
AN: I do not own anything in this story. Please R&R.

Raven was outside Beast Boy's door and she was angry. The changeling had pulled pranks on her all day and never ceased with a barrage of clichéd jokes. Raven had had enough and was going to give the green shapeshifter a piece of her mind.

"Beast Boy, I know you're in there!" The door opened and the changeling had a silly grin on his face.

"Hey Rae, what do you get- but Raven stopped him with a glare.

"I don't want to hear another of your stupid jokes! Why can't you act serious once in a while, but that's probably impossible for you! You just goof off all day just like a child! And don't call me Rae!" The pale empath yelled at the changeling. Beast Boy stiffened at the insults and seemed to be thinking something over in his head.

"Fine." Beast Boy said, as if he really didn't care one way or the other. "Goodnight, Rae." The changeling said, shutting his door and going to sleep. Raven just shook her head at the goofy teen and went to her room.

The next day, Raven woke up at her usual time and came down to have some herbal tea. She liked getting up this early because the rest of the Titan's were still asleep and she could meditate in relative silence. However as she was walking back with her drink she noticed someone sitting on the couch, reading. Once she saw who it was she nearly spat out the tea in her mouth. Beast Boy was reading? Even odder than that though was the fact that he could get up this early.

"Beast Boy?" Raven asked. The changeling didn't seem to hear her. Raven cleared her throat and still no response. "Garfield." Raven said, knowing how much the changeling hated his real name. The green Titan looked up from his book.

"Yes, Raven?" He said in a monotone voice, eerily similar to hers.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"Can't you tell?"


"See you already know." Beast Boy then went back to his book. Raven went back to her room, deciding to ignore the changeling. He would eventually get tired of acting like this and come to bug her, Raven knew it.

After her fifth hour of meditating Raven grew worried that Beast Boy hadn't come to see her. Sighing heavily, the pale empath went out of her room and looked for the changeling. She found him where she had left him, on the couch reading a book. Then he said something that nearly caused Raven's head to explode.

"Nymph, in thy orisons, be all my sins remembered." Raven must have made a choking noise because Beast Boy looked up at the girl with a worried expression. "Are you okay, Raven?" Raven tried to speak but one glance at the book in Beast Boy's hand made her feel light headed. "What's wrong?" Composing herself, the empath started talking.

"Beast Boy, could you enlighten me as to why you of all people are reading Hamlet?"

"My name's Garfield, Raven. Please be so considerate as to use it. I saw this play on TV some time ago and I decided to buy the book."

"Okay, Garfield, why haven't you been your usual annoying self today?"

"You wanted me to act more serious Raven. I'm just giving you what you want." Then Cyborg came in and saw Beast Boy on the couch reading. The metal Titan's computer brain nearly crashed at the sight and he quickly went back to his room to check his optical sensors.

"But I- but Raven was cut off by Garfield's upraised hand.

"And after acting like this for a while I actually like it. It's refreshing. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to clean my room."

Cyborg came back into the living room then and sighed.

"Man, I thought I saw BB reading there for a second."

"He was reading Hamlet." Raven replied in her monotone voice. The metal teen's jaw dropped.

"Something's got to be wrong with him; Slade's probably controlling his mind somehow." Cyborg said. Raven rolled her eyes at that idiotic theory.

"Nothing's wrong with him, he's just acting serious for a change." Raven then left Cyborg and headed to her room, her thoughts reflecting on Beast Boy's behavior. "Why do I care so much about this? I've finally found a way to get him to leave me alone." Comforted at this, Raven resumed her meditation, not noticing the green fly that quickly flew into Beast Boy's room.