A/n hey everyone, this is the last chapter. Thanks to all who've reviewed or commented. And thanks to my wonderful beta REIDFANATIC.

Disclaimer: I don't now, nor have I ever owned CM. I own only my own characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

"…yeah, you should see his office. It is way cool. There are four guys on the team and two women. They have the neatest tech girl you ever saw, she can do stuff with a computer that's completely awesome."

Hotch smiled at the girl sitting at a round table with three other girls, he passed the table on his way to his own seat. He grinned at Haley and she handed Jack to him.

"What are you grinning at, oh husband of mine?"

"Lisa, she has the worst case of hero worship I've ever seen."

Haley watched as Spencer and JJ slowly danced in the middle of the hardwood dance floor. "She just turned thirteen and he's a lot older and an FBI agent. It isn't surprising that she thinks he can do anything short of leaping tall buildings or stopping bullets with his chest. They've only known each other for three months; it'll wear off soon enough. Can you imagine what will happen when she starts dating in a few years?"

Hotch's smile grew even wider. "I already know what he'll do. First he'll do background checks on her dates and then he'll try to send Morgan along as a body guard.

"Oh yeah… I can see that happening," Haley laughed delightedly and wiped at her streaming eyes while keeping Jack's hands out of her ice cream.

"Hey what's so funny," Garcia asked Haley sitting down next to her with Morgan on the other side. Haley filled them in and all three of them laughed again at the look on Morgan's face. "I'm not babysitting teenagers," he declared.

"Hopefully you'll be too busy taking care of your own kids." Garcia stated and swatted him on the back when he choked on his wine. Her engagement ring sparkled under the lights of the candles that lit up the room and she gazed at it lovingly.

"Girl… we just got engaged… what is your hurry?" Morgan gasped, his face turning red.

"I want to have gorgeous little profilers that look just like their Daddy." She whined. Haley was chuckling again and Hotch was pulling a spoon out of Jack's reach when Gideon joined them with his girlfriend, Sarah.

"Did I miss a joke," he asked, sitting back and wrapping an arm around Sarah.

"Naw, just Garcia getting Morgan all worked up about kids." Hotch said.

"Oh… I'll stay out of that argument." Gideon replied shaking his head at Sarah's inquiring look.

The music ended and the group watched JJ whisper something to Spencer. He flushed red and waved his hands around as they seemed to argue. JJ was smiling though, and soon Spencer gave up and left JJ standing on the dance floor. She trailed over to them in a long white silk gown that hung down her body in a long column. It made her look taller than she was and she'd opted not to wear a veil. Instead she had a crystal tiara in her hair, which was twisted up into an elaborate hair do on the top of her head. She was chortling like crazy when she reached their table.

"What's so funny Mrs. Reid?" Morgan asked her as she slipped into a chair next to Sarah.

"I told Spence to go ask Lisa to dance with him. He's all flustered because her friends are here and you know how they all have desperate crushes on him." She continued to giggle. They all turned to watch Reid. He was talking to Lisa and the other girls were gawking at him and giggling. Spencer was turning crimson. Lisa jumped out of her chair and grabbed Spencer's hand, dragging him to the dance floor, where a slower number was playing.

"Hey JJ what's with the water works?" Morgan asked watching her watch Reid and Lisa do a slow and awkward waltz around the floor.

"I'm not crying," JJ insisted, picking up a napkin to try and wipe her eyes without destroying what was left of her makeup after the ceremony.

"Ok, don't pull your gun or anything," Morgan teased.

They watched the pair dance and talk to each other. Lisa was tall for her age and her hair was upswept like JJ's. She had begged her mother to wear makeup, but Maggie only agreed to a little mascara and lip gloss. Her bridesmaid gown was chocolate brown and tied with a copper colored silk sash. It fell to just above the floor.

"She's a pretty girl who's going to have to beat the boys off with a stick soon," Morgan observed.

"I don't think Reid or Maggie has to worry about boys for awhile, after all she has a big crush on you Morgan," Emily informed him.

"Don't let Reid hear you say that," Gideon advised as he forked up some of the wedding cake.

"Hey, I've done nothing to encourage her, she knows my heart belongs to my goddess," Morgan proceeded to kiss Penelope senseless while the other's laughed.

Garcia was beet red and breathless when Morgan released her mouth, "You better not forget that, stud."

Hotch smiled at Haley when she turned to kiss him on the cheek during the playful banter of his team. It was going to be okay. The young man they were watching dance, had weathered a terrible year, but everything was alright now.

"Come on, it's time for you to dance with the best man," Morgan ordered jumping up and rounding the table to pull JJ to her feet.


The tires of Reid's SUV made a crunching sound on the driveway. He looked over and saw that his lawfully wedded wife was sleeping. He hated to wake her up, but they had reached their destination.

"Hey sleepy head, we're here." He lightly joggled her shoulder.

Her eyes snapped open and she said groggily. "Are we there yet?"

"Yes, didn't you hear what I just said," Reid joked. "Here's Erin now," he pointed through the window. JJ got creakily out of the car and looked happily at the Mansion in front of them. Devereaux House was as beautiful in summer as it had been in early spring.

"Hey you two, how was your trip." Erin asked rushing over to hug Spencer. She embraced JJ next all the while snapping orders at the young, dark haired man with her. He took the bags from the car and hauled them in the house.

