Stay with me

Saya collapsed to the floor out of exhaustion and yet her hands still grasped the hilt of her sword tightly. There was still a small amount of her blood trickling along the blade from her last fight with a Chiroptera.

"Oh Haji…" Saya whispered sadly as tears started to stream down her eyes as they turned back to its usual dark brown hue. Clutching the sword tightly, she remembered when the time when they first saw each other again after decades. The first kiss they shared. Oh, how she wished she could kiss him again and tell him how much she loved him. I'm so stupid! How could I have not realized that he loved me? After all those years we've been together. And now it's too late…far too late for everything…

Saya had been like this ever since she woke up four years after she went into hibernation. She'd stare at her sword after a fight and collapse crying.

"Saya! Saya!" uttered a familiar voice. He lifted her up and carried her. She opened her eyes a little to see who it was and was shocked that it was him! He's back! She wanted to speak to him but before she could say anything, she fell unconscious again.

"mmm…How long have I been here?" Saya asked scouting her surroundings; she's back in Julia's clinic with a bag of blood by her side.

"Oh, it's good that you're awake now. You've been asleep for two whole days." Julia informed her. "It must be because you've lost a great deal of blood."

"How did I get here Julia?" Saya questioned whilst loosening the long blue ribbon that secured her long hair in place.

"He brought you here three nights ago." Julia checked on her blood pressure and blood count one last time before removing the needle on her arm. "We were all shocked that he was alive."

"Him? You mean…he's back?" Her eyes widened in disbelief. I wasn't dreaming back then? She quickly stood up and went outside the room. "H-Haji?" Saya whispered as she saw him standing there still looking the same. Tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Are you alright now Saya? Are you feeling better?" Haji asked, propping his cello case next to the wall.

Saya quietly went toward him leaned her head against his chest, her hands shaking as she clutched his shirt. "I w-was afraid…I was so afraid…I th-thought I've lost y-you." She sobbed.

"I'll never break my promise to you." Haji stroked her hair gently. "Come now, you need some more rest." He scooped her in his arms and carried her back to the room.

"Please stay here beside me and hold my hand." She murmured as he laid her on the bed. "If that is your wish," He sat down beside her and held her hand in his as she went back to sleep. Her hair has grown a little since then. Haji pondered inaudibly while watching her rest. Her hand is still soft and smooth as always but I wonder why she woke up this early? She shouldn't be waking up for the next twenty six years!"

The second she stirred from slumber, Saya immediately looked for Haji and was astonished to see him sleeping yet his hand is still holding hers firmly. "He looks so cute when he's like this" She whispered to herself while running her left hand across his soft dark locks. Haji was woken up by her caress and he lifted his head to take a good look at Saya.

"Is there something on my face?" Saya asked, reaching for the box of tissues on the bedside table.

"No,no. There's nothing wrong. Everything's perfect." Haji stroked her cheek lightly. Saya turned bright red and quickly looked away.

"Did I do something that offended you? I apologize." He bowed down his head before her.

"Uh..n-no.. it's just that ,,,I still can't believe that you're back here again…" Saya murmured under her breath. "I thought..I'd…I thought I'd never get to see you again…" she added as tears began to run down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry I made you miserable Saya." He said, wiping her tears away.

"Haji..I..I lo-." Before Saya could even finish her sentence, a loud rumbling sound cut her off and alarmed Haji. "What was that? A Chiroptera, maybe?"

"uhm..…that was my stomach…" Saya went bright red from embarrassment. She quickly changed the subject, "How about we have lunch at my place then we'd head to the mall to buy you some new clothes." She tugged at his sleeve, trying to stifle a giggle.

"Is there something wrong with my clothes?" Haji looked down at his garments with a puzzled look on his face.

"It's just a little too old fashioned I guess." She chuckled softly, straightening his wrinkled shirt.

"I understand." He nodded in agreement.

"Let's go then!" Saya smiled and got up to her feet while he went off to get his cello case.

"Don't you live at the Omoro now?" He asked as the cab dropped them off in front of a condominium building.

Saya shook her head. "Nope. I don't want to risk endangering my brother and my nieces." She rummaged through her keys and unlocked the door to her unit. "There. Come in Haji, make yourself comfortable. I'll just take a quick shower and change into some new clothes, okay?"

"Yes. Take your time. I'll be fine." Haji placed his cello beside the table before plopping down on the nearest chair. He looked around and observed Saya's condominium unit., It had three rooms and one bathroom and a kitchen. It's a pretty big place for only one person. He thought. But then again, this is nothing compared to the mansion we lived in before.

