Story Plot:

Sakura has been adjusting with her parents death, Naruto off training, Sausuke being a traitor, and having a perverted panther demon in her. If things weren't more troublesome wait until her demon Hiraku tells her about going into heat…How is Sakura going to cope with the three personalities, working 24/7, being a hormonal teenager, and having a demon with a mind of her own. Things could get a little crazy and complicated! Not to mention how things could go wrong when her sight are set on Shikamaru. (heh, you poor thing, you might want to start running.)


'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Conversation"

P.O.V.---Point of view.


The Demon Inside Us All

Chapter One

Sakura's P.O.V.

As I lay here I ponder the past, and the changes that no one is allowed to know. I was…


I am always weak in their eyes. I'm weak… useless… annoying… ugly.

I was never given the chance and I never gave myself the chance. I was always protected. I was always the one watching them from far behind… I'm not weak. I'm anything but weak.

If only they knew. I wouldn't give them the benefit of knowing when they don't care.

I am Sakura Haruno of team 7. Team 7 is no more. They are gone and I am left here in Konohagakure. It's been three years. My parents were killed… and I.. I couldn't save them. That fateful day I gained a new strength… a demon.

Hiraku! A demon that took my parents life, a demon that is now in me. The heartbreak, the loneliness, the pain was all consuming but I will never let that stupid cat take me over! Not after everything my parents sacrificed to seal the dark panther in my body, it was the only option for any possible survival.

'Naruto. Naruto, you said you are going to return soon.'

Inner Sakura, 'Naruto, you better come back! I can't wait to kick your ass!'

Hiraku, 'Now, why the hell is it that she never shuts up! Ladies, we have a bigger problem than what your brooding over now. The full moon is in two days… Sakura GOD DAMN IT are you LISTENING to ME!?'

Inner Sakura, 'What are you going on about you infernal CAT!'

Sakura, 'Sigh… At this rate I'm going to get a headache. What is it Hiraku, what's with the full moon..?'

Hiraku, 'We will be at our peak, we will lust, we will search out a mate! It will be our first mating cycle!!! We will be in heat. There is no way to avoid it. We will be in heat, driven insane and our instincts will run wild. We are not human anymore and this happens to be natural for us demons. It is rare in such cases that female demons get contained in the first place…I think we need see Tsunade-shishou!'

Sakura, 'So… your telling me that we will… and there's no way to stop it… WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING SOONER! I'm too young to… you know!'

Inner Sakura, '. . . we are so SCREWED! He he he.'

Sigh. I hear rustling. Whoever it was, was coming towards us. Glance. Blink. Blink.


Narrative P.O.V.

"Are you on your day off?" Said a lazy drawl from behind her. Not bothering to look Sakura responded with a just as lazy tone. "What's it look like? I'm not at the hospital so you can definately that I am not working."

Shikamaru sighed , "How Troublesome. I never thought I would catch you staring up at the clouds." Sakura didn't bother to answer, finding peace in the silence. Shikamaru lay in the grass of training field 2 beside Sakura. He gazed at the clouds in silent acceptance that she was trying to escape as much as he was.

'So... wonderful. I'm going to go insane with lust and rape whoever I see…' Sakura though with distain.

Hiraku snickered, 'I wouldn't call it rape, you can't rape the willing! Cha! Men are so easy, it's Seduction.'

Inner Sakura, 'Hmm…I like where she's going with this! Hmm hmm hmm and look at that fresh meat next to us! Sexy, Not to bad if I say so myself!'

'W-What!?! S- Shikamaru?! OMG your all insane! Hn!' Sakura flinched outwardly getting the attention of Shikamaru.

"Sakura? Are you alright?" He leaned over her watching her with his faced etched in concern. Sakura turn three shades of pink.

'He's so close. Those eyes…I never noticed before their so complex… I'm loosing myse…' Sakura lost all train of thought. Sakura sat up slowly moving gracefully their noses almost touching. Her hand had found his neck before he jerked violently and turned beat red.

She teasingly touched her lips to his. The light, gentle contact sent heat and electricity through her veins. Flicking her little pink tongue over his lower lip, she gained a slight moan from Shikamaru.

'more… I want more of him!' All the voices were one in complete agreement in Sakura's head.

Sakura's shyness left in a second, adding pressure she nipped his bottom lip. Sakura slipped her tongue in and gently caressed his tongue. Her movements were inviting, almost enticing to Shikamaru. He was swept up in the passion and want, he wanted to dominate her.

'hmm…I could get used to this.' Shikamaru's unfocused thoughts.

'He tastes so good! Like white Chocolate.' Sakura and Shikamaru dueled for dominance. It was the heat of their bodies, the liquid fire running through their veins, and the sensitivity to each other. The light brushing of fingers sent goose bumps and warm shock through there bodies.

The heat that pooled in her stomach at the touch of his hand on her back and hips caused more and more instinctual reactions. Sakura final broke the kiss for air, that had been long deprived from them both.

Her mind was coming back to her and yet the heat and the wetness, the want, still glazed her over. Sakura found her eyes start to focus, she had Shikamaru pinned beneath her!

'OMG!OMG!OMG! I ALMOST…AHHHHH!' Sakura thought in panic.

'Would you stop screaming! We found our mate, and it wasn't rape! Take a look at him! He felt it all as much as you did! Look, he's aroused, his face is bright red, he's panting, his hands are all over you, and he's …hard!' Hiraku purred lightly.

'What do you mean he's hard..? . . . You don't mean…he couldn't possibly, you know because of me…' Sakura pondered in a more calm state as she watched Shikamaru with all his tell tale signs. Out of curiosity, Sakura arch her pelvis over his and felt his enormous erection pulse against her.

Sakura lifted her eyes to meet his and she was stuck in his dark eyes. "Sakura…" Shikamaru asked profoundly confused. She had never acted like this before in his whole entire life that he's known her, well not towards him at least! Maybe to the Uchiha Sausuke but not to him.

'What do I say?!' Sakura thought confused and panic stricken.

'Shut up, let me take care of this!' Hiraku burst joyfully. Hiraku took over with limited control provided by Sakura.

Sakura leaned in to Shikamaru their eyes locked, she grounded herself against him. Sakura saw him bite down on his lip and the flicker in his eyes.

Sakura purred out in a all to possessive and serious tone, "You, Shikamaru Nara are MINE. As you are mine, I am YOURS. How about you think about that, my mate." With the touch of her lips to Shikamaru's she was gone. Poof.

Blink. Blink. 'WHAT JUST HAPPENED!? Damn it, I'm thoroughly confused. Sigh. How Troublesome… hers…What does she mean… She couldn't want me, could she...'

Shikamaru grumbled loudly, from being left thoroughly aroused, flushed, and confused.

'Sakura…Troublesome woman.' He stared back up at the clouds and strangely found that unfulfilling. 'I need to find Sakura and figure this out.'


Hiraku: Black Panther Demon. Sakura likes to degrade by calling a Cat, in reference to stupid cat or domesticated pet. Which as a demon is rambunctious, perverted, and very much a pest, althought holds wisdom cause its very old.

Author's Note: This is just a dabble, if you want me to continue it as a story let me know. Please forgive my horrible grammar. Please review, depending on the input i might continue or take this in a different direction. Thank you for take your time to read. --Slushette