Okay folks just a few notes:

Disclaimer- I don't own the world of Harry Potter, or anything! If I did Draco Malfoy would be my personal slave. But seeing as he is not at my beck and call, it still all belongs to J.K. Rowling.

I am working on other stories. So please be patient and I will try to post as often as possible. I found where I wanted it to go. Yay! We're back on schedule!

Summer is upon us and I might be lazy. I promise to continually work on this story, but forgive if I give in the beautiful oasis that is my swimming pool! I can't be pasty white all year!

Have fun reading this. I hope you all enjoy my story. Review if you have questions, comments, suggestions, concerns, or just want to virtual slap me for my story.

Peace out guys!

3 Barney!

It was cold and rainy as Hermione Granger looked out of the window of the Hogwarts Express. Ron Weasley and Harry Potter were sitting across from her trading Chocolate Frog cards. They were starting their 6th year at Hogwarts. Hermione could not wait; she looked forward to a new year full of learning and good looking boys. Over the years the students she had lived her adolescence with had matured. Harry no longer looked like a lost puppy, but had grown to become a determined man. Ron had stopped looking like a pompous, snot-nosed kid and had grown into a pompous gentleman. Hermione herself had changed. Over the summer she had shed her mousiness and had matured and developed in all the right places. She had finally managed to tame her hair from wild frizz into soft corkscrew curls.

There was a knock on the compartment door, and the three occupants turned their head heads to look at who was disrupting their peace. Ginny Weasley walked in and threw herself into Hermione's lap.

"Wow. I have just seen the most amazing things in my life!" she said.

"What was it?" asked Ron.

"Well, I was just walking down the corridor, minding my own business, when I happened to look into a compartment window. And guess who I saw! Seamus Finnegan changing into him robes! Let me tell you, that was one gorgeous body I will not soon forget!" she replied.

"That is so gross Ginny. I thought you were going to tell us something important." said Harry.

"I thought it was important Gin. Now let's get changed ourselves, before we arrive. I expect we'll be there shortly." said Hermione. She secretly thought Seamus was very handsome.

They quickly changed and were pulling into the Hogsmeade station. "Merlin, I'm already counting the days until summer!" said Ron.

"Rona, we're not even on the school grounds yet. I can't believe you. I personally can not wait until we get our schedules." said Hermione, as she rolled her eyes.

The train slowly emptied as everyone climbed into the waiting carriages. Neville Longbottom joined the small group of people who were discussing their summer adventures. "Hermione, did you do something to your hair? It looks really nice!" he said.

"Why thank you Neville. Yes, I did do you like it? I'm surprised no one said anything before." she said throwing a pointed look at Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

"Oh Hermione, we noticed, we just… erm… didn't say anything… uh… because…" began Harry.

"Because they were too afraid to tell you it makes you look even more hideous than it did before. I personally did not think it was possible, but you prove me wrong, Mudblood." drawled Draco Malfoy.

"Shut up you ferret faced prat. At least I'm not a sniveling little nancy-boy like you." she replied.

The doors to Hogwarts opened and Malfoy pushed himself off the wall and stalked into the Great Hall, snapping his fingers and summoning his dogs Crabbe and Goyle. Just as he passed through the door he shot Hermione a scowl.

"Merlin, he is such an idiot! I would love to wipe that smirk right off his face." Ginny said.

"Don't worry Ginny. He'll get what he deserves. I will be the one to slap that smirk clear off his face pasty face." Hermione replied.

The Gryffindors followed the crowd into the Great Hall and sat down at their appropriate table. Shortly after everyone settled in the new first years were herded into the room to be sorted. However before the sorting could begin Albus Dumbledore stood up, "My dear students, we are changing things this year. Where you are sitting now will most likely not be where you are sitting next week. The professors and I have decided to try something new this year. Every student in the school will be resorted, according to your academic ability. You will live in new dorm rooms and you will have new dorm mates. You will also take classes with the people in you're new house. I understand many of you are surprised and a little confused, so the first week of school will be free of all classes so everyone can be sorted and get used to the new arrangements. We will begin sorting with the first years tonight, and everyday a new year. Please be open to this idea, it will work if you work with it. And please do not let previous judgment of others cloud your new perception."

