A/N Drabble/ficlet thingy. This is like Remus' thoughts only with a third person observing and stating it as though talking to Remus.

Disclaimer: I don't own so don't sue me!

You watch him carefully as you arrive at the platform. He's hiding something. As the end of the year approached he's become quieter withdrawing from his surroundings. He's not acting like himself. Sirius has never been quiet. But now he is. You glance at him out of the corner of your eye and are surprised to see that he has turned pale. You follow his eyes and discover what he's looking at. He's staring at his parents. You wonder why he isn't excited to be going home. James has been babbling excitedly about seeing his family again for weeks. And you find that you rather miss your parents as well. But Sirius never speaks of his family. He remains tightlipped whenever the subject of parents comes up. And James never presses him for information. He knows more then you do. Something is very wrong with your friend's home life. But there's nothing you can do. You watch helplessly as he mutters a goodbye to you and James. James rests a hand briefly on his friend's shoulder and gives him a reassuring look. "Don't worry, Padfoot, you'll be fine." You wonder what they do to him that makes James stare after your retreating figure with worry etched in his face. But you can't help Sirius if he won't come to you. He's your best friend. But you can't help him. He hides his pain with a laugh shrugging off any concern. You cornered him once; trying to get him to talk to you. But he tuned you out giving you his patented I-am-completly-fine-not-hiding-anything look. And you returned it with the look he and James have come to hate. The one that says I-Know-Your-Lying-and-I'm-going-to-find-out-what-your-hiding. He turned oddly pale and backed up a step looking frantically past your shoulder. James appeared and dragged you away from him. He sank into a chair facing the window and buried his head in his hands. He thought you weren't watching. But he was wrong. And once more he caused you to wonder what he was hiding behind that smile.

A/N Review! I think this is all there will be…idk…do you want more? If I decide to contiue I think I might do one from all differnt people's viewpoints like James, Peter, Lily, maybe even the Professors perhaps Regulus we don't know enough about him...Review...let me know...