HOLYCRAP. Back again. Long time, no see, and back with the last part! Boo-ness.

Sorry, I've been busy lately. & lazy. Sorry, but yeaah.

I hope you like it, I would hope so, y'know.

Geez, this seems long and I'm fucking tired right now. damnitttt.



Later that night as I was TRYING to get some sleep, I kept hearing an annoying tapping noise at my window. My eye started to twitch annoyingly at the sound, and I soon got up angerly out of bed to find out what the hell it was.

Oh, what a surprise it was. It was not only thing that was currently annoying me, but the one thing that was doing it the whole week!

"Stupid Kaien."

I breathed in slowly and opened the window, "What the hell do you want?!" I yelled in a loud whisper.

"How nice of you to ask." he said backing licking his lips at me.

"Pervert," I rolled my eyes, "Keep it down!"

"Then let me in."

"Are you serious?!" I asked louder than I would of wanted to, "There's no way in hell. I have this one opportunity to keep you out and I'm keeping it! Plus, you're totally cliche with your rock throwing!"

"Fine, you won't let me in, then I'll just stand out here and sing you this beautiful serenade!"

"A seren-what?"

"You know when people stand outside windows and sing something up the person above usually at night?"

"Oh no-"

It was then when he started singing;

"Oh, Ichigo, you adorable boy!

You almost remind me of a toy!

Now invite me up to your floor,

and you and I can give it a go!"

"SHH! SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled, again, louder than I wanted to more than likely waking up half the neighborhood up.

"I'll keep singing if you don't let me innnn!"

Without even thinking clearly enough, I just blurted something out, "Fine! Meet me at the door!" With that I slammed the window shut.


I couldn't believe I did that again, and I was resisting the urge to put my head through my door because of it. I then left the room and I quietly walked downstairs to be sure I didn't wake anyone up (that's if they weren't already; Stupid Kaien).

I got to the door and answered, "Heyyy." he greeted me with.

"Yeah, whatever, just get inside and be quite!"

He was soon behide me and following me back upstairs, "You're so nice for letting me in your house, Ichi."

I glared at him over my shoulder, "The only reason for that was to shut you up and don't call me Ichi."

"Why not? It's adorable."

"That's exactly why!"

Before I opened the door to my room, I prepared myself for any moves he might of wanted to pull. Might of? I already knew he was going to, I just wanted to be sure that I was going be ready for it. As I opened the door, I could already feel him inching closer to me, so when we walked all the way in, I was quick to turn around and clamped my hand over his mouth.

"Before you even think of doing anything, you gotta do something for me real quick." I said.

I could see and feel the smirk forming on his face as he pushed out his tongue and licked my hand. I pulled my hand away quickly and brought it closer to myself.

"Anything you want." he said taking a step back.

"I'm tired of not knowing anything about you besides your name, so I'm gonna ask you some simple question and you just answer them, okay?"


"How old are you?"

"Old enough."

"Where are you from?"

"Aroundddd here."

"ARE YOU GONNA TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY?!" I asked, the shout echoing through my room.

He shook his head and smiled slightly, "Nope."

I sighed, "I just really would like to know something," I said looking away from him and grasping onto my arm and bringing it up to my chest, "Like, why you keep toying with me and my emotions and stuff."

I heard a small laugh escape past his lips as he started to approach me and took my hands into his and sent us backwards atop my bed.

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way," he replied planting his knees on each side of my hips and bringing my hands above me head, pinning me to the bed, "It wasn't my intention to make it feel like you were being used, but my 'toying' is just how I get to people. I just find it exciting, you know, interacting with people you don't really know all to much about."

I shot him a glare, "I don't really care what you get off on, It's not nice feeling all dirty knowing you're doing stuff with someone you don't really know."

"Heh, and you wonder why I do this to you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The way you act, you're like a challenge. It's cute. I'm so used to people doing into me so quickly, so the fact that you aren't into it makes it even more exciting."

I rolled my eyes,"Oh, great."

"But the thing about it is, you don't have to act this way. You're in such denail it's disgusting."


"Who are you trying to kid?" he asked, "I want you and you want me, but only one little factor of not knowing me well is holding you back from admiting that."

