Disclaimer: Not mine. Wish it was though.

This chapter is kind of depressing. Definitely slash. Still considering whether to make this a multi chapter fic or just leave it as it is.

Salazar stared at the school he had helped create, the school that had become his home, and sighed. Why, after everything that they had been through, would Godric believe him evil – why? Ric knew that he was dark, but Salazar had explained the difference between dark and evil to him many times in front of students. And now, because his sister had become a Dark Lady, Godric had turned against him. His Ric had banished him from his home, and in essence his family. His two daughters, both three years old would grow up without him because of Serafina. He looked up and closed his eyes. He couldn't live without his love and his girls. He just couldn't. The dagger in his hand shone in the moonlight and, as he brought the blade down his arms allowing maximum blood loss, he could have sworn he heard Godric calling out to him.

Godric sat in his office looking out of his window. He had banished his lover due to his connections to the new Dark Lady and had refused him access to see their children. He knew this would hurt Salazar but he couldn't look at the identical twin of the woman who had killed his parents. They had been on their way to visit Hogwarts and she had sliced their throats in the small village of Hogsmeade. He looked down at the gates and his eyes widened. Salazar was there, on the other side of the gate unable to gain access but still there. The glint of a dagger in his hand flicked up through Godric's window and he gasped. Just because he couldn't look at the man he loved didn't mean that he wanted him dead. Oh Merlin no. He was going to kill Serafina Slytherin and then try to live peacefully with Sal. Sure Sal wanted them to build another school for Muggle-borns' to go to as they were behind the pure bloods but they would sort that all out later, right? He wasn't even sure why he was arguing, it was a good idea. Ric ran from his office and through the grounds to the gates, calling out to Sal. He watched in horror as his lover collapsed, blood pouring from his arms. He knelt beside the body of his lover. "Sal, oh Merlin Sal, wake up. Please wake up." Sal's eyes opened but there was no relief in Godric's head.

"I loved you Ric. I loved you and what's worse is that I still do." Godric felt tears pour down his face and he pulled Salazar's now lifeless body into his as he muttered apologies to what had been his lover's body.

Rowena found Godric the next day, cold and shaking but still clutching Salazar to him, his robes covered him blood.

"Ric?!" she screamed when she realised that their friend was dead. Ric refused to let go of Salazar's body and carried him back up to the school. It was proof that he was really dead when the wards allowed him in. They walked up to the hospital wing even though there was nothing that could be done to bring Sal back. Ric left the wing, and walked slowly down to his chambers where Gabrielle and Michaela were sleeping. They weren't enough he noticed as he looked upon his daughters. They could never console him enough for him to live. He kissed each of them on their head and walked away. He walked for about ten minutes, not actually knowing where he was going and found himself at the spot by the lake where he had asked Sal to bond with him. Now, due to his own stupidity that bonding was never going to happen. He looked at the holly wand he held in his hand and smiled a despairing smile. Turning it so that it would point at him he muttered the words of the painless death curse. "Avada Kedavra." It was over.

Please review. They give me warm fuzzy feelings.