fist slammed into her face one, two, three times, smearing her mouth and nose with blood. Her hands raised to fend off the attack, and were quickly pinned down under her, the weight of her attacker pressing into her belly. She wheezed and squirmed in terror as her dress was ripped, a large piece shoved into her mouth. She felt her panties being cut off with a knife, the blade biting her thighs.

"Nooo! Oh gods, nooo!" she tried to scream. She writhed in renewed panic, getting an arm free and striking her assailant, but he pinned her arms down again in his hands, spreading her thighs apart with his knees. Amy screamed as loud as she could, but the wad of cloth in her mouth only allowed a soft, muffled moan to escape.

The girl shut her eyes, trying to believe it was just a dream. Tears sprang from them as she felt the awful, inevitable penetration. He was violent in his methods. He didn't care if he hurt her, and he tore her flesh with his awkward, hurried thrusts. She flailed her legs and writhed beneath him, her breath coming in sharp through her nose and immediately forced from her mouth in muffled screams. Blood poured from between her thighs as the man finished his work, and his knife came down and entered her chest. Amy struggled and squirmed as the blade pierced her flesh and entered her right lung. Blood oozed from the wound and spilled from her mouth as the organ filled with it, leaving her wheezing and gasping for breath, red bubbles oozing from her mouth and staining her teeth as they burst, flecking her face with crimson spots.

Amy's attacker fled, disappearing as deftly as he had appeared, and she staggered to her feet, stumbling out into the street. "H-help meeeee! Oh gods, somebody!" The pink girl fell to the pavement and passed out, a pool of blood rapidly spreading under her limp body.

No, today was not a good day.


"Sonic, can you get that!" Called a pair of foxtails sticking out from under some strange machine. The blue hedgehog obliged his friend and zipped to the front door, hearing rapid knocks. He opened it to find a small rabbit.

Hiya Cream! What's up? Here to see tails?" He winked mischeviously, then noticed the bunny's frightened expression. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Sonic, have you seen Miss Amy? She won't answer her phone, and when I went to her house there was nobody there. She's been gone for three days!"

Sonic raised an eyebrow and put his hand on Cream's shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about it. I'll go check on her, ok?" He gave her a thumbs-up.

The rabbit smiled a little. "Oh, thank you Mr. Sonic! I hope Miss Amy's ok!"

He invited her in and called down the stairs. "Hey Tails! I'm going out for a while!" He turned to leave, then noticed Cream again. "Oh yeah, and Cream's here too!" From downstairs, he heard a sharp clang followed by some muttered curses, just before he sped out the door.


At Amy's apartment door, Sonic stood, knocking. "Amy! Are you home?" He expected the door to fly open and a pair of pink arms to encircle him in an attempt to crush his ribs. Nothing. After a few more knocks, he pressed his ear to the door. Nothing. Sonic fished around in his quills and produced his credit card, which he slipped into the door and pressed down against the bolt, pulling out at the same time and jimmying the door open.

Inside, Sonic looked around. No Amy. He went from room to room, searching. No Amy. No sign of a struggle either. Everything looked as if she just got up and left. Upon searching her bedroom, however, he found a small pink bundle cowering in the corner. She was wearing a baggy white t-shirt and an oversized pair of shorts. Her eyes stared at nothing, wet streaks under them evidence she'd been crying for some time.

Sonic knelt before her and shook her shoulder. "Hey Ames, you ok?" She turned her head to look at him, but it was as if she was staring straight through him.

"S-sonic?" She choked out. She didn't look healthy at all. Sonic could tell she hadn't been eating.

"Yeah, Ames, it's me. You ok?" She stared at him for almost another minute, then jumped at him, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face into his chest.

"You weren't there..." She whispered. Sonic reluctantly put his arms around her, and shook her a little.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You weren't there. You weren't there. You weren't there!" New tears were streaming down her face now. "You weren't there! You weren't there! Why didn't you come?! You weren't there! YOU WEREN'T THERE! WHY DIDN'T YOU COME?!" She pushed him away and pounded her fists weakly against his chest, screaming "YOU WEREN'T THERE!" over and over. She was soon out of breath, wheezing as her chest rose hard and fell slowly, leaving a bewildered blue hedgehog beneath her.

