Another Fairly Odd Parents story of mine regarding Timmy and Tootie. I have to do the usual disclaimer and say that I do not own FOP (though I do hope that as a kid I had a fairy godparent, geiven my then-occupation of being a punching bag for my older brothers and school bullies...)



In scenic Dimmsdale Municipial Park, two birds – one pink colored and one green colored – were looking down at a small crater in the ground. More accurately, they were looking at what was currently in the crater.

"Oooh", Timmy groaned from the bottom of the small crater – which had been formed from his impact with the ground. However, the groan was quickly replaced with a moan – not of pain, but of fear.

The reason for the change of tone had less to do with the bruises and scrapes on Timmy's body than with the large grey hand that lifted him up – none too gently – by the head out of the crater.

"Well, well", a familiar sneer-leaden voice said as Timmy was hoisted up. "I see that there are still a couple of uninjured places on your body, Turner. I must be losing my touch".

"Would you believe me if I said that you weren't, Francis?" Timmy asked in a pleading voice.

"Thanks for the compliment, Turner", Francis said as he dropped Timmy to the ground, "but since my bullying reputation would be harmed by showing mercy, its time to finish off roughing up those un-roughed spots!"

With that, Francis picked up Timmy and scrunched him into a ball. Walking on over to the nearby basketball court, Francis then dribbled Timmy, then slam-dunked him into one of the basketball goals. Timmy caused another crater to be formed at the base of the goal from the impact.

Francis walked on over to the crater and looked in.

"Well, looks like the uninjured places I mentioned earlier are nicely injured now. Till next time, Turner", Francis said before turning around and walking away whistling.

When Francis had disappeared from view, Cosmo and Wanda poofed into existence above the crater. Wanda used her wand to levitate her battered, bruised, and semi-conscious godson out of the crater.

"Wow", Cosmo commented as he saw Timmy's injuries, "Francis really did a number on you today!".

"Cosmo", Wanda reminded her husband, "Hand me your wand. Timmy needs a double-wand zap – stat!". Cosmo did so. Wanda then zapped onto herself a Nurse's uniform

Rubbing both wands together, Wanda then shouted "Clear!", pointing the wands at Timmy and zapping him back to full consciousness, then lowering him gently to the ground.

"Are you all right, Sweetie?" Wanda asked with concern on her face.

Groggily, Timmy stood. The effects of the wand-zap had also made him smoke slightly.

"Why can't 'Da Rules' allow you to beat the living daylights out of Francis?" Timmy said as he walked dazedly over to a park bench.

"Jorgen made up that rule, Sweetie", Wanda replied as she floated over to where he sat, "You'd have to ask him".

"He'd probably do another 'Francis Special' on you for doing so, though", Cosmo warned, "In fact, he'd punch out a person just for asking him the time".

"Anyway, I wish that my scratches and bruises were gone and that my clothes were no longer tattered", Timmy wished tiredly, understanding what Cosmo had said all to well. Jorgen can be just as vicious a bully as Francis. The fairy named Binky was proof enough of that.

With a 'Zap' from Wanda's wand, Timmy was restored to a clean and un-battered state.

"Look on the bright side of it, though", Wanda suggested, "after all, it was partly because of the bullying by Francis and Vicky that got us assigned to you".

"I know, Wanda", Timmy replied, "but it didn't stop them from continuing their bullying, and every attempt to make them stop had bad side effects".

"Like those You-Doo dolls, remember?" Cosmo said as he floated up beside Wanda.

Timmy shuddered at that memory. True, it did enable him to have some revenge of Francis, but he ended up bald, battered, and bruised as a result of it all.

"No You-Doos, Cosmo!" Timmy said emphatically, "and no making me strong either. That last episode at Dimmsdale Beach cooled me on that idea".

"True", Cosmo agreed, "after all, it kept funding for the Sea Monster Response Team going".

Wanda and Timmy rolled their eyes at that organization – and its waste of taxpayer money.

"Francis seems to be so much tougher than usual", Wanda noted, "as if he wasn't bad enough already".

"Believe me, I agree with that assessment. Well, we'd better get back home. It's getting late", Timmy suggested. Cosmo and Wanda poofed themselves back to being birds and flew above Timmy as he walked back to his house.

After a few minutes of walking – and watching fearfully in case Francis made an unwelcome reappearance – Timmy, Wanda, and Cosmo arrived back at the Turner residence…. Just in time to see Mr. And Mrs. Turner get into their car.

"Hey, Short-Stuff", Mr. Turner called out from the open window, "Your mom and I are going over to the Cake and Bacon".

"Can I come?" Timmy asked. Cosmo and Wanda had by this time flown up to Timmy's widow sill and were watching the conversation.

"Sorry, Dear", Mrs. Turner replied, "It's a parents-only special, but just so you won't be hungry while we're out, I've got some sauerkraut casserole in the refrigerator for you".

Timmy turned green at the mention of 'sauerkraut'. However, that wasn't the worst news.

"And just to make sure that you eat it, we've hired Vicky to baby-sit you until we return", Mr. Turner said. At those words, Vicky walked out of the front door. She was wearing knuckle-dusters on both her hands and she was leering evilly at Timmy. Timmy gulped.

"Have a nice supper, Mr. And Mrs. Turner!", Vicky called out with sickening insincerity.

As Mr. And Mrs. Turner drove out the driveway, Vicky grabbed Timmy by his shirt.

"Ah, the Twerp looking so clean and un-bruised. Time to fix that!" she snarled as she dragged him into the house.

