Disclaimer: I make no profit from this. Ben and all of the other Lost characters do not belong to me. Helena, however, is mine.

A/N-This is set in season 3 after "The Man Behind the Curtain"

Chapter 1- From the Sky

Helena was dead.

She had to be. The pain was gone, that in itself was a blessing. Minutes ago everything had gone black. She thought she would wake up in an ambulance or hospital bed but instead she woke up to an intense white light all around her. She couldn't see anything except for the light.

She felt a presence nearby, nearly inside of her. It felt like someone was poking around inside her head, seeing what her last thoughts had been.

"Interesting", she heard a tinkling voice say as it chuckled. "Very well then."

Helena felt herself begin to fall, but there was no where to fall to. She fell through the empty air for what felt like hours until she finally landed, quite painfully, on solid ground.

She groaned and picked herself up off the ground wondering what the hell was going on. If she was dead shouldn't she be standing before a golden gate? Instead she found herself surrounded by thick foliage. The ground beneath her feet was soft and springy and the air smelled like it had rained recently. She was in a jungle.

Helena heard a twig snap behind her and swung around. The person she saw, well, let's just say that it wasn't possible to be seeing this person.

"Holy shit." She said under her breath.

"Who are you?" the person, the man, asked raising a gun to point at her chest.

Helena put her arms in air, "Please don't shoot me!"

"I asked you a question."

"My name is Helena and I think there has been some kind of mistake."

"Where did you come from?" he pushed. His clothes were wrinkled and a sheen of sweat covered his face, he looked like he had been traveling in the jungle for a while. He also looked impatient.

"That is hard to explain." Helena said hopelessly.

"You didn't crash with the plane. I don't recognize you. You just appeared out of no where?"

"Yes?" Helena said eyeing the gun.

"Are you real?"

"What? What does that even mean? Of course I am real." Helena said as she lowered her arms slowly.

The man didn't say anything as he shifted the aim of his gun and fired.

The bullet tore through Helena's arm and slammed into the tree behind her.

Helena grabbed her arm, "Son of a bitch! Did you really just shoot me?" she asked hardly believing it.

"I wanted to know if you were real." He said calmly.

"So you shoot me? You really have gone off your rocker haven't you Ben?"

The man straightened and aimed the gun at her again moving closer.

"How do you know my name?"