Samurai Warriors: Winds of Romance


Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters (Though I do own SW 1 & 2) and though the story starts before the game in Ranmaru's POV, it will be inaccurate but will later follow the first game fairly well. The beginning few chapters are entirely made up from my mind, so flame me is you will, but they shall be used to fry my sister. You have been warned.

Warnings: OOC, yaoi, swearing, blood, gore and all that Samurai battle goodness.

Chapter One: A Cold Winter's Night

It was a brisk night in Japan during the Sengoku period with wars raging all around the country for power. On this particular night, it was snowing rather hard and many people were walking quickly to their homes to get out of the cold and inside where sake was awaiting them.

Out in this weather, was a young teen walking with a slightly older man, the teen carrying numerous and various bundles in his arms. He was scarcely covered, but the man ahead of him didn't seem to notice or care. "Ranmaru – Kun, keep up now; we are almost at Azuchi," said the man. Ranmaru looked at the man ahead of him with half-closed eyes and nodded only once as he shivered violently, his body numb with cold.

"Yes, Nobunaga – Sama…" Ranmaru said, jogging a bit to keep up as they entered the castle and went up several floors to Nobunaga's quarters. Once there, Ranmaru felt a sneeze coming on and fought hard to keep it at bay as he waited for his lord to sit and motion for him to put down the bundles and join him.

"Close the door, Ranmaru – Kun…" Nobunaga said tiredly as he sat down before a low table and a servant rushed to him with a bottle of sake and several small sake cups, pouring it swiftly and carefully so as not to anger Nobunaga. "When you see fit, you may put those packages on the floor next to the bookcase and sit with me here."

"Thank you, Nobunaga – Sa – aaaaaaCHOOO!" Ranmaru couldn't hold it any longer and he sneezed on suddenly, causing him to drop the bundles and cover his nose and mouth with his hands so as not to dirty the said items. Nobunaga watched as he continued to sneeze two…three…four…five times in succession, each more forceful and louder than the one that came before it.

After a moment of ensuring that he was finished, Ranmaru dropped to the floor in a bow and said, "Forgive me, Nobunaga – Sama; it caught me off guard."

Nobunaga waved it off. "It was an accident; I will overlook it as long as the packages did not get dirty. Now, come and drink sake with me. I long for company and Lady Noh is not here to abate it."

"Yes, Nobunaga – Sama," Ranmaru said, sitting hurridly across from Nobunaga as he was poured a cup of sake and began to reach for it when Nobunaga reached out and stopped his hand with a gentle motion.

"Nai, not over there; sit here, close to me," Nobunaga said, patting the place next to him. Not willing to disobey, Ranmaru stood and sat next to his master, his head lowered as he accepted his sake and began to sip it carefully, not doing so unless his lord drank.

"Ranmaru – Kun, do you have any plans for the next few days?" Nobunaga asked after a long silence.

"Nothing, my Lord, except serve you. I live for nothing else." Nobunaga smiled as he lifted the cup to his lips and sipped.

"Is that so…?" he asked, though not loud enough for Ranmaru to hear him. It was little known knowledge in the castle – or anywhere for that matter – that Nobunaga loved his servant Ranmaru. He was so pretty and feminine, his large eyes and full lips similar to those of a woman's, and his voice was smooth and soothing. The shogun often found himself being drawn close to his servant's side and looking at him intently, as though surveying a fine item he wished to purchase but could not afford.

"Please, stay with me tonight."

"Nobunaga – Sama, don't you wish for me to sleep with the other servants? I am not worthy of such an offer…"

"Please, Ranmaru…I insist on it," Nobunaga said softly, taking Ranmaru's chin in his hand.

"If my Lord commands it…" Ranmaru said finally, avoiding Nobunaga's eyes.

"I do…" Nobunaga said, reaching for the neck of Ranmaru's top to pull it open.

"Nobunaga – Sama - -!" Ranmaru said breathlessly in shock, stopping himself from pulling the shogun's hands off of his clothes. He looked up at his lord with frightened brown eyes, his lips quivering. At that moment, Nobunaga was sure that he wanted Ranmaru.

"Do you trust me?" Nobunaga asked sensually, pulling back and gazing deeply into Ranmaru's eyes, searching for any signs of resistance.

"Of course, Nobunaga – Sama…" Ranmaru answered. Following his answer, Nobunaga carefully pulled open his top and leaned in to nip at the younger male's ear and neck as his hands felt around Ranmaru's slender torso for his sensitive pink nipples.

