No real warnings. There's nothing too inappropriate. Done just for fun. I'm not really sure of the timeline, but I guess it was done before the book. I posted on a whim, so I'm sorry if there are some grammar or spelling issues, but they should be minor.

"Johnny!" I heard coming from somewhere near the bushes next to the lot. I had nearly fallen asleep, and I moaned when I heard it, not at all happy to be awoken.

"Come on, Johnny, I really need you!" I could have sworn it was Ponyboy, but couldn't be sure. Raising my head up to get a look, I saw blurrily a figure over a ways crouched in the bushes.

"Huh?" I said out loud, getting to my feet and squinting. Yup, it was Ponyboy all right. Walking over towards him I realized something was amiss and narrowed my eyes. "What are you doing standing behind that tree, Pony, come out here."

He blushed and shook his head. I began walking closer and he seemed a bit nervous. Finally he made a noise as if wanting me to stop. "Johnny… I'm- I'm not wearing nothin."

My eyebrows furrowed and I looked at him strange. "That's not funny. What are you talking about?"

"I'm not joking. I'm… I'm naked."


He blushed even more. "I was at the lake… I don't wanna talk about it just yet. Will you just run home and get me some clothes?" He looked desperate. Well, of course he would be. I could hear people in the distance as well, and I knew they'd probably be here before I had a chance to return with his clothes.

"They sound close. You're gonna be caught if you don't get away from here."

"Where am I supposed to go? It was hard enough getting here from the lake without being seen."

Sighing I took off my jacket and handed it to him. "You run into anybody just… cover yourself. You know…" I said before running off.

The house wasn't so far away, but I wasn't eager for something to happen to Pony so I tried my best at running, but it was awfully hard. I wasn't as good at it as Ponyboy was, and my smoking so much didn't help matters. When I finally got there it was nearly 12 O'clock and I was surprised to see the light on. Darry was waiting up, probably for Ponyboy since I didn't think Soda had gone out that night.

"What are you doing here Johnny? Did you need a place to crash?" Darry asked me.

I ignored the words and went into Ponyboy and Soda's room, careful to be quiet since Soda was asleep. I pulled out a pair of boxers, a shirt and some jeans. I had no idea what the hell had happened, but since the lake had something to do with it, I imagined he'd be wet and cold and was glad I'd lent him my jacket, even if I cringed a bit thinking about what he was doing with it. I picked up a towel and a jacket before Darry caught a hold of me and made me stop.

"What's going on, kid?" he asked concerned and a bit annoyed I'd blown him off.

"I'll explain later. I've gotta be quick."

He let me leave, seeing as I seemed a bit scared. Pony was my best friend and I hated the thought of him alone and cold out there with people around him so I hurried back. The whole thing probably took around 15 minutes and he wasn't there when I returned. I didn't know where'd he'd have gone, but I thought it was unlikely if he was still… undressed that he'd return so I followed the path I figured he would have taken back to the lake and I could see him wading in the middle of it, up to his shoulders. He looked really scared and I felt really defensive of him just then.

"Ponyboy, com'er it's Johnny." I called to him and he looked relieved and a bit timid. "I've got clothes for you."

He treaded water a little until he was up to his waist. He looked up embarrassedly before continuing the rest of the way and I blushed a bit, looking away until he was in front of me and then I handed him the towel and waited for him to finish drying off before giving him the clothes I had found in his room. He dressed quickly and put on the jacket that I had given to him but was still shivering. Perhaps that was the reason that he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, trying to get him warm, rubbing his arms slightly until he pulled away and gave me a funny look. Like he was frustrated and amused and I wasn't sure why. I had to admit, I got that look a lot though.

"How did this happen?" I asked him. I had my theories, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. Walking over a ways I picked up my jacket he'd discarded by the bushes. I wasn't really too keen on wearing it and just held it.

He blushed. "Umm…" He turned away and started walking. I'd forgotten shoes. What an idiot I could be sometimes!

"You want my shoes for the walk home?" I asked him. He turned towards me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What will you wear then?" I shrugged and he gave me that look again. It was starting to annoy me because I didn't understand why he was giving it to me.