I looked away from him again as his words started to sink into me. He was so right.

He smiled suddenly, "I understand it being uncomfortable, you're young, I get it," he reached over and ran his fingers through my hair, "But just for you, I'll do what you say."

He then put that same hand behide my head and brought us up into a kiss. He pressed his lips hard against mine, but they didn't stay there for long. His lips soon traveled to my jawline down to my neck as he started to nip, lick, and suck at the sensitive skin presented as he moved his position to lay on top of me.

"My name is Shiba Kaien," he mumbled against my neck then reached down and slipped a hand into my shirt and started to run his finger tips over the skin, "I'm eighteen years old, and no, I'm not originally from here."

He gave another small laugh as he pulled the shirt off and followed through by removing his, "I moved here a couple of months ago." he said as he moved to my chest and started leaving trails of saliva with the tip of his tongue and I groaned slightly at the action.

"I moved here in pursuit of a better life for my siblings and I, how sweet, right?" He inched his face closer to mine once again, "But most of all about me, I like cute boys like you."

He caught my lips in a kiss again and pressed them harder to mine than before. I quickly parted my mouth for him and reached my hands behide his back brought his body closer to mine. The feeling of his bare chest pressed tightly against mine and his tongue making it's way around my mouth was just too much at the time. I didn't realize how much I wanted this until it actually happened.

He broke away from me and I shut my eyes tightly and let out a long awaited moan, "You wouldn't want to wake anyone up would you?" he asked.

"Shut uppp." I mumbled out.

He smirked as he then moved his hands down to the waist line of my pants and swiftly removed them as well. I breathed in sharply as the cold air hit the lower part of my heated flesh. I peered an eye open only to find him sitting back, removing his own bottom clothing, and pulled something out of his pocket.

I huffed when I saw the object, "You planned to have me in bed by tonight, didn't you?" I asked eyeing the bottle of lube in his hand.

"Did you even have to ask?" he replied as he came back down ontop of me and planted a small kiss on my lips as he started to move down my body. My breathing pitched up once again as I felt him steadily breathing on me from a lower angle.

He hooked two fingers of the at the brim of my boxers and slipped them off as quickly as the pants that covered them before.

"Kaienn..." I breathed out as I threw my head to the side when I felt that breath getting closer to my harden self. I soon heard the sound of the bottle being uncaped and the substance inside of it being coated on two of his fingers.

I inhaled sharply as he spread my legs and lifted my hips up. I felt his lubed fingers getting closer to my opening and I couldn't help but bite my lip in the process. I didn't know how uncomfortable it would feel until it actually happened. He slipped a finger in and I loud gasp escape past my lips.

He placed his face down on my stomach tired to hold back a laugh, "Looks like we have a virgin hereeeee!" he sang.

"No shit!" I yelled back, "I'm only fifteen!"

"You think that means anything these days? There's twelve year old kids that have more sex than you!" he said back as he adding the other finger.

My eyes suddenly closed tightly at the action, "Heh, did you get at those kids too? Freakin' pedo."

"Oh, aren't you the funny one?" he stated back as he started to move the fingers around in a scissoring motion, sretching the opening for him and making it easier for me. I gasped again, "You think this is uncomfortable, wait 'til later." he added as he removed the digits.

I bit my lip again at the thought of him being inside me. I knew that it was going to hurt, I mean it hurts for people who do it all the time, so I thought it was just gonna be even worse for me. I opened my eyes again only to find him coating his own hard erection. I couldn't help but moan at the sight; it was just too freakin' arousing.

He caught my gaze, "Don't get too excited." he said as he crawled back atop of me. As he moved his position, all kinds of emotions flew through me. Excitement, Fear, all that. But most of all, though it was hard to admit, I just wanted him. He spread my legs farther this time and rose my hips up slightly.

"I don't think I have to tell you this'll hurt, right?" he asked. I shook my head, "Good," he stated back, "but I'll make sure that it's as good as possible, alright?"

I blushed slightly as he leaned in and kissed my forehead. It was sweet of him to do that, but it still wasn't going to change anything.