"Amy? What happened? Tell me. Please." Now he was starting to worry. He thought it might be a prank to make him love her, but that idea was quickly fading.

"YOU WEREN'T THERE! Why didn't you come! You didn't come! You never came..." She buried her face in his chest again, weeping uncontrolably. "He...he..." Her breaths came in great wheezing heaves, the small girl hiccuping violently between gasps. "HE RAPED ME! HE RAPED ME! WHY DIDN'T YOU COME SAVE ME! WHY! YOU NEVER CAME! HE RAPED ME! YOU DIDN'T COME AND HE RAPED ME!"

Sonic's eyes went wide. "Who? Who raped you amy?" This was no prank. Amy wouldn't joke about this. "Ames, tell me who did it."

"He raped me. You weren't there. You never...never came. He raped me. You didn't come and he...he..." She fell asleep in his arms, succumbing to exhaustion and lack of food.

Sonic laid her down gently and looked her over. She looked like she had been beaten up. Her face was bruised on the left side, and her arms and stomach also had bruises which were only beginning to fade. He lifted her shirt a bit to find a hideous wound on the right side of her chest just under her bust, as well as a much longer but more cleanly cut one under her ribs, also on the right side. Both had been well-stitched. Sonic assumed this meant she'd been to a hospital. He lifted her up in his arms and carried her to her living room, placing her on the dark blue couch. He sat next to her and picked up the phone. He needed answers.


Amy awoke to an odd smell. She immediately began crying again, making small whining noises and soaking the pillow under her head. Sonic came out and grasped her hand. "Hey. Don't cry."

She sat up, wiping her eyes and whimpering, more tears following. Her free hand clutched the blanket. "You weren't there, Sonic. You w-..." Sonic placed his finger on her lips.

"Don't talk about that now. I made you something to eat." He removed his finger to see if she would become hysterical again.

She didn't. "I'm not hungry."

"Oh yes you are." he scoffed. "I made some chili. Sorry, I don't know how to make anything else. You're gonna have some." He left back into the kitchen and returned soon with a nice big bowl and a spoon. He sat down and put an arm around her, placing the bowl in that hand. In the other hand he held the spoon, lifting a healthy glob of chili, which he'd made a bit thick to help fill her up, and offered it to her lips. She resisted at first, but the smell soon sent a painful rumble through her belly and she opened her mouth, allowing him to feed her. After the first bite, she took the bowl and spoon from him and fed herself rather ravenously, nearly polishing off the whole bowl before she claimed to be full.

Amy let out a tiny burp. "It was good."

Sonic chuckled and put a hand on her tummy, careful not to press too hard because of her bruises. "I bet you feel better now."

Amy nodded. "A little bit I guess." She started to cry again. "Oh gods, Sonic. It was horrible. I was so scared." She leaned over on him and cried into his shoulder. "I thought he was going to kill me." Great heaving sobs wracked her small body again, and Sonic put his arm around her shoulders.

"We're friends, Amy, and friends help each other out. I'll take care of you as long as you need. And I'll find out who did this to you."


The next morning, Sonic finally got Amy to stop crying...mostly. Tears still occasionally leaked from her eyes but at least it was progress. It was especially difficult to keep her cheeks dry when, after much convincing, she recounted the tale of her attack and her subsequent visit to the hospital after an unknown samaritan on the street had called an ambulance, but she couldn't remember what they had done to her at the hospital. Sonic had learned through his phone calls to various friends and authorities, and passed on to Amy that she had suffered only minor injuries, except to her right lung, which unfortunately had to be removed, explaining the larger cut on her chest. He explained to her that the doctors had suggested she take it easy and stay away from stressful situations. Sadly, Amy would have to avoid high levels of physical exertion, due to her decreased breathing capacity. No running, no heavy lifting, and as little stress as possible.

