And here's Part II...

Not guilty!

"George is a really jealous person," Callie observed over M&M's and potato chips.

"Is he?" Addison raised her eyebrows. "I can't really picture him like that."

Everyone else confirmed Callie's statement.

"Some girl must have screwed him over. Don't you think it's a little unreasonable?" Izzie asked.

Meredith and Cristina nodded in agreement. Callie didn't say anything, but Addison spoke up, "I don't think it's unreasonable."

"Shut up, Addison." Callie muttered, but she knew her secret was about to come out and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Callie," Addison emphasized, "they already know."

"Know what?" Meredith was suddenly very curious.

"Callie's been sleeping with Mark." Addison said, matter-of-factly.

Everyone gasped and Izzie clenched her teeth. "What?"

Addison's eyes widened, "You didn't know?!"

"No!" Callie smacked Addison lightly on the back of the head. "And I'm not sleeping with him. It was over two months ago! When George and Izzie were having their thing."

"I didn't have SEX with George." Izzie pointed out. "We only went out once."

Addison pointed to Izzie, and looked at Callie, "She really does have a good point."

Meredith patted Callie on the knee. "I'm really sorry. I didn't know it was so bad."

Callie screamed in frustration. "It wasn't so bad!" She got up off the couch and carried her glass over to the bar. "We just had a falling out! I mean, George knows. He was just happy that I took him back and didn't divorce him. And sleeping with Mark is like a rite of passage."

Izzie rolled her eyes, and, in response, Callie decided to survey the room. "Okay. You don't believe me. Can I get a raise of hands of who has slept with Mark Sloan?"

Not surprisingly, Addison, Callie, and Izzie, all raised their hands. Callie smiled, "You see? Over HALF. That means it's a RITE OF PASSAGE."

Addison rubbed her chin in thought. "Wow. Mark is really making it around the group."

She paused, and then shrugged. "Who am I to talk?"

"Am I missing out on something?" Cristina asks.

Addison, Callie, and Izzie all sigh in pleasurable thoughts. Mark had always been an overachiever in the sexual department.

"That good?" Cristina seemed surprised.

Izzie looked down in disgust. "I just can't believe it. All of the diseases that I might be carrying." She shivered.

"What?!" Addison and Callie shrieked at the same time.

"You think we're carrying around STD's?! I'm not that much of a slut." Addison defended.

"That was totally directed to me!" Callie shook her head in fury. "I swear, I am this-" she pinched her thumb and forefinger together to indicate a small distance, "- close to drinking alcohol right now."

"What are you talking about?" Meredith groaned in confusion. "You've been drinking all night."

"I've been drinking sparkling juice all night!" Callie threw her hands up in the air. "I'm agonizingly sober!!"

"Well, that's just stupid." Cristina stated, as she threw back a jello shot.

Because of the alcohol slowing down her brain functions, it took Addison about a full second to realize what was going on. She squealed and ran over to the bar to hug Callie.

Meredith anxiously looked around the room, trying to figure out what they were doing. "What's going on here? What's happening?"

Addison took Callie's face and squeezed it between her hands. She kissed her on both cheeks and then danced around the apartment. "Callie's pregnant! Callie's pregnant!"

Callie rubbed the saliva off of her cheeks. "Okay, okay. Settle down."

"I can't!" Addison jumped up in the air. "It's too much." She was so happy for Callie that she could barely contain herself and she held out her hands to Izzie. "Join me!"

Izzie, eager to be overly excited whenever possible, immediately stood up and started to dance with Addison.

Meredith stood up to look at Callie. "You're pregnant?"

Cristina stood up too. "I can't believe you got pregnant before I did." She seemed defeated, Cristina liked to be the first to win at everything.

Izzie yelled from where she was dancing. "But you don't want kids!"

"Oh, right," Cristina remembered and she sat back down. She supposed Callie could take this one. The thought of a screaming baby apalled her just that much.

Meredith walked over to Callie. "Congratulations." She sincerely gave Callie a hug.

Callie smiled, "Thank you."

Izzie and Addison danced/bounced their way over to Callie. Addison got down on her knees and started to beg the old-fashioned way, "Please, please, please! You have to let me be your OB!"

Callie tugged on her. "Of course. Get up." There wasn't any need to beg. Addison was her best friend and the best OB around. Callie would have no one else.

Izzie bounced. "You have to name it Izzie. Please, please, please!"

Callie led them back into the sitting area. "Sure, Izzie. I'll name my kid after you when hell freezes over."

"Yay!" Izzie didn't even stop to think about it.