And with that McGonagall stepped forward and called the first name. A very nervous boy stepped forward and began to walk to the stool. He sat for a moment until the hat yelled out, "HUFFLEPUFF!" The boy hopped off the stool and ran for the table newly decorated in a bright orange, which had previously been Ravenclaw. Finally, every first year had been sorted, and it was obvious who belongs to which house. The new Hufflepuff seemed very dull, the new Slytherins, the new Gryffindors, and last the new Ravenclaws all who looked intelligent. Hermione could see a young boy gesture to the ceiling as he turned to his neighbor. Hermione could remember when she had been so excited to see the magical ceiling.

"Can you believe Dumbledore?" said Ron, "I mean, how can he just mix us up?"

Similar comments could be heard all around the Great Hall. "I think it will be interesting. I'm curious who my new room mates will be." Hermione said.

The next week went by fairly quickly, as more and more students left to be sorted. Hermione and the others had to wait until Friday to be sorted. Once you were sorted you had to gather your things and move into your new dorms. Friday arrived with a sense of giddiness in Hermione. She woke up and rolled out of bed. She looked out the window in her dorm for what would be the last time. She sighed, "Well, at least I already know where I am going to be. All I have to be afraid about is who my new room mates are."

Sixth years all over Hogwarts began to get ready for the sorting. They marched into the Great Hall and stood around waiting to be called. McGonagall produced a roll of parchment and began to the read the names off the list. Slowly the crowd began the thin until, "Hermione Granger!" Hermione stood up and walked to the frayed old hat. She gently picked it up and placed it on her head.

"Ah, Granger, I was wondering when I was going to see you." said a little voice in her head. It talked to her for a short while, and then began its sorting, "Well, only one place to put you really…RAVENCLAW!" it shouted for the rest to hear.

Hermione stood up, gave a quick hug to Ron and Harry and walked out of the Great Hall. As she looked at the already sorted people and saw flashes or strange color around their necks. She looked down at her own tie and saw that it had changed to a most royal blue. She quickly walked to the small group of blue clad people and began to talk to another student. She immediately felt at home. Hermione could not believe that she had gone to school with these people all her life and never realized how fascinating they were. She was just discussing some of the finer points of Hogwarts, a History when the doors opened once more to show Draco Malfoy. Hermione could not help the small noise of disgust that escaped her lips when she saw that Malfoy was wearing a blue tie. "Well, of course. He has been ranked second every year. Right behind me." She thought with a bit of pride. Malfoy walked over to another former Slytherin and began to whisper. Hermione turned back to her new friend.

"I'm sorry, but I don't seem to have caught your name! I have a terrible memory for these things." She said to the girl.

"The name is Katrina. I was in Hufflepuff. We never really had classes together did we? Well, I'm glad at least one person is friendly. I was afraid I'd be in a house with the snooty Ravenclaws and Slytherins." She said.

"I was too. I'm so glad that I have you. Could you imagine a whole year with Malfoy and his crew? Or prissy Samantha Vizcheck's friends." Hermione replied.

Both girls began to laugh. Hermione was surprised to find that she had found a friend that fast. Harry and Ron were never this entertaining, and Ginny was often to wild for her to handle. The last people to be sorted walked through the door and McGonagall was right behind them. "Please listen students! The houses are not the only things that have changed. There will be new dorms. Each year will be given a different floor of one of the towers. Because you are sixth years you will be living on the second floor. Slytherins you will be living in the south tower, behind the statue of Millifer Watchfley. Hufflepuff you will be in the east tower under the Luther arch, next to the portrait of Morwena the Malignant. Gryffindors, you will live in the west tower behind the portrait of the lily meadow. Ravenclaws, you will proceed to the north tower, there is a hallway underneath the stairs leading to owlery. One of you will know the password. And one more thing, each dorm has been provided with a kitchen. You will now be in charge of your own meals on the weekend. Now, off you go!" and with that she turned on her heel and headed down the dungeons.

The students began to head off in the different directions. Hermione was excited about her new living rooms. She was also excited about cooking on the weekends. It would be much easier with magic. As they approached the door someone called out the password.

"Dragon heart."

Everyone turned to see who had known the password. Hermione was not surprised to see that it had been Malfoy. She quickly memorized the password and walked into the new common room. The room was decorated with large overstuffed furniture. There were a few couches and a couple of good looking tables the work at. But what caught her attention most was the half-circle of armchairs around the fireplace. The whole room had been decorated mostly in blue with touches of green, red, and yellow around the room. The group dispersed to heck out the rooms and to relax on the couches. Katrina grabbed Hermione's arm and pulled her into the kitchen.