Meanwhile, in her room, Saya was fumbling among her clothes. Rejecting one garment after another, before she finally settled down with a light lavender summer dress and a pair of white sandals. After getting ready, she quickly rushed to the kitchen to prepare lunch for her and Haji.

"Uhm…I'm sorry if my cooking wouldn't be that good." She joked as she placed the food on the table.

"This isn't bad at all Saya." Haji commented as they ate. He didn't really have to eat now but he wouldn't mind eating human food again. Especially since its Saya's cooking. She really likes this stuff. He mused as he looked at the steak. She would always ask the Joel's chef to cook this for her and eventually, she learned how to cook it and do it perfectly.

"Really?" Saya smiled enthusiastically. "Thank you. And oh, you've got some sauce on your lower lip." She leaned over and wiped it off. A blushing Haji managed to utter "Thanks." somehow.

They finished their meals and went to the mall. "Black and crisp whites suits you but you should also try out some other colors, is that okay with you?" she asked him as they went entered a clothing store.

He nodded his head and watched her pick out some shirts and jeans from the racks. "Here, try these on first." Saya handed him, a white polo shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. Haji complied and went on to try out the clothes in the fitting room. After a short while, he returned to show her the result. "Wow. You look really cute!" She remarked. "Here, try these on too." She handed him another set of clothes to try.

They went to five more stores before they went to a restaurant because Saya was getting hungry. "I think we've bought enough clothes Saya and you've spent far too much now." Haji told her as they ate their meal.

"Oh, it's alright to spend that amount. You don't have to worry, Joel said we could spend as much as we want, it would be like a reward for everything we did for the Red Shield." Saya replied as she finished her meal and started to eat her dessert.

"But I'm just your Chevalier, you shouldn't wa—." He tried to protest but she cut him short quickly by placing a spoonful of vanilla ice cream into his mouth. "You're more than just a Chevalier to me." She said in a low voice.

"I beg your pardon?" Haji asked, astonished by her answer.

"I..oh..uhm…th-the ice cream was good wasn't it?" Saya lied, taking a spoonful into her mouth.

"Yes." His eyes narrowed a little before returning to his usual plain, emotionless gaze.

There was a long awkward silence between them as they walked back home but a call on Saya's mobile phone broke it off. It was David asking them to go to his office immediately. They did as they were told and in twenty minutes, they were at the Headquarters of the Red Shield.

"Julia informed me of what was happening here while I was away on a business trip and I was quite surprised that your Chevalier is still alive." David told Saya. "So, how did the last fight go?"

"It was a pretty powerful Chiroptera and I've lost a great deal of blood but I'm better now." Saya looked a bit peeved by David addressing Haji as her chevalier. Why won't he simply address him as Haji?

"Since, your condominium has three rooms, I believe it would be best if Haji stayed with you, so in case there are some remaining Chiropterans from the Delta67 project, then it would be easier for you guys to prepare." David suggested. "But if you aren't comfortable with the idea, we can arrange for him to stay in another unit near yours."

"Uh-uhm…i-it's okay with me." A slight blush crept across her cheeks at the idea of living with Haji. "I wouldn't mind having some company."

"It's decided then." David smiled at them.

"I'm sorry but I have to go, I promised to visit the twins today."

"Sure, we'll just give you a call if there's a Chiropteran activity"

"Okay! Please say hi to Julia and John for me!" She said before running off, with Haji quick to follow her.

"Aunt Saya! Aunt Saya!" shouted two toddlers happily as Saya and Haji approached them.

"Have you two been good girls?" She asked, kissing each girl on the forehead. The twins nodded. Diva's daughters resembled her a lot, but they got Riku's smile and cheerful personality. Ever since they met Saya after she awakened from her sleep, they've been very clingy to her.

"They've been bugging me on when you'll be coming over and--- hey! What do we have here?" Kai greeted, obviously shocked by Haji's presence. "Welcome back Haji! When did you return here to Okinawa?"

"Just a few days ago." Haji replied, his eyes fixed on Saya as she played with the twins.

"Yuri, Yuki, this is your Uncle Haji." Saya brought her nieces to Haji and introduced them to him.

"Uncle?" Yuri asked.

"Uncle?" Yuki repeated.

"Uncle?" Haji looked at Saya, confused by the title she introduced him with to the twins, he was after all, just her Chevalier.