The pink hedgehog once again sobbed against her blue hero. "Oh gods, Sonic, you must hate me now."

Sonic blinked in surprise. "Say what? Why would I hate you?"

Amy wailed sadly and blew her nose on a tissue. "I can't keep up with you anymore! You're going to run away and I'll never see you again!"

Sonic stroked her quills and wiped her cheeks dry. "I'm not running away. Not this time. I said I'll take care of you and I meant it. And I'd never hate you just because you can't run anymore."

She sniffled and looked up at him. "Really? You really won't?" She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him gently. "Oh gods, Sonic, I love you so much. I know you don't love me back but I still love you anyway."

Sonic's face turned serious. "Amy, we have to tell the police about this."

Amy shudderend shook her head. "No, Sonic. I-I can't. I could barely tell you!"

Sonic was unrelenting. "We have to. I know you don't want to, but you were the victim of a crime. Whoever did this can't get away with it. You have to tell the police."

Amy snuggled into his fur. "Please, Sonic. Don't make me. I can't. I can't relive it again. Please."

Sonic stroked her quills again. "You have to, Ames. Hey, if ya go with me to the police station and tell them what happened, I'll take ya on that date to Twinkle Park ya've always wanted. Just you and me. I promise. Whaddaya say?"

Amy managed a small smile. "O...ok Sonic. I'll do it. But, you'll come with me, right? Stay with me when I tell what happened?"

Sonic smiled and nodded. "Sure Ames. Anything for you."


At the local police station, Amy clung to Sonic's arm as they were led to a small room with a table and two chairs. Seated in one was an officer, whom Amy had requested be Female. The officer motioned for Amy to sit down, and she did, wrapping her arms around herself. Sonic stood behind her and put his hand on her shoulder for reassurance.

The officer's voice was soft and soothing, which Amy was glad for. "Now, Miss Rose, can you tell me what happened?"

Amy gulped nervously and chocked back a whimper. "Well, um, I was just walking along with some groceries, and a man grabbed me and took me into an alley." She shuddered as the memories came back. Sonic came around and knelt next to her, grasping her hand. "And, and, he... he beat me up, and ripped my clothes off, and and...oh gods!" She buried her face in Sonic's neck and cried, hard shuddering sobs making her shoulders shake violently.

The officer took a deep breath. "I know it's hard, Miss Rose, but you have to tell me. Did He rape you?"

Amy nodded slowly. "Y-yes."

The officer leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. "I think I've heard enough of your story. I have just one final question. Did you get a good look at your attacker? Did you see his face?"

The pink girl shook her head. "N-no, I didn't see him. It was dark, a-and...and I had blood in my eyes. I...I'm sorry."

The officer shook her head. "It's alright. I assure you, Ma'am, we'll do everything we can to find your assailant."

And that was that. The two hedgehogs left.


The two stopped at Cream's house to let the little bunny know Amy was alright. They told her she was attacked, but left out certain details that the lapine was too young to hear. Cream was just relieved Amy was ok, and hugged her tight.

Back at Amy's apartment, She plopped down on the sofa and put her head in her hands. Luckilly, she didn't start crying. "Sonic, you promised me you'd take me to Twinkle Park."

Sonic plopped down next to her. "I did. And I will. I just think you should heal a little bit first. And I'm gonna teach ya how to breathe a little different so you can get air better. I use it when I hafta run for a really long time."

The fuschia hedgie nodded, only partly understanding. "So, I guess you're going to run off now..."

The cobalt hedgie laughed. "Well, I needta visit Tails, make sure he knows you're ok. But I can come back if ya want." A trademark thumbs-up and goofy, lopsided smirk followed.

Amy smiled at him and even managed a small giggle. It was things like that which made her love him so much. "I'd really like that. You really will come back?"

Sonic grinned. "No problemo, Ames. What're friends for?"

Amy smiled and nodded, and Sonic immediately got up and dashed off. She looked down sadly and sighed. "Yeah...friends."


That's all for this chapter. I actually have the whole story done, but since I'm evil, I might make you wait a week for each chapter.