"No, I don't want your shoes, Johnny. I want to get my own shoes back from those lousy Socs!"

"What did the Socs do?" I asked him, getting really confused now.

"Well I…" he stopped again and blushed even more.

"Just spit it out won't you?"

"Would you promise not to tell no one?" he looked anxious and I gave him my best smile.


He smiled back and it seemed mixed with something I couldn't figure out. Like the look Soda gave Pony sometimes when he says something real sweet, like he's glad Pony's his brother.

"Knew I could depend on you, Johnny." He said kinda quiet.

"Well, now what happened that got you in the middle of the lake wearing nothing but a smile?" I asked him and we giggled a bit at the phrasing.

"Now remember you promised not to tell no one. I was… I went skinny-dipping." He blushed and I could make out the red even in the dark.

I burst out laughing and he kinda frowned and kicked at a rock. "Come on, Johnny!"

"Hey, I promised not to tell, I didn't say anything about laughing!"

"Yeah, well, I was kinda feeling in the mood for a swim and I thought, I might as well go, there was no one around."

"Why not just wear a pair of swim trunks?"

"Cause I knew that if I came home Darry would never let me out of the house again. Leastways not with a pair of swim shorts. And it was kinda relaxing. Like taking a bath, only with a bigger tub and the water was cold."

"And then?"

"And then those no good goddamn Socs came along and laughed at me and teased me and took my clothes! My only pair of shoes too! Darry's going to kill me." He hung his head. I gave him a pat on the back and wrapped an arm around him. He shivered a bit and I felt bad once again for not having brought him shoes. Even Soda's shoes would have done for just then. He was going to catch something in this weather.

"I've got ten dollars I could lend you if you wanted to get new ones." I had no idea how much the cost of shoes were, but I wanted to be helpful.

"Where'd you get 10 dollars from?" he asked a bit shocked. I had never mentioned the money before, having never had an opportunity to.

"I've been saving a bit."

"Saving a lot from the sounds of it. That must be your life savings, Johnny!" I shrugged. I'd only been saving it since I was 5, after all. That was only 10 years or so, and I was a bit embarrassed that was all I had up until now from saving dimes and collecting cans and what not. "I couldn't take that. Specially not for losing my shoes like some dumbass."

"Aww, don't feel so bad, Pony. If you'd have asked, I probably would have gone with you and then we'd both be standing out here like idiots." I offered him.

"Yeah, well, at least I wouldn't have been alone. I was scared. Heck, I didn't know you were gonna be in the lot tonight. I just got lucky. I dunno what I would have done if you hadn't been there."

"Damn Socs." I said angrily. We had made it to the lot and there was broken crap everywhere and I was getting worried about him walking barefoot and I wanted to offer him my shoes again but didn't want him to give me that look yet again.

"What do you think we should tell Darry? I'm gonna have to explain why I rushed into his house and grabbed the clothes that you're wearing now."

"Aww, really? He was up?" He put his hands to his face, looking really unhappy and I felt bad but there was nothing I could have done to prevent it, I suppose. "I guess I'll have to tell him something." He stopped in the middle of the lot as though thinking. "Why's he gotta be so overprotective? Why couldn't he just go to bed? He's always waiting up for me and I just don't see why he has to do that."

"He's just worried after you. You're still pretty young, Pony. And you do get yourself in more than a few fixes."

"Nah I don't! I'm very careful!"

"So careful you get your clothes stolen by Socs cause your skinny-dipping by yourself?" I smirked at him and he gave me a scowl that quickly turned into a bit of a grin and he shoved me. We started walking again.

"What if I told him that… that…" his head seemed as though it was going to fall off his shoulders it sank so low and I felt bad for him. "Well, take a good look at me Johnny." He told me and I turned towards him curiously.

"You're not gonna be seeing too much of me for a while after Darry's done with me." I wrapped an arm around him again, grinning slightly.

"I'm sure Soda won't let him go too hard on you."

"Nah, Darry hates that. He says he doesn't need help from his kid brother to deal with his other kid brother." I could remember Darry saying that too.