"It was fine," Reid replied. "I'm still overwhelmed that you're letting us stay here for two weeks without charge, I never expected that -"

"Hush, sweetheart. It's good for business. Ever since the word of your discovery got out, this place has been busier then a one legged man in a butt kickin' contest." She dragged him up the stairs and into the home, with JJ following behind and grinning.

"I'm just glad we aren't here alone this time, once was enough for me." JJ commented as they moved through the entrance way and up the grand staircase. She guided them to the room they had the first time they were there. The young man that carried their bags had already opened the door and set down their luggage.

Erin told him to skedaddle and he did. "Well, this is a bed and breakfast, but we don't stand on ceremony here, you all come down in the morning when you're good and ready." She winked, handed Reid the key, and left the room.

"What was that all about," he asked JJ perplexed.

"Oh Reid, you really are an innocent," she chortled. "She was telling us in her "oh so not subtle" way that we can stay up here as long as we want in the morning." She waggled her eyebrows at him and he went crimson for the hundredth time that day.

Then he seemed to come to some sort of abrupt decision. He took her hand and pulled her protesting out the door.

"Dr Reid, what are you doing," she demanded.

"I forgot to do something," he informed her, sweeping her up into his arms while she squealed. "I forgot to carry you over the threshold."

He reentered the room, fumbled the "do not disturb" sign on to the knob and shut the door on her laughter.


Lisa Reid danced into her bedroom, her eyes shinning with the excitement of the day and the night. They had stayed to eat and talk and dance for a long time after her brother left with her new sister in law. A new sister, that was so cool, and a kick ass FBI agent to boot. She never thought that JJ would ask her to be a bridesmaid. She was totally excited by the offer; she'd never been a one before and couldn't wait to do it.

She thought the wedding was the most romantic thing she ever saw. It was way cooler than anything in the movies, or books or TV. All the music and the flowers and the rings, it was just too wonderful to describe.

She changed out of her dress and carefully hung it up in the closet. She pulled on drawstring pants and a white tee shirt. She went to the computer and opened her journal.

Dear Diary,

Today I got to be in my brother's wedding, it was really cool. The flowers were so pretty and the music was cool. The best part was the dancing and the food afterwards. I got to dance once with Derek Morgan. He is so cute. It's too bad he's engaged to Penelope…


Morgan joined Penelope on the couch. She'd changed out of her Maid of Honor get up and wore a bright red pair of lounging pajamas. He'd been thrilled to get out of the monkey suit he'd had to wear and into a pair of cut off sweats and a blue tank.

"So baby girl, have you had enough of weddings for awhile," he asked hopefully. Keeping her away from JJ's had been a full time job and he hadn't really succeeded.

"Don't get too hopeful gorgeous, I still have our wedding to plan." She replied getting a glint in her eye that made him extremely nervous.

"Ah - you do know that this isn't a Royal Wedding, right?"

"Don't be ridiculous; I'd never try to out do Charles and Di. That would be crazy." She stroked one of his cheeks and winked.

"Then why do I have a very bad feeling every time you talk about it." She had ordered him to stay out of the preparations, claiming he would screw it up. He was only too happy to comply.

"Because you're a profiler and naturally paranoid," she kissed him, but not before climbing into his lap.

He broke the kiss and looked her straight in the eye. "Your distractions won't work."

She ran one hand down his chest to his groin area and made a liar out of him.


Moonlight dappled the room with shadows that writhed sinuously across the wall. The white lace curtains fanned out in the cool breeze from the window. Spencer watched what the moonlight did to the room, while JJ slept, her head on his chest, her legs intertwined with his.

One arm circled her bare shoulders and he stroked her hair, now free of it's elaborate up do. It fell around her face, just the way he liked it. Her breath tickled his chest but he stayed still. He couldn't believe it, she was his. He never imagined the first time he saw her that she would one day love him and marry him. The butterflies in his stomach told him it was true, but he didn't quite believe it.

"Hey, why aren't you sleeping," she asked, her eyelids fluttering open.

"How did you know I wasn't? I thought you were asleep." He tightened his arms around her and she kissed his chest before replying.

"I always know when you're not sleeping. She looked up at him with blue eyes that spoke of dreams come true and dreams yet to be dreamed.

"I'm not tired. I can't believe it actually for the first time in years I have energy to burn."

"I guess I didn't do my job very well then," she pouted and made him laugh.

"That's not what I mean, you pretty much wore me out physically, but mentally and emotionally I feel like I could run ten miles and not break a sweat."

She hoisted herself up on one elbow and regarded him solemnly. Her hair tickled the inside of one armpit and brought thoughts of repeating their previous activities.

"I know that look Spence and while you may have tons of energy, I want to sleep."

"Well go ahead, but I'm going to watch you. I don't want to miss one moment of anything in the next two weeks."

"How am I supposed to sleep if you're staring at me?"

"You will," Reid said confidently.

He was right; she did drop off pretty fast after snuggling back up to him. He watched his wedding band instead of the moonlight in the dark room. It glittered as his hand stroked through her hair once more. Oddly enough, he broke his promise to stay awake and followed Hypnos down to the realm of Morpheus, where his dreams were of light and love, not demons and darkness.