Disclaimer: I don't own Predator, or Alien, or AVP.

First AVP fanfic!!! Don't kill me!!!

Okay, here's the situation for this fanfic.

Scar, Lex, and assorted Aliens (including Grid) are all living on the same floor of an apartment complex. (None of them are sharing rooms. I'm not that evil . . . yet.) That's all you really need to know. On with the fanfic!!!

Lex and Scar creep up to the door of Grid's apartment. They glance at each other, then open the door and prepare to ambush . . . air. Grid wasn't there. After exchanging another set of confused glances, the pair look around the alien's apartment. They had originally come over to surprise Grid and piss him off for no apparent reason and then watch movies. (He had the best TV and this big squishy couch and practically a million movies.) Since he wasn't present, they took advantage of the unique opportunity for snooping.

Grid's apartment was unnaturally clean; something the pair hadn't been able to properly appreciate whenever the alien was present. The living room looked like a cleaning maid had just gone through it. The top of the TV wasn't dusty, the cabinet holding DVDs and other assorted items was organized, and the wood flooring was shiny. Lex and Scar went into the kitchen and found it in a similar state. The bathroom looked like something out of a TV commercial.

They were about to investigate the final room in the apartment, the bedroom, when they heard the front door open and shut and heavy footsteps cross a room. Lex jumped on Scar as he activated his cloaking devise and clung to him piggyback style so the cloaking would cover her too. They crept into the kitchen and saw an alien with a familiar crisscrossing of green lines on his head putting brown bags on the kitchen counters. Frozen with surprise and shock, they watched Grid put away groceries.

They regained their powers of physical movement when Grid left the kitchen, finished, and went back into the living room. They crept after him and saw him turn on the TV. When he collapsed into the middle of the couch, Scar crept up behind him with Lex still clinging to his back. If the cloaking device hadn't been active, the sight of a small ooman female clinging to a yautja would have looked beyond ridiculous, but it was and thus looked like nothing at all.

Grid's tail twitched from its curled up position on the couth next to him as Grid changed positions. Scar quickly ducked below the edge of the couch so he wouldn't be seen. When the sounds of motion stopped, Scar looked back over the edge of the couch at the alien. He was lying lengthwise on the couch with his head on the arm at one end and his feet propped up on the arm at the other. His tail hung over the edge of the couch.

Scar and Lex saw their opportunity. Scar crouched down again and Lex got off his back, now visible. She crept toward the end of the couch with Grid's feet and tail and Scar crept to the end with Grid's head. Lex was the first to move. She grabbed the closer of Grid's two feet and pulled, jerking him a few inches closer to her end of the couch, and tackled his tail to the floor before it could impale her. Scar let his cloaking drop and materialized towering above the too-surprised-to-be-pissed-off-yet alien. He pinned Grid to the couch with one arm and pushed Grid's head out of his face and to the side, towards the TV. The pair of ambushers proceeded to poke Grid rapidly and in multiple places (this is how you tickle an alien) while he squirmed, trying to free himself. Then Scar hit a sensitive spot and Grid suddenly grabbed his shoulders and threw the yautja away from him. Scar flew over Lex and hit the wall, landing in a crouch. Grid sat up and crouched on the end of the couch to tower over the insolent ooman sitting on his tail. Lex froze mid-poke and stared up at Grid. Scar leapt back over Lex and tackled the alien as Lex leapt of his tail. The two wrestled briefly, then Scar and Lex allowed Grid to chase them out of his apartment. They fled down the hallway as Grid slammed the door.

"Stupid ooman, stupid yautja, ruining my living room," Grid muttered as he surveyed the damage of the brief battle. There was a big crack in the wall where he had thrown Scar. He began the irritating process of patching it up.

I need more ideas for this, so unless I get some, I can't continue. If you give me an idea and I use it, you will recieve credit.

Review if you like or if you don't.