We were back at the house before Ponyboy could figure out something to tell Darry and I felt nervous, but I figured I'd be a good friend and go inside with him. Just as I'd suspected, the light was on and when we came in Darry seemed to be pacing around the living room looking like he was nervous which seemed almost ridiculous. His head snapped up when we came in he immediately grimaced like he wanted to yell but was stopping himself.

"I don't think I even need to say it. So just up and confess so we can get all this over with." Darry said, his voice strained even further. It was nearly more intimidating than if he'd been yelling. I couldn't help but wonder if Darry was withholding himself for my benefit.

Ponyboy was nearly shaking, and I felt terrible. I was going to have to watch my friend get chewed out and there was nothing I could do about it. "W-well… I was- was at the school…"

My eyebrows shot up a bit but I managed to lower them just as Darry noticed and his eyes swung towards mine. So much for long bangs… No, no, don't give it away. Maybe if he'd come up with something before hand I would have had time to perfect my expression. As he continued his story, Darry's eyes remained on me and I nearly started sweating it out. Darry was a big guy… much bigger than my father was and even though Darry'd never hit me in a hundred years it didn't stop him from being intimidating.

"I wanted to get some laps in around the track so I took some clothes and put them in the locker room, and when I was done I took a shower. When I came back they were gone, so Johnny was passing by and I called out to him and had him run back here to get me some clothes so I could get home. That's all." He said all this is a rush. Bad move, I thought to myself. Sounds suspicious enough without him sounding like he was lying about it. I never went by the school, really. I wasn't sure if Darry knew that but prepared myself to have to lie and say I had been.

"Is that true, Johnny?" Darry asked me and I paused just long enough to make it seem authentic and then nodded that yes it was true.

If Darry found out that Pony had lied and that I'd backed him up I dunno what Darry would do. I hated lying to anyone in the gang, especially Darry who already had his back against the ropes trying to take care of his kid brothers. Not to mention how large he was… I knew he'd never do anything to me, but I really only had my gang, and if the gang didn't trust me or didn't want me anymore I'd be on my own worse than I was even now. It wasn't like with Pony who had his brother's love unconditionally, or Dally who could take care of himself and really didn't need anyone. Steve was Soda's best friend and Two-bit was the funny one. I didn't know where I fit in. Ponyboy said I was the gang's pet. Well no one likes a pet that tells lies, right?

"You get yourself into a mess a week, I swear Ponyboy. Go on to your room, I'll figure out how to deal with this later. Just… just use your head next time, kid!" He wasn't smiling and Ponyboy was quick to obey him. "Don't wake up Soda." Darry called after him.

I turned towards the door but was caught by the shoulder. "Where you going tonight Johnny Cade?" I managed to avoid blushing.

"Probably home." I said with a straight face. That was one thing I never had a problem lying about.

"Why don't you just stay the night? It's pretty cold out." It wasn't really hard to tell when my parents were fighting. You could hear them from the porch of the Curtis's house. Even better from the lot.

"You sure, Dar? It's not so far... It's no big deal or anything. They're probably passed out cold anyway." I added the last part with pain.

"Kid, you know my couch is always open to you. Actually, you don't, which is why I like you sleeping here the best." He ruffled my hair, but I didn't mind. The wind had blown through it making it messy and I wasn't going anywhere so I could just re-grease it tomorrow.

I nodded my okay and sat down, letting Darry give me a last look over before heading towards his own room. He didn't bother going through the 'turn off the light and keep the TV low' spiel with me because he knew I'd take care of it. At least I was dependable, even if I was a liar.

"And Johnny." He said, and I looked up nervously. "Thanks for looking out for my little brother. I don't know what really happened tonight, but I feel safer knowing he's got a good friend watching his back." It made me feel a little better even if he did call me on my bluff, and I made a promise to myself that I would watch out for Ponyboy no matter what the consequences were.

A/N: I know it's very unlikely there is a lake that close to the Curtis's house. I'm taking some artistic freedom here. I'm hoping you'll overlook that fact and figuring you would have anyway had I not mentioned it.