"Aren't you excited?" Addison gushed. She was so glad that she finally had something to be happy and excited about.

Callie found it so wonderful that Addison didn't seem to be jealous at all. After her struggles with having kids, Addison found it within her to be genuinely happy for Callie. "Yes, I am. I can't wait."

"What did George say? And why didn't he tell me? He must have FLIPPED. He's going to be such an amazing dad." Izzie spoke very quickly.

Callie bit her lip. "I haven't exactly told him yet."

"Why not?" Meredith looked up with expectant eyes.

Cristina knew in an instant. She was obsessed with cynical thoughts like this. "She's not sure if it's his."

Suddenly, Izzie turned very angry again. "YOU'RE having Mark's baby?!"

For a moment, Addison forgot about her previous abortion. "I am so jealous!" Addison complained. Callie and Mark would have very interesting babies, she thought.

"You have Alex!" Cristina reminded her. "Remember him? Mark Jr.?"

"Oh, right." Addison smiled cheerfully. "I'm going to sit and think about that for a while, I think." Now Alex and I will have gorgeous, brilliant babies.

"I am ninety percent sure that it is George's." Callie reasoned. "I mean, I've slept with George a lot more times that I slept with Mark." That was only half truthful. Callie knew that she was just making excuses.

Meredith remained optimistic. "It's probably George's then. But you should really tell him."

"Are you kidding?" Cristina stared at Meredith like she couldn't believe her. "It's Murphy's Law. It has to be Mark's." Cristina put a lot of her faith in Murphy's law. It seemed to work out well for her.

"Are you willing to put money on that?" Meredith challenged.

Cristina remained strong. "Definitely." She could really make some money.

"No." Callie stopped them. "No one is betting on my baby."

"Fine." Meredith protested. "We'll just have to find out who the father is some other way. Because you have to know or else your kid will be really screwed up from the start." Like Meredith-screwed-up.

"And how do you propose we do this?" Callie asked intelligently. She was actually getting a kick out of being the only sober one, although it did suck to have to be responsible.

"Do we have a board-certified OB/GYN in the room?" Cristina asked, somewhat rhetorically.

Addison didn't realize that they were talking about her for a few minutes, but then she stood up and rasied her hand. "Ohhh. That's me." She looked at Cristina, waiting for Cristina to give her instructions.

Cristina enjoyed being the boss for a moment and stared at her. "Can't you just look at Callie and pinpoint the exact second that the baby was conceived?"

Callie laughed. "No way. Well, maybe if she wasn't drunk as a skunk." Thinking about her word choice, Callie groaned. She was really starting to sound like her mother.

Addison frowned. "I am NOT drunk as a skunk. Just let me try." She shook her head. "I don't think I can when it was conceived, but I can probably tell you who the father is." She reached out and placed her hand on Callie's stomach.

Callie peered at her. "What do you think you are doing?"

"Don't question my methods." Addison scolded. She was Addison Montgomery, world class renowned surgeon. She was supposed to have obscure methods and people weren't supposed to question them. She paused for a few more seconds, sighed, and then took her hand off Callie's abdomen. "It's George's. Definitely."

"Wow." Meredith stared in amazement.

"How did you do that?" Izzie felt rather inspired. This was one of those moments where she felt that neonatal would be the best specialty for her. Cristina simply sat with a puzzled look on her face, trying to figure out exactly what kind of medical test that Addison had performed.

This is exactly what is supposed to happend. Addison smiled. "It just felt like George's baby."

"Wait." Callie stopped her. "So you're not sure?"

Addison laughed. "Of course I'm sure. I felt it in my soul." Addison had felt a lot of things in her soul lately.

"I'm just curious. How?" Callie wanted to have valid proof that Georgge was the father of the child she was carrying.

Addison placed her hand back on Callie's stomach. "I just do. I know what Mark's baby feels like. And this is not Mark's baby."

Callie smiled. For some reason, she just trusted Addison's drunken reasoning. "Okay, okay. It's late. We should really try to get some sleep."

"But I'm not tired!" Meredith complained as she yawned.

"Let's watch a movie!" Addison suggested.

Izzie grinned. "Yay! Let's watch Legally Blonde!!"

Addison smirked. "I have a better idea."

So I took the shotgun off the wall
and I fired two warning shots...
...into his head.

He was always trying to find himself.
He'd go out every night looking for himself
and on the way he found Ruth, Gladys, Rosemary and Irving.

"EWWWW!" Izzie screamed, along with everyone else at the sight of a woman's ribs being torn open by a machine.

Meredith had her face buried in the couch. "I can't believe you made us watch Saw, Addison."

