Hermione crouched her body nearly bent in half causing her breathes to come raspy. Her eyes darting back and forth; she had never been a part of an ambush before. She wasn't quite sure if she wanted to be a part of one now. She watched as dew slid down the petals of a blood red rose, she was trying to think about anything but what she would have to do soon. Harry, Ron, and she had agreed that if it came to it they would kill. They would kill for the light that was in danger of being destroyed. They would do it without hesitation; they would do what was right.

Yet Hermione couldn't help but think that murder was never right, no matter what you did it for, no matter the cause. It was only a year after they had left Hogwarts (left him); it didn't seem okay to be thinking about murder Hermione wanted to cry but knew she couldn't; couldn't stand the chance of someone seeing her weakness (would never allow anyone to make her feel weak again) because they would send her home and fight to the death by themselves. She glanced beside her at the mop of red hair and the beautifully freckled face and she knew she would not stand losing him (where was he?). She raised her head and looked at a distant patch of trees where she knew Harry hid. She would fight for him no matter the cause, and maybe murder wasn't right but it was the only option they had now.

She wasn't sure what was in store for her anymore. She had come to terms with the fact that she might die here in this senseless slaughter trying to do anything to save the two (two of the) most important people in her life. Or maybe she would walk away. Hermione didn't even know which one she wanted.

There were pops of apparitions and Hermione bit her lip feeling the blood trickle between her teeth too keep from screaming and ruining everything; she began to recite potion ingredients in her mind even as she watched what was happening. Many dark cloaked figures had appeared and were milling about barely speaking waiting for their master. It wasn't long before he arrived more Death Eaters following him and they all dropped to their knees except for the two standing beside him.

"The time has come my followers, my pure ones." His words rolled off a tongue greased with oil and she felt herself shudder. "We will attack the Order at midnight and then we clear the world of the taint." A cheer went through the crowd and Hermione felt her face twist in disgust, in hate. She felt something brush against her leg and glanced down to see Crookshanks. Their sign. She nudged Ron and he nodded his face steely and determined, she had never seen him look stronger.

There was a massive burst of light and shouts of surprise, and Hermione was running not even realizing she had stood. Somewhere underneath she noticed that Voldemort and the two people standing beside him had not moved. But, then she was warding off a curse and shouting one back watching the bursts of green light, that were tell-tale to the most Unforgivable, the killing curse. She watched as people dropped their souls sucked out of them, and it was more terrible than the wounds that other curses were inflicting. She was caught from behind by a tripping hex and fell forward into the bloody chest of some unknown person, she shouted in disgust pushing herself up and puking while trying to wipe the blood off her face.

"Little girls shouldn't be playing at war, especially not mudblood ones." Said a voice that chilled her to the bone and she raised her head slowly to glance into the cold silver eyes. Draco's eyes.

"Malfoy," She whispered her eyes drifting to where he held his cane knowing that his wand lay inside.

"You're right where you're supposed to be on your knees in front of your betters. And that is where you will stay." Lucius Malfoy (Draco's father) said viciously as he leered at her and Hermione stumbled to her feet pointing her wand at his throat her eyes cold. He seemed surprised reaching for his wand which she smacked aside and he was defenseless. This is too easy, this is so bad she thought.

"Wrong." (Oh god it's Draco's father!) She said before shouting those two terrible words that sucked his soul out and she watched it leave through his eyes (Draco's eyes), to trickle from his mouth, and then a shimmer left his skin and he tumbled to the ground. Hermione couldn't help but think that murder was never right, no matter what you did it for. She didn't waste another second thinking of what she had done instead spinning to fight another wizard who had been sneaking up on her.

She fought and fought, killed and killed, and knew nothing but the spells in her head and the fear in her heart. Killed a man pointing his wand at Ron and she screamed when she felt no remorse. Suddenly her arm was hit and blood burst from a long cut and began to burn, she howled in pain and began to claw at her skin trying to stop the invisible flames. She had dropped her wand and now a wizard came into view someone she had never seen before. He grinned at her screams and pointed his wand at her forehead. Hermione closed her eyes opening them prepared for the spell, one second he was standing the next he was gone a crater where he had been. She stumbled slightly fingers already numb from the blood loss and fell down her cheek pressed into the wet grass.

