My crazy bitch friend made me write this... Well! I hope you enjoy!
I don't own Naruto
Hyuuga Neji was born to a rich family, he was raised in a high class neighborhood in a mansion that most celebrities only dreamed of seeing and he had gone to the best schools in the country. Etticut and culture were as much apart of him as his long, dark hair and luminous eyes, physical traits that added to his beauty and quiet intensity. When taking these things into account, one would probably wonder why it was that he was in that moment, wearing a whit t-shirt, black pants and a green apron.
He stood at a cash register, twirling some hair about his index finger. It was midnight on a Tuesday night, he was working the graveyard shift with two other people. They had been surprised the day they saw him, wondering what on Earth someone from a family as illustrious as the Hyuugas, was doing in a humble 24 hour supermarket.
Neji had not answered their curious questions with anything but a smirk. Because of his cold attitude, the girl, TenTen and the boy, Lee, usually left him alone, except for every now and then when the black haired boy would exclaim to Neji in a tone much louder than needed, that he was his arch rival.
Other than that, the Hyuuga had uneventful nights at his secret job. Well... Sort of.
He had never been a suspicious person, in fact, he had never believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or the Boogie Man. But on the first shift he got, Neji's unbelief in vampires was shaken. The reason you ask? Well, just read and find out.
- - -(McSeabass)- - -
Neji idly twisted his hair around his finger, watching the same scene he saw, every night at the same time.
There was a boy with red hair and green eyes. He was kind of short, but despite that Neji couldn't even begin to guess his age. Other than his unnaturally bright hair and huge insomnia rings around his eyes, he looked like a regular kid. However, something about him just sort of stuck with Neji, he wasn't normal at all.
Or maybe it was the fact that he would walk in the store at midnight, go to the back and squat in front of the energy drinks for half an hour, select six or seven, purhase them and leave.
According to Lee, TenTen and their Manager Gai this was normal. But Neji wasn't exactly fond of the way he was indiscreetly stared at while ringing the redhead up.
The boy tilted his head slightly to the side looking as though his choosing time would be cut in half that night; However, he just rocked a little on his feet and went back to stillness.
Neji felt annoyed, how could someone stay in one position so long? Especially that one? Surely the boy's feet would fall asleep.
Neji himself had been trained all his life to be able to sit still for hours at a time. It had been something he could do before he hit seven, but this was ridiculous.
Perhaps the boy was from a good family, that might also explain where he got the money to afford over twenty dollars in energy drinks every night. Neji knew he would never do such a thing, then again he was the type to save every penny he got.
Neji planned to move out when he turned 18, in fact he had movers ready to come get his things at exactly 8:04am on July 3rd, because in that very minute he would come of age and no longer be forced to live in his family's control.
But to be able to do all that, he needed money, so he saved, so he got this secret job. Because family, mainly his overbearing uncle, had no idea he planned to leave them and never come back. Two more months, only two more months and he would finally carry out his plan of eight years.
Back to the present Neji glanced at the clock on the register. He had four more minutes until the boy was done. He sighed, a week ago he had actually named the redhead, but found that to be a bit creepy of him so he made efforts not to use it; even if it was only in his head.
It had come out of nowhere, he had been watching TV after just getting out of the shower and a commercial for some Strawberry Shortcake doll had come on. He grimaced, Strawberry Shortcake had definitely been changed for the worse. But the red hair had caught his eye and reminded him of the late night, would be vampire customer.
He didn't want to name him Strawberry Shortcake though, it just didn't fit. So he thought back on the old days of reading the books to his cousin Hanabi and remembered that Rasberry Tart had been his favorite. Go figure.
From that day on the redhead had been Rasberry Tart in his mind, or Rasby for short.
Neji tilted his head to the side, watching the boy carefully, he had opened the clear door and began picking out that night's selection.
He leaned back and waited the ninety seconds it took for Rasby to reach the register. Oh noes! His thoughts had reminded him of the catchy name and he was using it.
The redhead stared at him unblinkingly as he rang everything up. Neji could only wonder how someone could drink all this. The obvious physical clues on the boy's eyes were more than enough evidence for Neji to believe that he drank them all alone.
"$24.82" Said Neji flashing a prettier smile than he had ever given before. He hoped Rasby would return it, he just had to know if the kid had pointy teeth.
Rasby blinked at him, giving a small twitch of his lips before holding up the twenty and five dollar bills he already had out. Neji felt crushed by his disappointment and that helped him realize that he was really tired. It was an unfortunate thing for him that when he got tired he got rather stupid.
"So," Said Neji as he counted out the change, "May I please ask you a weird question?"
The redhead looked at him with slightly more rounded eyes. Neji guessed that it was his surprised face,but he gave a small nod.
The Hyuuga sighed inwardly, he couldn't believe what he was about to ask, "please don't take this the wrong way but... Would you tell me if you were a vampire?"
Rasby stared at him for a moment before blinking and holding out his hand for the change that Neji was holding hostage. When he seemed to realize he wasn't getting the money without an answer he licked his lips and said, "is that a serious question?"
"..." Neji felt stupid, but at the same time he really wanted to know, "I don't even know anymore"
Rasby only blinked as the surprised look went away, "Yes I would tell you"
Neji gave a small chuckle and handed the boy his change. Well, he could certainly conclude that little Rasby was older than fourteen at least, unless he just sort of had a deep voice. Hmmm. Neji blinked, Rasby was still standing there, his eyes trailed down and rested on the plastic bag where he placed the purchased beverages. With a sheepish grin Neji picked it up but Rasby opened his mouth again, "can I use a pen?"
The Hyuuga took a pen off the counter to his right and handed it to the boy, wondering what he was going to do.
The redhead leaned over and snatched his receipt out of the bag and scribbled something on the back of it. Then he looked at Neji and held it up. Neji could just barely see a slight tremble in the hand and he took the paper. There, written on the back:
Gaara 317-1119
He looked back at the boy who was holding his hand out for the bag, purposefully avoiding looking him in the eye. Neji chewed his lip for a moment and then put the paper in his pocket and walked around the counter. Rasb- Gaara saw him do this and began walking to meet him half way around.
With a smile more beautiful than the last Neji handed the boy his drinks and then leaned down and kissed him softly. This would be fun, TenTen had been invading his personal space lately and Gaara seemed a lot more interesting anyway. Well, he'd make a point to find out. Suddenly a thought hit him and he murmured, "how old are you?"
"Ok good" Neji pulled away from his lips and pecked his cheek and then stood up straight. Although Gaara's face was blank of any emotion, his eyes were swimming with them. Neji gave the boy a smirk and said, "I'll see you tomorrow, Gaara"
Gaara's lips parted, he looked dazed, "Yeah..."
Neji smiled and whispered, "Maybe sooner"
The redhead nodded as Neji turned to go back behind the counter lest his boss give him an earful. He could feel the boy's gaze on his back for a full five minutes until he heard the sound of the bell on the door ringing, meaning he had left.
Neji grinned, graveyard shift suddenly got a lot more interesting.
There you go Rachel, you crazy, crazy slut.
Done wih that, ok uhm, I hope everything was clear, if not, then that's what the second chapter is for I swear,