Wasting no time with the preliminaries, Vicky threw Timmy onto the dining room table and rammed a funnel into Timmy's mouth. Next, she picked up the full saucepan of sauerkraut casserole and poured it into the funnel. As Timmy gagged, Vicky punched Timmy in the stomach, forcing him to ingest the food. Vicky then let him go.

Timmy raced up the stairs to the bathroom and promptly threw up. Cosmo and Wanda poofed into existence above him and watched him retch. However, they did not watch for long as Vicky stormed into the bathroom. As Cosmo and Wanda vanished, Vicky grabbed Timmy by the hair and dragged him downstairs.

"Ah, this is the way to enjoy an afternoon", Vicky said as she stretched out. She was sitting on an armchair watching TV in the den, using Timmy's back as a footrest.

"Why do I put up with this?" Timmy moaned as Vicky pressed down harder with her feet on his back.

"Because tough folks get all the breaks, Twerp!" Vicky replied, "Which reminds me…."

Vicky picked up a phone and quickly tapped in a number.

"You got them in yet?" Vicky said into the phone, "You have? Good! I'm at Turner's house. Bring 'em over. I got the money".

Hanging up the phone, Vicky then turned her attention back to making Timmy miserable while she watched TV.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Vicky used her feet to kick Timmy aside, and then she stood up and went to the door. Timmy – from this laying-down position – saw that it was Francis who had rung the doorbell.

"This is it", Francis said to Vicky as he passed over a box, "There's some good flavors in this batch too".

"You use this as well?" Vicky inquired as she passed over a wad of bills to him.

"Absolutely", Francis confirmed, "there's nothing like this stuff to keep my bullying edge up".

"It helps with the babysitting as well", Vicky said as she took the box from Francis, "I'll contact you when this batch runs out".

Nodding, Francis walked away, whistling. Vicky shut the door, then walked back over to the armchair.

"Get back to footrest mode, Twerp!", Vicky ordered Timmy. As Timmy sullenly complied, Vicky opened the box and pulled out a bottle. Timmy blinked. It looked like a drink of some sort.

Vicky chugged down the bottle, and then threw it into the trashcan. She then stood up, and then grabbed Timmy by the neck. Timmy was instantly aware that Vicky's grip was a lot stronger than usual.

"Nice to see that this stuff works as advertised", Vicky commented as Timmy was choking. Just then, she heard a car drive up.

"Darn, your dorky parents are back!", Vicky said, releasing her grip, causing Timmy to drop to the floor. Timmy groggily stood up and watched Vicky walk up to the door and open it for Mr. and Mrs. Turner.

"Did you have a nice supper?" Vicky asked as she held out her hand.

"Very nice, thank you", Mrs. Turner replied as she placed into Vicky's hand a wad of bills. "I take it that Timmy was fed and looked after?"

"Absolutely!" Vicky confirmed with a smile.

"Well then, you have a good evening", Mrs. Turner said.

As Vicky walked out, Timmy sullenly walked upstairs, though not without grabbing the empty bottle of drink that Vicky had discarded. As Timmy entered his room and closed the door behind him, he went over to his bed and sat down.

"Sweetie, are you all right?" Wanda asked as she and Cosmo poofed into existence over him.

"What do you think?" Timmy asked rhetorically, "First Francis, and now Vicky! It's just not fair!" he finished with a snarl.

"It isn't fun being bullied, I know", Cosmo said, "I had ten years of it at Carl Poofy-Pants Fairy High School at the hands of Luther".

"I know, Cosmo", Timmy said quietly, "Its just that there does not seem to be any way to permanently stop them from them their bullying. All we tried earlier has ended up being worse".

"Its interesting though how Vicky and Francis seem to have something in common", Wanda pointed out, gesturing to the empty bottle that Timmy held in his hand.

Timmy looked at the bottle. In bold letters, the brand name "STEROID-ADE" stood out above other words that spelled "Tooti-Fruti Flavor".

"Hey, Look at this on the back", Timmy said. Wanda and Cosmo floated down to read some lettering that was on a separate label opposite the brand name.

"What's it say?" Cosmo asked.

"It reads", Timmy said, "For making tough people tougher. A powerful enhancer of strength in strong people". He looked up at his fairy godparents.

"That explains why Francis and Vicky have been working on me harder!" Timmy exclaimed.

"Could be the flavor", Cosmo ventured inanely, "Tooti-Fruti is niiicccceeeee!".

"Perhaps there is something that can be done after all", Timmy mused, holding up the bottle.

"What do you have in mind?" Wanda wanted to know.

"If Vicky and Francis are taking this stuff to make themselves tougher, what would happen if this 'Steroid-ade' had the opposite effect?" Timmy mused.

Normally, Wanda would be cautious, but she had become increasingly annoyed with how her godchild had been treated as of late by Francis and Vicky. She smiled slowly.

"Go ahead and wish away, Sweetie", Wanda said.

"I wish that Steroid-ade had the opposite effect on its drinkers to what it says on the bottle", Timmy wished. POOF!

"That should make things better", Timmy commented as he undressed and got into bed. Wanda nodded.

Timmy and Wanda would not have been quite so satisfied if they had taken the time to read the disclaimer that was on the base of the bottle. It read:' WARNING: not for wimpy people. This product has the effect of making weak and un-toned muscles weaker'. And since Vicky had been force-feeding 'Steroid-ade' to her parents and her sister Tootie in order to keep them wimpy…

"Did I miss something?" Cosmo inanely asked as he rammed his right index finger up his nostril. Actually, they all did, but none of them knew just what. All Timmy knew what that perhaps starting tomorrow, Francis and Vicky weren't going to be as tough as they wanted to be…