The characters of Harry Potter and Co. belong to the great Rowling.

The plot is all mine.

a Veela story

AN: IMPORTANT!! Mention of necrophilia in the chapter. If you don't know what that is, look it up first. You've been warned.



"Hell hath no fury..."

Chapter sixteen. The price.

A few hours after their mating…

The white-furred wolf whined stubbornly, Moony wanted him to just lie here! Why? With a growl, he scrambled off the ground and ran away as fast as he could but the large werewolf was upon him in seconds. Damn it! The pup whined as he was pulled back, his claws leaving their mark on the hard ground underneath him.

Biting down on one of the much smaller hind legs, an impatient Moony dragged Draco back until he was safely tucked under him. The smaller wolf whimpered in aggravation and tried to throw off the beast, but Moony brought his weight down onto his mate. With a half growl half groan, the younger wolf succumbed but his silver and amber eyes spoke volumes.

Draco's inner wolf was not happy. What was the fun in just laying here? He wanted to run, to play, to eat. Sniffing the air, he picked up the scent of a buck and his mouth salivated. Food! He whimpered in hopes that his mate would let him up, but the beast bore his canines in warning. With a pitiful whimper, the younger wolf slumped on the ground and pursed his lips in what could only be called a pout.

Moony had been struggling to keep his mate warm and safe but the new werewolf was being a handful. Weren't submissive veelas supposed to be compliant to their mate's wishes? With an impatient growl, Moony met his mate's eyes and bared his canines. He had to make sure his mate behaved or his seed would not take. When Draco slumped down in defeat, the dominant barked approvingly and began to lick the top of the white werewolf's head. Draco felt the coarse tongue over his fur and sighed in exasperation.

Part of Moony knew he was being a mother hen about his new mate but he didn't care, he was thirty eight years old and had never mated with anyone thanks to Lupin. Lupin, that filthy coward! The werewolf thought licking his mate's ear, torturing him with the wolfsbane potion, never letting him run free during the full moon as was his right! Never again, he was mated now and that made him stronger than the foolish wizard. Moony growled triumphantly, he couldn't wait for Lupin to wake up and find that his wizard's-will would for ever be subservient to his werewolf-needs and instincts. It was in the middle of this thought that Moony caught a scent so faint that he thought he had imagined it at first. Raising his head from his task, he inhaled deeply. Greyback and someone else. Growling in warning at his squirming mate, he moved off Draco and scanned the area.

Two shadows were moving stealthily towards the pair. Draco, who picked up on the foreign scents, stuck close to Moony and moved his tail back and forth in agitation. Two dominants! What did they want? The pup thought growling.

Greyback did not try to disguise his approach; there was no sense in it. Only werewolves planning an attack would try to hide. His business with Moony needed to be out in the open or nothing would be accomplished. Their earlier talk had proved promising but he needed a definite answer so he could plan.

Draco sniffed the air contemptuously and moved closer to brown-furred beast. The approaching werewolves were males, powerful, and dangerous but so was Moony. Looking up at the wolf that stood much taller than him, he was sure that his mate could defend him if need be. Rubbing his head against his mate in gratitude, Draco took a step back and allowed Moony to stand before him. Moony puffed up with pride when he saw the white submissive step back allowing him to face the other dominants. It was clear that Draco, at least in wolf-form, knew who was in charge.

Because of the full moon, the werewolves had lost the power of human speech and were now communicating in growls and barks that only they could understand. Draco, who was newly transformed, could get the gist but knew he would need to have some things explained later.

"Greetings!" Greyback began looking from Moony to the smaller werewolf that dared bear his canines at them. "Pureblood brat!" The Alpha glowered at the young submissive's gall.

Moony, who was a werewolf of a few words simply growled threateningly and blocked Draco's figure. "He's my brat Greyback, remember that!"

"Yes he is." The Alpha conceded dryly. Looking away from the half hidden form, Greyback changed the subject quickly. He had bigger moon beams to catch. "We fight tomorrow." The Alpha announced with several barks.

Fight? Fight who? Draco thought furrowing his brows and stealing a look at his mate.

"The Wizards…?" Moony asked as the young wolf looked his way.

"They will come… and their savior will come after you." Greyback growled meaningfully.