"It's Saw III, " Addison explained, with excitement on our face. Just something about the horror, the gore, the plot twists absolutely thrilled her. Of course, watching "brave and fearless" doctors with horror-struck faces made for a good time."And you guys should be so squeamish. You're doctors! We see this everyday."

Callie pointed to the screen with her free hand. Her other hand was covering her eyes. "I have never seen THAT before."

"It's not the bad." Cristina admitted, with a bit of disgust in her voice.

Meredith crawled up to her and grabbed her. "You're not even watching! But protect me anyway."

It was true. Cristina's gaze had followed to the floor. She wasn't watching. Only listening to the havy breathing and screams made it a little easier to keep her Cheetos down.

Izzie pulled a blanket over her head and peeked out the edge. "Why did you think that we would like this?"

"There's a girl that performs brain surgery near the end." Addison popped a couple pieces of popcorn in her mouth. She was having no trouble keeping her food down.

"How can you eat?!" Callie exclaimed. "And why does she perform brain surgery?"

Addison shrugged. "The guy that's killing everyone has terminal cancer and he would die without it." She actually found the story to be quite intreguing.

Izzie couldn't believe it. "Why the hell would she help him?"

"She has a bomb collar strapped to her." Addison said, almost too matter-of-factly.

Callie groaned. "This movie is too weird."

Izzie stared blankly at the screen. "I wonder if this sick feeling is due to the movie or all of the drinking."

"Hey!" Callie threw an empty bowl in her direction. "If you mess up this place, you're going to have to pay for it and I know you don't have the kind of money to do that." That wasn't necessarily ture, but Callie felt that even maids shouldn't have to clean up vomit.

Addison turned to Callie."Speaking of, do you have any Advil? I feel a hangover coming on." She pressed a hand to her head.

Callie smirked. "Sorry. I didn't think to bring any. This is when I gloat."

Izzie squinted. "What time is it?"

Cristina checked her watch. "Four." Her eyelids were barely open.

"Four!" Addison nearly fell out of her chair. "I haven't been up this late since my intern years."

"You're old." Callie stated.

Addison laughed. "We already covered this, remember?" After everything they had gone through that night, Addison grew to like feeling a little older and more mature.

Meredith snored a little and everyone looked at her. Her head was lying on Cristina's lap. Cristina was too tired to tell her to get off, but her gaze fell on something on the ground. "Hey. There's something shiny on the floor." The glare of the televison had just caught it and reflected the light perfectly.

Izzie crawled on her knees to where the shiny thing was. "My earring!" She reached up and felt her ear. "I didn't realize that it was even missing."

Addison peered at Izzie's hands. "Those are very lovely earrings. I love them really really much."

"Oh, thanks." Izzie touched them. "Mark got them for me." She sighed. "I bet he's having sex with someone else right now." Everyone called him a manwhore and she realized that she couldn't change the way he was.

"He's not cheating on you," Addison told her.

Izzie rested her head against the couch. "I have half a mind to call him right now to find out." She pulled out her cell phone, but Callie snatched it away from her hand.

"No way. Absolutely no drunk-dialing. This applies to everyone."

"I just wanna know!" Izzie pleaded.

Callie shook her head.

"I said," Addison repeated, "he's not cheating on you."

"How do you know?"

"You're different," Addison insisted."And I'm pretty sure that he learned his lesson after we dated." Addison groaned in recollection. That was not a time she wanted to remember. She had never felt so morally wrong and guilty in her life.

"What happened with you and Mark?" Izzie asked curiously.

"Hey- look." Callie interrupted and pointed to Meredith and Cristina. They were curled up together on the couch, almost spooning each other.

Addison sighed, "They look like a cute couple.

Callie laughed. "Yes, they do."

Izzie felt a small twinge of jealousy. She hated not being included in Meredith and Cristina's almost-lesbian love affair. But she really had accepted it by now. She was only the third wheel.

Callie laid on the couch. "I think I'm going to go to sleep."

"I'm going to finish the movie." Addison decided. "But you and the baby should get some sleep."

"Yes," Callie said sleepily. "I agree."

"I'm not really tired." Izzie was still wide awake. "Dr. Mont- Addison, tell me about you and Mark." Izzie wanted to know that Mark was a good man at heart and that she could trust him. She figured the only person who could honestly tell her that was Addison.

Addison waved her hands around to indicate confusion. "It was a whole big mess." She paused. "We tried to make it work, but I was still married to Derek, and he kept flirting with the nurses."

Obviously, this isn't what Izzie wanted to hear and she seemed extremely disappointed at this last comment, so Addison explained futher, "He's learned his lesson, Izzie. I can feel it. He knows that he can't cheat on the woman he loves."

