Just A Little Payback
Date Written: May 20, 2007 (3:58pm)
Full Summary: "So now, Potter. It's my turn."
"Who's she holding hands with?" James asked coldly, squinting across the lawn. Feeling just as curious as he was, the other three followed suit. Neither being able to see as well as they had hoped.
"No idea, mate. But he looks like a real--"
"Don't even say what I think you're going to say," Remus butted in quickly, cutting Sirius off. Giving him a murderous look, Sirius folded his arms across his chest as turned to James instead.
"Look. As long as she doesn't kiss him, you're-- Oh boy."
"What is it?"
"Why's James look like he's going to explode?"
"Because I think he is."
"Do you think it's wise to step back now?"
"I think it's very wise."
Drawing his wand from his pocket, and swearing loudly, James marched across the lawn. A thousand different jinxes and hexes were running through his mind. He wanted to do something good, to show Lily that he was so much better than whatever boy she happened to be locking lips with at the moment. Pulling himself together, and messing up his hair, he stopped in front of them and raised his wand.
"Don't you dare," Lily pulled away from the boy she had been snogging and fixed James with a deadly glare. Caught completely off guard, he froze and opened his mouth to speak. The other boy tapped her on the shoulder and she nodded, pulling a few pieces of parchment out of her bag and handing it to him. He nodded in thanks before walking off, a large smirk plastered across his face.
"What the--?" Placing her hands on her hips, she turned to face him.
"Wand down. Now," Muttering things under his breath, he shoved his wand into his robes reluctantly before gawking at her some more. Exhaling slowly, she continued talking. "I'm sure you recognized Shane. Yes, he's on your Quidditch team. Don't worry, Potter. We're not dating. I promised him some notes for class if he would help me get back at you."
"Why? What do you mean, 'get back at me'?" He felt helpless, and she felt triumphant.
"You always find a way to ask me out. Don't you? Everyday, it never fails. You do something stupid and infuriate me. So now, Potter. It's my turn," He was lost. "So, care to go out with me?"