Draco concentrated on the whines, barks, and mixture of growls and managed to understand some of what was being said. Harry would come after them, no… not them, he would come after Moony. The white pup moved his tail back and forth. Who was Harry? Hmmm… Ah yes! Harry from the Wizarding school but why would he do that? He whined in confusion. There was something he was forgetting.

And indeed there was, Draco's werewolf personality had formed without much of a problem. Supreme during the full moon, he had shut off his pureblood self and like a new born babe had very little recollection of the events that had transpired in the life of Draconis Abraxas Lucius Malfoy.

"He will try," Moony growled dismissively. He would not give Draco up. They were mated and Potter could do nothing. That Potter was supposedly pregnant mattered little now. He and Draco had not only mated, but the pureblood had been turned into a werewolf and was very possibly carrying his pup or pups! Their bond was stronger than anything the-boy-who-lived could offer.

"Will you join us then?" Greyback asked, his amber eyes gleaming in the darkness. Moony's assistance during the battle would be of great help especially now that he had mated with a Wizard such as the Malfoy heir. If they managed to defeat the Dark Lord, the submissive's power could help their cause when it came time to dealing with the Wizarding world.

"Yes." Although Moony was aware that the Alpha's decision to side against Voldemort had most probably been influenced by the fact that his mate was heir to the Malfoy wealth and connections, he was ready to bring the Dark lord down.

"And Potter?" Greyback asked barking.

Furrowing his white brows, the pup concentrated on the conversation. Why would Harry come after them…and …and…. The pup closed his eyes in concentration. There was someone inside him! Confused and somewhat afraid, he quickly opened his eyes and looked up at his mate, who the hell was Draconis Abraxas Lucius Malfoy?

"Leave Potter to us," Moony snarled turning to look into Draco's questioning eyes. Lupin would convince Harry to give Draco up and if that didn't work, then he would gladly battle the boy-who-lived and the whole Wizarding world. He was not afraid to die, but he was afraid to live live without his mate and his future family.

The alpha barked his agreement and looked up at the moon high in the sky. "The Dark Lord and Death Eaters are busy celebrating at the old ruins. We won't meet up with them until tomorrow. Will you hunt with us until then?" He asked turning to the pair.

Hunt? As in food? Yes! The white submissive salivated at the thought. Oh yes! Please! Please! Please! He whined pushing all his questions aside.

Moony heard the pleas and thought about it briefly, he did have to get his mate some food. Growling at Draco to stay close, he took off after the pair of dominants. Half an hour later they met up with the rest of the pack and brought down several bucks.


At the same time…

Lucius and Harry prepared in like-minded silence. They both knew what had to be done and had informed Dumbledore of their plans. That Dumbledore was mobilizing the Order members mattered little to the pair. Lucius was honor bound to avenge his son and Harry was honor bound to be at his side.

"The Dark Lord is protected by four. Avery, who favors the cutting curse, is the first one. Once the curse makes contact there is very little that can be done to stop it, so remember the Reflecto when in front of him."

"What if I miss?" Harry whispered. He was ready to stand by his mate but couldn't help but feel nervous about failing Lucius. He had to kill the Dark Lord for hurting his family. Closing his eyes, the young man took deep breaths and concentrated on the veela's voice.

"I will be with you; my scales will serve as your shield for that particular curse and a few others. Just remember that I need several moments to recover from each curse." Harry nodded and the blonde continued. "Crabbe is the second; he, unlike his son is truly powerful and prefers to combust his victims so you will have to be alert that he does not slip the curse by you. He is notorious for coming up behind his opponents, so expect him to do the same here." Harry could only shake his head in unease. Combust!

"The third is Bella, she is not only dangerous but deranged she prefers dismembering her victims. If she steps in front of you, do not waste time simply Aveda Cadavera her." The tall blonde advised, running his fingers through Harry's hair and looking away.

Harry pulled away from his mate quietly. "And the fourth?"

Lucius turned to the youth once again and watched him closely. Harry was truly beautiful.

Harry bit his lip nervously, "Were you the fourth one?"

Lucius nodded with a grimace, his violet eyes eerily intense. "Yes, once."

Harry looked away sadly. He loved his mate so much. "How many men did you kill protecting him?" his voice barely above a whisper.