"You are so beautiful, Ranmaru – Kun…" Nobunaga said, his lips moving down to Ranmaru's collarbone where he bit and drew blood, causing the teenager to cry out.

"N-Nobunaga – Sama…!" he panted, a deep blush coming to his cheeks as the shogun callously clawed and pinched his white flesh. Before he could say anything else, Nobunaga had pushed him down onto the floor and towered over him on all fours, holding him by the wrists and waist so he couldn't escape. Tears welled in his eyes and he tried to blink them away so Nobunaga wouldn't see them before they fell. Too late; the shogun noticed and bent down to lick them away, his goatee brushing Ranmaru's cheek and making him shiver.

Ranmaru closed his eyes and relaxed though he still shivered, biting his lip to try and stay silent so as not to alert the guards outside the room. He felt Nobunaga lean down and lick his ear before saying quietly, "If the cuckoo does not sing…kill it." It was a simple line of eight words but it had the desired effect. It forced Ranmaru to cease his silence and at least act like he was enjoying the proceedings.

After he let a few soft moans escape his lips, Nobunaga pulled Ranmaru up to his feet and led him to his bedroom next door. He shoved Ranmaru's slender form down onto the bed roll and straddled him, holding the younger male's hands above his head and roughly kissed him as Ranmaru started to quietly protest.

"N-Nobunaga – Sama…please…I-I-I…" he started when the shogun slid his hand down over Ranmaru's stomach and down between his legs, making his eyes go wide with fear. "I-I-I-I-I…ah, Nobunaga – Sama – aa!" Nobunaga stopped a moment to place a hand over his mouth.

"Shh…shh…quiet now…you don't want to wake the other servants, do you?" he asked in a low tone. Ranmaru panted and looked at him fearfully with his large doe eyes a moment before cautiously shaking his head. "I thought not…now, be a good boy…" He replaced his hand where it had been before and lowered his head to kiss the teenager's neck.

"Nobunaga – Sama…wh – what will Lady Noh say if she finds out?" Ranmaru asked in a whisper, his cheeks growing warm and his eyelid heavy.

"Lady Noh doesn't have to know…just relax now…" Nobunaga said, his tone becoming sterner as his hand flexed, causing to Ranmaru whimper and throw his head back against the floor.

"Aah…Nobu…Nobunaga – Sama…please…it – it…you…you're…you're hurting me…! Nobunaga – Sama, don't, please!!"

The next morning, Ranmaru woke up on his stomach with sunlight streaming peskily into his face, his clothes discarded in a neat folded pile next to him and Nobunaga nowhere to be found in the lavishly furnished room. The covers and bed roll were made from the highest quality of silk, the walls were bare, but around them were tables with painted vases and chests of drawers made from bamboo and dark woods, a collection of swords and spears decorating the walls over several decorative changing screens.

Rising from the covers, Ranmaru got onto his hands and knees and stretched, reaching for his clothes when sharp pain rode up his back like a cavalry of horses, forcing him to still until the pain subsided. The next time he tried, he did so much more slowly and carefully so as not to aggravate his backside. Pulling on his meager garments and searching for his tunic, he found instead an expensive silk winter kimono in its place. Lifting his onto his lap, he looked at it in awe as his fingers rolled over the slightly raised patterns. It was purple of course, but not quite, almost maroon or wine colored with a red collar and adorned with sakura designs. He was wondering if it was for him as he had seen the shogun wear it before and was readying to put it away when the door slid open and Nobunaga said, "Yes, it is for you to wear, Ranmaru – Kun…"

Ranmaru jumped and held it to his bare and pale chest, looking in his lord's direction to see who it was before relaxing. "Oh, Nobunaga – Sama…I cannot accept this…I'm just a servant - -"

"But I want you to wear it; I picked it out especially for you. I'll never wear it again as the color doesn't look as good on me as it will on you."

"But, Nobunaga – Sama - - !" Ranmaru said as Nobunaga swept over to him and stood him up, taking the kimono to put it on him and lifting the obi after fitting it on just perfect.

"There, see? It does look better on you. Now, come along outside; my officers and I are planning an attack."

"Where? What attack, my Lord?"

"You will not be participating in the battle, Ranmaru, but you may listen in as long as you stay silent and do not speak."

"Yes, Nobunaga – Sama; I will do as you ask of me," Ranmaru said, bowing. "And thank you for you for the clothes. I will wear them all the time."