OK this is my first one so please review! And if I spell something wrong, oh well.

Chapter 1: Questioning Dream

Daine was sitting with the Badger god in an open meadow near a small pond. She was scratching his ear when he said, "You have done well Kit. We are all very proud." Daine was shocked by what he had said. The Badger god was known to be mean but always fair. He rarely gave such compliments.

"I think that's the nicest thing you have said to me. Thank you," she said with a smile.

"Yes well, you deserved it. But your job is not yet done," he said with a tone that concerned Daine.

"What does that mean?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Now wake up. You've slept for a week, now and everyone is getting worried."

Before she could reply, he stood up and a bright light surrounded him, making Daine shield her eyes. As the light faded, Daine cursed under her breath. He never gives a straight answer, she thought frustrated.

She awoke before dawn in her room at Pirates Swoop. Kitten was sleeping in a ball by her feet. Her scales were blue, showing she was concerned. She smiled at the orphaned dragon, then turned to see Numair sleeping in a chair beside her bed, his hand holding hers. He is so handsome when sleeping. But he probably wants an older woman, she thought bitterly. Kitten chirped, startling her Daine from her thoughts.

"Shh," she whispered. "I don't want to wake-"

"Daine?" Numair said, great concern in his voice. "How are you feeling?"

She smiled at the mage. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a little rusty," she said with a weak smile. She tried sitting up but didn't have enough strength. Daine laid back down with a sigh. "I was going to let you sleep, but someone," she glared at Kitten who was walking on her lap, trying to lick her hand, "had other plans."

Numair chuckled as Kitten jumped on Daine's chest and started licking her face. "It's alright. I wanted to make sure my magelet was feeling well anyway," he said ruffling her hair. "How was your sleep?" The Wildmage sighed, straightening her hair.

"Strange. The Badger god is frightening me a little. He said my job is not yet done."

Numair scratched his chin, thinking. "Maybe we have another war among us."

Daine frowned at the thought. "I hope not. Killing one Stormwing king was enough," she said remembering King Ozorne who she killed less than a month ago. She could see his face mocking her. Numair put his hand on hers, and looked in her eyes.

"That's all over. I won't let anything harm you. Don't worry."

Daine saw something- a feeling – go over Numair's face. Daine saw this feeling before on Numair but couldn't figure out what it was. Does he. . . no he couldn't. She dismissed the thought. Numair tightened his grip then let go. He stood up and headed for the door.

"I'll go tell everyone your awake," he sighed and went in the hallway.

Great, she thought. He's hiding something from me. Something important.