"One was too many beloved," Lucius murmured regretfully. "The things I did while under his power are too many and too cruel to be forgiven outright."

Harry shook his head vehemently, "He hurt you. He made you do it." The youth insisted touching the strong jaw with the back of his hand. He would vanquish the Dark Lord. He would help Lucius avenge Draco!

The blonde could only be touched by his mate's complete loyalty. To be loved so completely, he was truly fortunate. He would endeavor to become worthy of him his whole life. Draco's loss had been a high price for his involvement with the Dark Lord. The Beast would die if it was the last thing he did. Touching the red lips with his own, Lucius tasted Harry's mouth one last time. "Are you ready Harry?"

"Yes." The youth answered releasing his mate. Stepping back, Lucius transformed into the Ice Drake. Harry watched his mate and then slowly took out the bloodied piece of cloth they had received earlier. Voldemort had sent them a second message with the location of the final battle but Lucius would not wait. Ice Drake's had the innate ability to track through wards so his mate had decided to use the element of surprise. Dumbledore had argued the point earlier but had lost. Remembering the conversation, Harry looked into the violet eyes.


"Wait until tomorrow and we will go with you, with the Order and Aurors at your sides you're chances of destroying him are practically guaranteed!"

His mate had sneered at the Headmaster's words. "Do you actually think the Dark Lord will not expect a show of force? I will not give him an extra day to lay his trap for us. We leave at one in the morning Headmaster."

"You are using your son's blood." The older Wizard had whispered almost apologetically. "What if he's no longer where he fell?"

Harry had felt physically ill at the thought that Draco could have been dragged away to be discarded like a piece of trash, or worse, that the youth's body had been magically destroyed and there would be nothing to bury.

"I was his lover for over two decades!" The veela replied forcefully. "I know he is with my son. Enjoying what's left of him…" the veela had spit out with barely controlled fury.

Confused and unsure of what Lucius was referring to, Dumbledore had continued his badgering. "Lucius, I don't understand!"

The dominant veela had shook his head forcefully and looked away from the elderly wizard. "He is engaged at the moment." Lucius murmured sparing Harry an indecipherable glance.

"Engaged? How can you be certain?" the Wizard had challenged.

Harry could still remember the look that had passed over his mate. It was a look of such pain and self-loathing that he had wrapped his arms around the tall blonde in comfort. "One of the Dark lord's fetishes…" Lucius had murmured touching Harry's face, "… is necrophilia Headmaster." When he heard the words, Harry tightened his hold on his mate and shed tears for Lucius and Draco. Overwhelmed by the pain, but ever the proud Malfoy, the blonde had touched the crystalline drops while he met the Headmaster's shocked stare. "He is at the moment raping what ever is left of my son. He will be occupied for a while longer and then he will grow bored… and only then will he begin planning. I must find him before he has had his fill." The Veela whispered emotionlessly.

A stunned Dumbledore had backed off after that.


It was close to two in the morning when a white-winged-speck flew past a group of wolves feasting by a small stream. Too high to be distinguishable, the Ice Drake flapped its wings while a lithe body clung to its back. Engrossed with their meal, the beasts did not bother to look up until a large group of Wizards sped by on brooms.

At the same time…

Voldemort pushed a battered and naked Bella from his bed. Looking at the barely breathing witch, he shrugged his clothes on slowly. When the werewolf had taken Draco's dead body, Bella had volunteered to satisfy his carnal needs. Truly insane, she had enjoyed his brutal desires and had only screamed in fear a quarter of an hour ago. He hadn't stopped though and had used her body viciously. He wondered if she was insane enough to volunteer a second time. He hoped so, maybe next time he would kill her and use her just the same.

Eyeing himself in the mirror, he smirked dissatisfied. He regretted not having some of the Malfoy brat and wondered if the youth's cold body would have been as entertaining as others he had had. He would never know. After he killed Potter, he would make sure not to destroy the body until he took his fill. Sparing Bella one last look, he left the cold room. Time to plan tomorrow's battle.

Author's note:

I named Draco, Draconis Abraxas Lucius Malfoy because I thought the name sounded cool. What do you think?

Sorry for taking so long in posting. I finished the chapter about ten days ago but have had little time to revise it. I was finally able to do it today! Thanks for your patience. ;)