"Yes, you're their uncle. After all, you are a part of this family." She replied, giving him a light pat on the shoulder. Maybe she only thinks of me as her brother just like Kai. Maybe that kiss from four years ago didn't mean anything at all, but just something spurred on out of a whim. Haji thought grimly.

"C'mon guys, Kaori's waiting for us at the restaurant." Kai called out to them.

"Kaori?" Saya asked with a bewildered expression look on her face. "Do you mean my best friend Kaori Kinjo?"

"Y-yeah. That Kaori." His cheeks flushed in a slight shade of red.

"Hey! How come you guys never told me that you've been going out?" Saya teased, giving him a "light" punch on the shoulder.

"oww…that hurts." Kai rubbed his shoulder. "I think you're forgetting that you have not-so-normal strength Saya."

"Oops. Sorry Kai!" Saya bowed apologetically.

"hehe…no problem. Anyway, we should all go inside now." Carrying each twin in his arms, he went back inside the Omoro.

"Come on Haji!" She grabbed his left hand and ran back to the restaurant.

"Hey, I see you've brought your boyfriend along." Kaori greeted as Saya entered the Omoro with Haji, still holding his hand.

"Uh..y-you've got i-it al-all wr-wrong. He's ju-just a friend." Saya explained, her cheeks were tomato red. "Haji, this is Kaori, Kaori this is Haji." She quickly introduced.

Just a friend…Her last words repeated again and again in his mind. I'm just a friend. Why was I stupid enough to believe that she loves me too?

"Nice to meetcha!" Kaori waved at him. Haji simply nodded in reply.

"Speaking of boyfriends…there are two sly foxes here who never told me they've gotten together three years ago but one already fessed up, the she-fox has yet to tell the truth!" she placed her hands on her hips, with a pretend angry face.

"oooohh..i wonder who she could be?" Kaori laughed. "hahaha…alright! Alright! I confess! Guilty as charged!" she raised her arms in the air as one would when surrendering.

"kyaa so cool!" Saya raised a fist in mid-air. "My brother and my best friend are dating? So cool!!!" The twins imitated her and they too raised their fists and shouted "So cool! So cool!" over and over again.

"Alright, that's enough." Kai stood up. "Everyone at the table now!" he commanded in a fatherly manner.

"Yessir!" the girls laughingly made a mock salute.

After dinner, Saya tucked the twins to bed before she and Haji left.

"We need to go now. The dinner was really good. I especially liked the boiled eggs!" She said as Kai escorted them to the door."Still the boiled eggs?" He scratched his head. "Yap!" Saya laughed.

"Tch..well, off you guys go then. And Haji?" he asked. "Protect my sister okay?"

Haji nodded his head quietly. He and Saya then walked to the train station. When they got home, Saya proceeded to tidy up her former guest room.

"This is where you'll be staying from now on. The bathroom is just beside this room. Call me if you need anything." Saya ushered him to his new room and went to the bathroom to freshen up before going to bed,

But after three hours, she woke up crying from a nightmare. So she decided to go outside by the terrace to get some fresh air.

"Why are you crying?" Haji asked as he approached her.

"Who m-me? I'm..I'm not crying. Some dirt blew into my eye." She lied, forcing a fake smile.

"You can never lie to me Saya. I know you have been crying" Haji replied. She could never fool him. Her eyes would always give away the reality of her emotions or thoughts.

Saya went towards him and buried her face into his chest, clutching his shirt tightly as tears continued to fall from her eyes. "I dreamt that I've lost you forever. That you never came back." She said in a muffled voice. "I love you Haji." Saya added in a faint whisper.

"I love you too Saya." Haji placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face so he could see her eyes. He gently wiped her tears away and placed a light peck on her forehead. "I'll never leave you."

"Do you promise?" she asked.

"Yes, I always have," he whispered onto her ear before capturing her lips in his. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he ran his left hand through her shoulder-length hair and placed his right arm around her small waist, pulling her closer to him and deepening his kiss.

"Will you please stay beside me tonight? Even just for tonight?" Saya whispered as they got back inside.

"I will stay with you tonight, tomorrow and forever." Haji replied, kissing her one last time before they went to bed.

Yuki's notes:

Thanks for reading my fan fiction! You made me really happy since it was quite a tedious task because I was always going all mushy and giddy whenever doing the Saya and Haji-only parts hmmm…I guess the hardest part here was doing their kissing scene since this is just my second fan fiction and I'm not really good at describing making-out sessions but I hope you guys liked this one. Please don't forget to drop a review and thanks again!