"Wow! Look at this! This is huge. I love to cook, don't you? Maybe I'll go around and ask what everyone wants for lunch. Come with me? You know you want to! Wow, can you imagine the meals? I can't wait to start cooking." Katrina spieled.

Hermione had never seen someone so excited. She nodded yes and walked with Katrina into the common room. "Okay everyone. Hi! Well, I know that we are all excited to relax and look around, but I think that we should go around and introduce ourselves. And maybe even tell what our favorite class is. I'll start, I'm Hermione, and my favorite class is Numerology."

"Hi, I'm Katrina and my favorite class is Transfiguration."

And so everyone went around and introduced themselves. Even Malfoy and a dodgy looking girl next to him named Jasmine.

"Well, now that that's done, I was wondering who wanted to help cook lunch. I thought we could make sandwiches and soup. Does that sound good to everyone?" Katrina asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement and Katrina even got a few boys to help her with cooking. Hermione took the chance to wander around their new living quarters. She had found a linen closet, the bathroom and a little study before she found the girl's dorm room. The room was circular with five beds, and a little stove in the middle. The beds were dressed in a soft blue, and beside each bed was a vanity table that doubled for a nightstand. Hermione walked to her assigned bed and began to unpack. She put her clothes in the wardrobe and unloaded her makeup and hairbrushes. As she was unpacking Jasmine came into the room.

"So, the filthy Mudblood thinks she can be our leader. Why don't you go crawl back between the sheets to Potter and Weasel. They would rather have you. Although, I can't see why, I think you're revolting. That disgusting overbite and that frizzy hair. Do you really think looking like a mouse is attractive? I don't even know if I'll be able to sleep in here knowing that you are breathing the same air." Said Jasmine as she stalked closer and closer. "Maybe, I'll smother you one night, and then you wouldn't be breathing any air."

"You are completely mental! How dare you some in here and attack me. Who do you think you are? And your one to talk about looks. You look like a dead raccoon, with all that junk around your eyes. Why don't you crawl back into Malfoy's lap and leave me the hell alone." Hermione shot back.

"Aw, did I hit a nerve. What, are you worried that you won't be the best student in class? Are you worried that you might lose your edge? I'm sure stupid Potter will take you back. And if he thinks your disgusting then I'm sure that filthy Weasel will take you back. I mean you suit each other perfectly. You're both ugly and disgraces to the Wizarding world! I mean-"

Hearing the last words Hermione had been fed up. She jumped up from the floor and tackled Jasmine. As soon as she recovered from falling she attempted to hit every inch of jasmine she could get her hands on. Jasmine rolled Hermione over and began to hit her. Hermione was just barely aware that they were both yelling things at one another. Dean Thomas, who had been looking for the bathroom, opened the door and saw the two girls fighting. Hermione saw him run to the common room out of the corner of her eye. Jasmine had turned her head a fraction to see who had opened the door and Hermione took her chance. She pushed Jasmine down again and sat on her chest, pinning her arms to her sides.

"What do you think about me now? I may be a Mudblood, but you're just a future Deatheater. We all know that you'll spend the rest of your life in Azkaban. Why do you think everyone shakes their heads when they see you? You'll be just like your parents, rotting away in Azkaban. Oh yes, we all know about them!" Hermione spat back in her face. She leaned in close to Jasmine's ear, "We all know."

A couple boys and the rest of the girls came barreling into to room and pulled Hermione off the struggling Jasmine. Jasmine was still trying to get free, screaming at the top of her lungs, "I'm not like them!"

"What is going on?" asked a boy named Stan.

"She came in here and started hurling insults at me, and I got fed up. So I jumped up and hit her. We struggled, and I just had subdued her when you lot came in." Hermione replied before she walked out of the room and into the bathroom. Hermione leaned over a sink and splashed some cool water on her face. She walked to a stall leaned against the door. She pulled out her wand and cast a locking charm on the bathroom door. She didn't want to talk to anyone. She would never admit it out loud, but Jasmine's words had struck a chord. She could easily forget about the comments on her blood, or about Ron and Harry. But she could turn away from the fact that she was worried about losing her position. She had been worried about not being the best since she had started school. Everyone just expected her to be perfect. She had to be, the smartest in the class. She had to excel, but she didn't want to. Yes, it was a fact that she loved to learn. But, given a choice between being the best in her class, or being average intelligence she knew which one she would pick. She would be happy to struggle with her homework. Then she could be herself without everyone asking her for help, asking to copy off her. A small tear fell from the corner of her eye. She knew that she would have to answer for fighting with the horrible cow, but she couldn't bring herself to leave the bathroom. Toilets did not expect anything from you, neither did sinks. They were just happy to be of use.

