This is going to be a series. So far, both that I have written are 100 words, but I don't know if they all will be. Or if they'll all be from Kaoru's point of view. But they will all be Hitachiin friendship or love, whichever strikes you as being present.

His skin is always the same temperature as mine. We're twins. It's a twin thing.

The fun part about it is that, when I touch him, it doesn't feel any different from touching myself. It's the same texture, the same tension, the same solid weight behind it.

That's what really reminds me that we are in it together. We're stuck with each other, and it's just fine because Hikaru's not exactly the kind of guy to change on me without notice.

It's just…

It's just a very comforting thought, that someone out there has skin the same temperature as me.