"He cheated on you?" Izzie gasped.

Addison shrugged. "To be fair, I was still married to Derek." She didn't know why she kept defending Mark. Maybe, on some level, she felt that he deserved to have his feelings taken serious.

"Alex cheated on me," Izzie admitted glumly. "With Olivia. And I was very upset. I cried."

"Yeah. I knew about that." Addison stared at the television screen. "I try not to think about it. But I'm going to still date him. People make mistakes."

"It's almost weird, how similar Mark and Alex are." Izzie realized.

"I think it's weirder that both of us have slept with the both of them." Addison laughed. "It's like a square."

"You almost have two squares," Izzie observed, "If Meredith slept with Alex, that would be another square."

"Well, you almost have two squares too," Addison shot back, "If you and George slept together, it would be you, Mark, George and Callie."

"Ew. Oh, now, that's weird." Izzie remarked. She paused in thought. "This is fun. We should do this again sometime."

"Yeah." Addison slid down the couch to sit by Izzie. "Popcorn?" She offered her the bowl and Izzie took a few pieces.

They both watched the movie for a couple more minutes until this guy was getting drowned in pig guts, and Izzie decided to pick up the conversation again. "Before, you said that you knew what Mark's baby felt like. Does Mark have a kid that he doesn't know about?"

"No." Addison stuffed a handful of popcorn into her mouth. "I had his baby inside me once." Somehow, in all her drunkeness, she found herself trusting Izzie.

"Oh." Izzie wasn't quite sure what to think. A lot of things looked blurry to her right then.

"I killed it, Izzie. I killed his baby." Addison had tears in her eyes. "And he forgave me." Addison put her hand over to mouth to cover her sobs.

Izzie turned up the movie a little bit and she put her hand on Addison's arm. Addison's lip trembled and Izzie hugged her. "Sorry about your baby."

Addison pulled away and kneeled to grab Izzie by the shoulders. "Promise me that you won't ever let him get away. He's so wonderful sometimes."

Izzie shook her head seriously. "I won't. I really don't think he's cheating on me anyway."

"Yeah." Addison sat down.

Izzie thought about her next words very carefully. She knew that Addison trusted her now, a weird, but nice feeling. Also, she knew that both of them might not remember the conversation in the moring. She decided to admit something that would make everything extremely better or worse. She fingered the blanket that was draped over her. "I know that Abby Levenkron isn't a specialist in PTSD. I lied before."

Addison froze and then moved away from Izzie.

"I, um, read her book," Izzie continued. "And I know that she helps people who hurt themselves."

Addison closed her eyes and pinched them shut. She tried counting to ten over and over again.

Izzie kept talking. "But I also know that even though psychologists may specialize in one thing, that they often help more than one kind of people. So I'm not going to say anything to anyone, and I'm just going to pretend like I don't know anything. Because I don't know anything and most of the time, my assumptions are wrong and hurt people and I don't want to do that."

Izzie realized that she may have been rambling to fill the silence. "So, the main point is that I don't know anything and I'm not going to pretend like I do."

Addison tightened the blanket around her. She realized that her reaction and silence had just proved all of Izzie's suspicions true.

Izzie traced a pattern on the carpet. "You don't have to say anything. I just thought you should know that I'm an honest person and I'll keep my word. Because I think that you could be a good friend and mentor to me."

"Oh." Addison spoke. She didn't want it to be awkwardly silent again. "Thanks. You're a good friend too."

Izzie looked at her. "I've learned a lot from you." She paused and smiled, "I was also hoping that you could give me more dirt on Mark."

Addison laughed. "It's a deal." She took another shaky breath. She became anxious all of a sudden. "I really want to talk to Alex," she whimpered.

"Then, call him." Izzie handed her someone's cell phone. She wasn't sure whose it was.

"What about the rules?" Addison looked up at her with glassy eyes. "Callie said that we weren't allowed to drunk-dial anyone."

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret," Izzie said, jokingly, "Callie doesn't own the world, even though she might think that. Just call him."

Addison took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay." She dialed Alex's number. He picked up on the fourth ring.


"Hey. It's me," Addison whispered. She felt so much better hearing his voice.

" Addison? It's almost five in the morning. Did you just get up or have you been awake all this time?"

"I've been awake," she admitted, "Sorry to wake you up."

"It's okay" he said gruffly, "Was there somthing that you needed?"

"I just wanted to talk to you." Addison swallowed. "I was feeling a little scared."

"Do you want me to come pick you up?"