She took a few deep breaths. She knew that she could live her life in a bathroom. Just as she prepared herself to open the door there was a knock.

"Hermione, McGonagall and Snape are here. Dean Thomas went to find a professor and he came back with them. They want to take you to see the Headmaster. Please come out Hermione." Katrina said.

Hermione unlocked the door and walked into the hallway. She turned left and found the other sixth years, McGonagall and Snape standing in the common room.

"Follow me Miss Granger." said McGonagall.

Hermione followed the professors and Jasmine out of the dorm and into the Headmaster's office. Dumbledore was sitting quietly at his desk reading a few papers when they paraded in. He looked up and seemed lightly surprised to see them in there.

"What seems to be the problem?" he asked.

"We were called into the Ravenclaw dorms by Mr. Thomas and found that Miss Granger had attacked Miss Stuart." said Snape.

"Well, what do the girls say? Miss Granger, if you would be so kind as to tell us what happened?" Dumbledore asked Hermione.

Hermione sighed and began to relay the story. "I was unpacking my things when she came in the room and began to insult me. I was so angry, I didn't think. I jumped up and tackled her, and then we started hitting each other. I'm sorry Professor. I didn't mean to. I just lost my temper."

"I think she should be expelled. She is a danger to the other students. I am appalled that Miss Granger thinks she can attack anyone she wants." said Snape. Hermione whipped around in her chair. She could not believe her ears.

"Now Severus-" began Dumbledore, before Hermione cut him off.

"Are you serious? After every snide comment I've had to take? After every hex I have had to duck? After every time I have had to go to the infirmary because one of your students has jinxed me, I am the one to be expelled? No, I'm sorry Professor but no. I will not put up with this! I will not stand back and let you, of all people, degrade me further! Do you know how many times I've been called a Mudblood? Five thousand and seventy-two. That's right I counted. Because I knew that one day I would retaliate and the first thing you would do was demand that I be expelled. Well, I have 5,072 reasons why I should not be." Hermione exclaimed. She quickly sat down and crossed her arms. Snape and McGonagall were staring at her in shock but Hermione did not care. She was few up. She had had to listen to their every word and had never reacted. She was not going to take Snape criticizing her even more.

"Do not worry Miss Granger, you will not be expelled. I'm surprised that you had not said something to a Professor, much less myself." Said Dumbledore.

Hermione was too tired and scared to answer. She did not even realize that Dumbledore was talking to her. She was frozen by Snape's piercing gaze. He looked ready to kill, and Hermione only had to guess once who he wanted to kill. She heard McGonagall call her, and felt a hand on her elbow. She let herself be guided out the door and to the infirmary.

"Hullo Poppy. I am sorry to bring a student so early in the year, but the Headmaster asked if I would have you take a look at Hermione. She was in a fight, and we just want to make sure she hasn't broken anything. However, the Albus also said to not heal anything, as punishment." McGonagall said.

Hermione realized with a start where she had been brought. She also caught the last bit of Professor McGonagall's speech.

"So, I'm not to be punished any further?" she asked.

"It appears so. Although, I can't imagine how potions will be after you said those things to Professor Snape." She replied.

"She will be fine. I didn't find anything worse that a couple of bruises. But that black eye will be sore for a couple days. Come see me dear if your vision begins to change." said Madame Pomfrey.

Hermione picked up a mirror lying on the nearest nightstand and saw that she did indeed have a rather ugly black eye. Her cheek was swollen and the bruise was black and purple. She could tell that she was going to get a lot of looks the next couple of days. Madame Pomfrey dismissed her and she walked back to the dorm room with a feeling of dread. She could only imagine what the other students would say when she got back. She opened the doorway and walked into the common room. Everyone did a double take when they saw her eye and it was dead quiet. Hermione was just about to tell them to mind their own business when Stan jumped off an armchair and began to clap.