It was then when I felt him poking at my backside. I took a deep breath and he then inserted the tip of his cock in. The breath I took let out quickly as I gasped loudly. He silenced me with a hush, "Relax." he said in a calm state. I nodded quickly and tighten my eyes again. He put in another inch and another gasp came out. I knew I was going to get used to it soon, but right then the feeling was just horrible.

"You just gotta relax, Ichi." he said again pushing more of himself in me.

I reached up and grasped onto his shoulders, digging my fingernails into the flesh, "It hurtttttss, Kaiennn..." I wimpered.

He sighed, "I told ya." He started to pull himself out and I grasped even harder onto him. My bottom burned and ached. I didn't really know if I could even last with it all. With that in mind, my eyes started to water up. I was sure he noticed this right away for he quickly bent forward and kissed the tears away.

He started to pushed in and out of me and I decided that I just needed to suck it up and stop bitchin' about the pain. Actually after a couple of thrusts, I started to enjoy it. It still hurt, but I learnt to deal with it. The feeling of Kaien in me was as amazing as I thought it be. It was obvious he'd been with other's before, and actually, I was greatful for that. I would rather have a person who knew what they were doing opposed to someone who didn't.

I moaned loudly as I spread my legs even wider for him, egging him on to go even deeper and faster. I grasped onto his back and dug into the flesh there with my fingers.

"Ahh, Kaienn.." I cried out into his ear.

"Nmmff, Ichigo, saying things like that will only make me come faster." he breathed out.

A smile crept onto my face and I finally looked up at him for the first time in awhile. He had a quite aroused face expression as he pounded into me, and sweat was pouring from him. It was then when I finally realized that Kaien was basically one-big-walking orgasm. I threw my head back in attempt to let out another moan, just thinking about the state he was in got me even more excited, "Fasterrrr Kaiennn."

He started to pound into me more and at the same time all I could think about was him. All the different times I met him that week, the way he made me feel, and the fact that he was right. I was in such denail. I told him, and even myself, that I didn't want to see and it was the last thing I wanted to do. But in all reality, that's ALL I wanted to do. Ever since I saw him on that train I knew I wanted him to somehow be apart of my life. That sounds so lame, but it's the god honest truth.

My breathing started to hitch up as I felt something inside me started to uncoil. Next thing I knew my head was back and another moan passed me. I felt myself unload onto his lower half and saw the hint of a grin plastered on his face, "I can't believed you even lasted that long."

"S-Shutt uppp." I manged to let out before I collasped totally.

He was started to get towards his limit too as I felt his movements start to stiffen. It didn't take him too long for him to release into me and moan loudly as I did. He started to breath heavily as he pulled out of me.

He looked at me right in the eye and smiled, "You're so good, Ichi."

I sighed and lifted myself up, landing on top of him and moved into a hugging position, "I want to see you again, Kaien, and not just random meetings I want to see you all the time. I want to be with you."

I felt his body become less tense when I said that and I could also feel the smile he offered me, "I think I would like that very much, to be with you that is," he stated back running a hand through my wet locks, "but-"

"But what?" I echoed, hurt from hearing such a word.

"People might think we're brothers and we're into that kinda shit."

All I could do was laugh and give him small hug, "Kaien?" I called out.


"I hate you."

"I know," he said back smiling brightly at me before kissing me on the forehead, "but I think I must being going now." he added getting up from under me. He cleaned himself off slightly and redressed himself, "I wouldn't want to found by anyone, yeah?"

I nodded and he smiled widely again as he reapproached the bed again. He bent over and grabbed my chin, pulling me into a small, but sweet kiss. I groaned as he pulled away and started towards the window and opened it, "Until next time." he called out with a wink directed at me and he was gone. How he manged to get out that window without hurting himself, I do not know.

I wrapped a sheet around my waist and headed towards the window as well. I looked through it only to find him looking back at me. I waved and he waved and he was gone.

As I walked away from the window, a smiled formed on my lips. All I could think about was the next place I would meet him and it already felt so good.


Aww, it's all over. Sadness.


Thanks for reading, though, and all the lovely comments. That makes me the most happy. Weeeeee.