"Oh God please," She heard a whispered voice and she thought an angel had stumbled upon her. Hermione felt her body turned over and she saw those silvery eyes again and she screamed trying to push herself away but she was drawn to the man's chest struggling helplessly. "It's me love, it's me." He whispered and in her daze she thought it was God.

"Am I dying?" She whispered and he swore, God wasn't supposed to swear!

"No I'll just fix you up." He whispered and she nodded and she felt a tingling spread through her numb body and her vision began to clear a bit. She let her head rest against his shoulder waiting for the pain to go away. When it did she leaned backwards feeling arms cradling her back and she gasped before struggling again. "Stop Hermione, stop." He said holding her tighter, giving her a light shake when she wouldn't listen.

"What- what are you doing?" She whispered deadly afraid, yet she felt somewhere inside something rejoicing.

"Don't look at me like that." He murmured his eyes hurt.

"How should I look at you?" She asked still trying to push away but he wouldn't let go.

"Like you still love me," She froze avoiding his eyes grinding her teeth.

"I'm sorry I don't."

"You're a terrible liar, always were." His whispered fondly his breath tickling her ear.

"Stop! You don't know me anymore." She shouted looking around desperately for her wand.

"I never left you Hermione." He whispered and she froze turning feverish eyes towards him.

"How can you say that?" She tried to ask angrily but his words had stopped all of her anger.

"I was always right beside you, I was never far. I never stopped loving you, and I will never leave you again." She tried not to cry but ended up pressing her face into his shoulder, hoping that the sounds of continuous battle would mask her sobs. Once she stopped she reached her arms around him and hugged him to her body.

"I think I could spend forever like this." She muttered and she felt his breath catch in his chest and felt the small shudder that ran through his body. "I killed your father." She whispered hoping it wouldn't destroy this, but his hand moved soothingly up and down her back.

"I know." He pulled back from her and looked at her face wiping away her tears almost absentmindedly. "I had hoped to get to him first." She tried not to look surprised, it didn't work. "Do you love me still?" He asked and she felt herself ripped away from him and thrown to the ground. She sat up and watched as Ron leveled his wand at Draco's face while he watched her painfully.

"I'll make sure you never touch her again." Ron whispered hatefully, he lashed out punching Draco across the face before backing away slightly and raising his wand.

"No-" Hermione yelled lunging for his wand arm but fell miserably short watching the bolt of light enter his chest, enter his heart and suck his soul out. She reached her hand out to him even though he was already dead. His back arched slightly as he fell backwards, his head cracking against the ground. She was crying as she crawled towards him, trying to untangle his body from the twisted position.

Hermione looked at his beautiful eyes that look of pain stuck in them. She wiped the wispy strands of hair away from his face with trembling fingers. She traced his cheekbone sliding down to wipe away the blood at the corner of his mouth. And slowly she lay down next to him resting her head on his chest and taking his hand winding her fingers with his. She pulled herself closer draping a leg over his and trying to keep them grounded trying to keep them together. Hermione held on to him listening to his empty chest waiting certainly for some faraway heart beat but the only sound was that of distant footsteps and she closed her eyes and saw him walking into the light.

"Even you Draco, even you." She whispered.

It didn't matter to her anymore who won because she knew now she didn't want to live without him. As the battle continued she kept her face pressed against his chest eyes closed tightly, trying with all her will to bring him back. Praying to God to see his mistake and give him back to her, but her prayers went unanswered and she felt the deep dryness fill her body, the dryness of being empty.

They lived their lives with unkempt promises and they died with them too.

Incultus Confidentia

A/N: The end! I hope you enjoyed this it went on longer than I had planned but I wanted to show the relationship between Malfoy and Hermione that I had pictured so at the end you guys would understand what was between them. Well I would love some reviews, it would really make my day.

Love always,
