Chapter One
Seventeen year-old Ned Nickerson coughed. He was standing on the front porch of his girlfriend's house. Ned smiled when Nancy popped into his head. Can it really be only a year since we got together? He asked himself. He had always been in love with Nancy Drew. It turns out that she had always been in love with him. Then last year, when Nancy got back from Los Angeles and solved the Dehlia Draycott mystery, they first kissed.
Just then, Hannah Gruen, Nancy's housekeeper and unofficial family member, answered the door. "Ned." Hannah said surprised. "Nancy's not here. She's trying to solve another mystery. I forget which one." Hannah put her finger to her chin, trying to remember.
Ned nodded. He knew the mystery that Hannah was talking about. "The diamonds that the museum had stolen. Actually, I'm here to see Mr. Drew. Is he here?"
"It's his day off." Hannah moved out of the doorway to let him pass. "He's in the den."
Ned patted his pocket to make sure that the expensive item he had bought was still there.
Carson Drew was sitting on a chair, reading a newspaper. When he heard someone enter, he peered over the top of the paper. It was his only daughter's boyfriend. He liked Ned, a lot actually. "What can I do for you, Ned?" Carson asked.
"Sir, please hear me out before you tell me no, get angry and forbid me to see Nancy ever again." Ned pleaded.
Carson frowned. Something was definitely up. And with him being a successful attorney, he knew to listen to the full story and then make a judgment.
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"Great work, Nancy." Chief McGinnis said. He and Nancy were posing for yet another photo for the local paper. Ned's father owned the paper.
"Thanks, chief. I had a hunch that the diamonds were in the last place that anyone would suspect them." Nancy grinned. Things are perfect. She thought to herself. Her father wasn't so upset anymore about her solving mysteries. Ned and she had been dating for over a year now. And to top it off, she hadn't lost her touch to solve mysteries. I don't think that things could get any better.
Just then, one of her best friends, Bess Marvin, ran toward her. She was waving her right arm in which her cell phone was in. her cousin, George Fayne, ran close behind her. Nancy had to marvel how the cousins were so different from each other. Bess had long blonde hair and always looked like she stepped out of a fashion magazine. What surprised most people about Bess was that she could fix just about anything mechanical. George was the tomboy. Her short dark hair was always under a baseball cap. She never wore anything girly unless she was made to. Also, George was a computer whiz. She could hack her way into anything. When it came to computers, George was the girl to go to.
When they finally got to Nancy, Bess thrust her phone into Nancy's hand. "Your dad is on the phone." She said.
"Hello?" Nancy asked. She really needed to get her own cell phone.
"Nancy." Carson said into the phone. There was something in his tone that sounded like excitement. "Can you get back to the house right now, please?"
"Yeah, but Bess, George and I were going to go out to celebrate." Nancy informed him.
"They can come too. You just really need to get here." Carson replied.
"Okay, we're on our way." Nancy said. She handed Bess back her phone. "Something's up." She stated. Then she noticed the grins on her best friend's faces. "If you know something, tell me." She said.
George shook her head. "You need to go home and find out for yourself."
Nancy sighed and headed toward her roadster.
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"I'm home." Nancy called when she entered her house. Bess and George followed close behind.
When she entered the den, she found her father, Hannah, and Ned sitting on the couch. "Have a seat, Nancy." Her father instructed.
Once she was seated, Carson nodded at Ned. He got up and sat beside his girlfriend. "Nancy, you know how much I love you, right?" Nancy nodded. "And that I would do anything for you?" Again she nodded.
Ned took a deep breath. "I talked to your father and…" He paused. "What I want to ask you is, will you marry me?"
Bess squealed. Hannah's eyes started to tear up. Carson looked proud and George had a big grin on her face. Ned pulled a ring box out of his pocket and opened it. Inside was a beautiful diamond ring. "Where did you get that?" Nancy asked.
"I took the money out of my savings account and bought you this ring." Ned explained.
"But you were saving for a new truck." Nancy pointed out.
Ned shrugged. "You're more important. So, will you?" Nancy held out her hand and Ned put the ring on. There was a moment of silence. "Um, Nance, you kind of need to say something."
"Yes, I will marry you." Nancy finally said. She wrapped her hands around Ned's neck and they kissed.
Just then Carson cleared his throat. Ned turned back to his fiancée. "There are a few stipulations." Nancy raised an eyebrow. "Since we need our parents to sign for it to be legal, Mr. Drew and I came to an agreement. My parents already gave me their blessing and their permission. Anyway, we have to live here, we can't have sex until we're eighteen, not that we would anyway." He quickly added.
"Is that it?" Nancy asked. Ned and Carson nodded. "That's fine. When's the wedding?"
"May third." Ned replied.
"But that's only a month away." Nancy pointed out.
"Is that a problem?" Carson asked.
Nancy shook her head. "No, but how will we be able to get everything done?"
"That's why you have family and friends." Bess stated.
"She's right. We'll be more then happy to help." George agreed.
"And I'll bake everything for the reception. I'll even do the wedding cake." Hannah offered.
Nancy looked around. Everyone had an eager expression on their face. Then she looked at Ned. The man she loved. The man who wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. "So then it's settled then. May third."