Truthfully, he did want to come pick her up. He hadn't been so sure about this thing in the first place and he wasn't just to sleeping alone. But Addison insisted, "No, I'm fine.

"Are you having fun?"

"Izzie and I are having fun together." Addison laughed.

Alex's eyes widened in arousal. "Tell her to keep her hands off my girlfriend. Unless she absolutely can't help it. In that case, tell me and I'll come over and join in the fun."

Addison giggled. "Not that kind of fun." Izzie burst into laughter. Addison had to talk louder to be heard over her. "We're watching Saw III."

"Which one is that?"

"The one where the one guy's limbs are twisted until his muscles and bones snap."

"Ohhh. That's a good one."

"Yeah." Addison smiles. "I think so too. What are you doing now?"

"I was sleeping. But I will forgive you if you send me a picture of you."

"Right now?" Addison asked.


"Hold on. I've got to find another phone to send it on. I don't want to hang up on you just yet."

Alex laughed. "I was wondering why you were on Cristina's phone."

Izzie help up another phone. "Found one!" They took another picture and sent it to him.

Addison picked up the other phone. "Did you get it?"

"Ummmm..." Alex cradled the home phone between his should and his ear while he picked up his cell phone. He started to laugh. They were both sticking their tongues out at him and making funny faces.

"Wait," she said. "Here's another one." This picture was of all of the empty food containers and bottles at the bar.

"Geez. How drunk are you?"

"I'm not going to lie-" she started "you could probably take a whole lot of advantage of me."

"Aww." He couldn't tell if she was joking or not. He decided to reassure her anyway. "You know I would never do that."

"Yeah. I know that." She paused. "Hey, do you know where Mark is?"

"Yeah." Alex chuckled a little. "He and Derek left Joe's together. They were going to the trailer to have some 'man-time', you know, to fish and grill and wrestle."

Addison smiled and told Izzie, "Mark's with Derek. They're at the trailer." This reassured Izzie more than Addison knew. She put the phone back to her ear. "I miss you."

"I miss you too. Come home please."

"I'll be home in a few hours."

"Then, what's the difference?"

"Alex, I can't. I just can't explain it. You know, we just have to do somethings on our own. Kind of."

"Yeah, I get it." He stopped and listened to her breathe for a moment. "Hey. Put Izzie on the phone. I gotta talk to her."


"I just have to. Put her on the phone."

Addison handed Izzie the phone. "He wants to talk to you." Izzie hesitantly took the phone.


Izzie didn't speak for a very long time. Addison started to fall asleep. Izzie woke her up and handed her both of the phones. "He says that he loves you and that he'll see you tomorrow."

"Nooo. I wanted to tell him-" But Addison was just too tired to call him back. "What did he say to you?"

"Nothing." Izzie faked innocence.

"Tell me." Addison curled up in a bunch of blankets.

"No. It's a surprise."

"I hate surprises." Addison complained. She buried her head into a pillow.

"You'll like this one. Now, hush, and go to sleep."

She sat up. "But I didn't get to see the end of the movie." Izzie pulled her down.

"You've already seen it and it's not like you have to return it or anything." Izzie hit the mute button on the remote.

"But you didn't get to see the end of it."

"I'll live." Izzie growled. Her eyes were already closed.

"Izzie!" Addison was getting more awake by the second.

"Okay!" Izzie sat up. "Tell me what happens."

"Everyone dies."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"Stupid horror movie." Izzie fell back down onto the blankets.

"It's no wonder why there are so many murderers today."

I guess you can say we brokeup because of artistic differences.
He saw himself as alive and I saw him dead.

A/N: So I updated really quickly with the longest chapter ever!!! There's a lot about this chapter that I have to say.

1. I know that it kind of doesn't fit in with the tone of the story. It's a little lighter. I'm thinking about posting it as a one shot instead. Sorry to disappoint you. (if it did)

2. I'm also sorry that I wrote so much. I hope you didn't read this all in one sitting. And I also hope that you weren't bored. I tried to be consistent, but there's so much. I actually went back and read the prequel to this to make sure I got everything straight.

3. THE SONG. It's actually funny. You just have to know it. This chapter was orginally a group of women complaining about the men in their lives and it turned out to be much more than that. The lyrics didn't really fit anymore but I decided to leave them in anyway because it's funny.

NEXT TIME: Alex, Izzie, and Meredith plan Addison's surprise. This chapter is funny too. Addison isn't in it. I decided to give KDub a break. The next chapter also brings us into an arc that will end this fic. :(

Guess what? The reviews last time ROCKED. You guys are the best. See what happens when you review? I update fast.