Ok, this is my first ever attempt at a JTHM fanfic... hopes for no flames
"Life is...cruel to every living being. From the smallest ameoba, to a child who did nothing to diserve his fate... Fuck... How long has it been since he was shipped off?".
The room was dark. Most of the lighting only coming from the cracks in the walls. Bits of crimson blood splotted the walls and floor, most dry, some a bit too fresh. He sat in the middle of the room, carving into the floorboards with his favorite smiley faced handle. Beside him, on a broken down nightstand, sat a disturbing Bub's burger boy figurine. Its haunting gaze right on him.
"About 7 years I'd say. Maybe a bit less. But lets not wallow in the past. You haven't eaten anything for a week now, Nny. Why don't you go and get some skettios or a cherry brainfree--"
"Because I don't want to. Stop asking me."
His voice was stern and cold, giving the figurine the hint that he wanted to be left alone.The figure seemed to muse on this.
"You miss him, don't you?"
There was a long silence.
" ...I don't. I just feel bad that he has to find out that his parents--"
Nny perked up quickly upon hearing the noise, gripping the handle of his blade tightly. He stood up cautiously, stumbling a bit. He walked over to the window and peeked out. He couldn't see anyone standing there. Had it been a careless prank? He walked to the door and yanked it open. Something flopped inside as soon as he did. He jumped back, knife raised.
A quiet whimper came from what had fallen in. Nny, not being able to truely see who it was, reached around for a switch. The lights flickered then turned on dimly. The knife landed with a loud thunk as it stuck into the wooden floor.
There, on the ground, was the boy who had once been his neighbor. At least, until his folks carelessly threw him into the insane assylum. He was fast asleep, tear streaks straining his fairly paled face. Another whimper emitted from the teen as he moved just slightly. In his hand, his old, rotting bear Shmee was carried. Nny walked over to him and knelt beside him.
"...Squee? Squeegee, wake up." He said softly, not touching the boy.
Todd stirred a bit, his eyes flickering open as he stared up at Nny. His hazel eyes began to whell up with tears,
"...where's my mommy and daddy?"
I know its short, but what do you expect for a first chapter? Please R&R!