I do not own Koleniko, Davy Jones, or any of the POTC characters. (c) to Disney.

It Was Jack Sparrow

After the 'No Survivors' order was carried out with the ax to the head, the remaining crewmen dispersed about the deck and made their usual rounds of disposing of the slain souls they had just took by command. When he left his position from taking care of the mess, he slunk over casually to face the back of his Captain, anticipating anymore orders. Davy Jones was just leaning over the railing as if he was looking for something out at the now calm sea. Koleniko knew the Captain was furious before, and he was most likely furious now.

The key was gone, Koleniko knew, but he sensed that Jones was a little more geared in anger to someone else than Turner Senior and his accomplice son. Will Turner had the key, but there was a reason for why he had it: Jack Sparrow. The image of Captain Sparrow always sickened Jones, and he showed it clearly to his crew whenever Sparrow's name came up. So Will wasn't the cause of the Captain's misery. It was Jack Sparrow. But Koleniko didn't know entirely if Sparrow was what was really bothering Jones. He clung to a mast rope, ax still in his hand, when the Captain turned to face him.

"The chest is no longer safe," Jones declared to the coxswain. "Chart a course to Isla Cruces."

Simple enough for Koleniko. Almost as soon as he could turn around to do so, Jones added in a harder and more threatening tone, "Get me there first or there'll be the Devil to pay."

"First?" Well, who else was going to be sailing over to the random little island of Isla Cruces? A subtle, confused look crossed Koleniko's spiny face. The Captain wanted his key, yes. But making sail to Isla Cruces would mean another thing: he wanted his heart as well. Ah, so now Koleniko was starting to see what was going on. Whoever had the key (Will, of course) would be wanting what the key unlocked to, and Jones wouldn't allow that, especially if the item in question could mean life or death in a certain situation for the Captain.

Koleniko's one-word query furrowed the brow of his Captain to an almost menacing stare. "Who sent that thieving charlatan onto my ship? Who told him of the key?" he questioned the pufferfish-like crewman.

Inwardly, Koleniko shrugged, not knowing what to say. He thought it was Will that Jones would be referring to, but he realized now Jones was speaking of someone else. Koleniko had some spite in his expression, feeling almost stupid for ever asking such a thing as First? Of course Jones wanted to be there first. He needed to get there before a certain someone did. Why?

"Jack Sparrow," the Captain's voice murmured as his head turned to face the sea again.

Koleniko skulked away from the Captain sulkily. Jack Sparrow. A squirming feeling in his stomach told him that Jones had plans for Sparrow when he got his claw on him. So all the events of the last few days led right up to Sparrow. It was Jack Sparrow. It always was. Sparrow didn't have the key, but it was likely the little 'thieving charlatan' would supply him with it. What a way to get out of a debt with the Sea Devil himself. Sparrow's gonna get his, Koleniko thought grimly as he set the direction towards the impending battle at Isla Cruces.

Pirates of the Caribbean is copyrighted to Disney.