A/N: WOW. I realize I haven't updated since JUNE 2007! Damn…that's really a long ass time. Hahaha! So I've received a lot of your reviews, emails and a couple cries of threats. Those actually made me giggle.

Work, wrestling and a boyfriend has absorbed most of my time lately, but I've finally gotten some time to put out a new chapter. The story took a turn, so it is going a different route from what I originally planned, but I promise your going to love it! so this chapter is short, but when I get home from work tomorrow, I'm going to be planning out the next chapter. So….enjoy!

Contains rape, language, and some sweet lemons.

Title: Before They Were Scouts.

Chapter: Four

Previously: The alarm clock went off beside Haruka's bed. Haruka woke up from her dream, forcibly. She growled at her clock, but as she went to turn it off, she noticed someone else was laying next to her.

Haruka's aqua haired goddess lay beside her, sleeping peacefully. The girl's wrists were still slightly cut up from the night before but the girl had an angelic feature to her face. Apparently Michiru had changed during the night because she was wearing one of Haruka's larger dress shirts. Haruka smiled, softly stroking Michiru's cheek.


Haruka had gotten up finally. She was sipping a cup of coffee, watching the news. She sighed to herself, hearing a news update about strange dark skies during the day.

'Huh, this was the same time I rescued Michiru..'

Haruka drank the last gulp of coffee in her cup, grabbing the coffee pot to pour one more. She heard hushed shuffling coming from her room.

'She must have finally woken up' Haruka put two small spoonfuls of sugar in her coffee, stirring it as Michiru stepped out from Haruka's bedroom. She was still wearing Haruka's dress shirt. The white shirt made Michiru's pale skin glow, her waves of hair seem more brilliant.

"How're you feeling?" Haruka looked over at Michiru.

Michiru shrugged and stood next to Haruka, who had been sitting on the kitchen counter. Haruka gazed into Michiru's cerulean eyes and could not see the same brilliant glitter that had always graced this angel's eyes.


"Haruka.. did he..?"

Haruka hopped off of the counter, gripping Michiru's upper arms but not enough to cause Michiru any pain. Michiru had closed her eyes and held her head down, refusing to look at Haruka for the fear of tears was beginning to swell in her eyes.

"Michiru, it's going to be okay. I'm here and I am not going to--"


Haruka had a look of surprise on her face. Michiru's usual kind eyes were replaced with rage.


"He hurt me! He has done it before many times and he WILL do it again! You don't know what he is like, Haruka! I fear for my life knowing he is still in it!"

Michiru had pushed Haruka away from her, wrapping her own arms around herself, embracing her own body, trying to shake the thought of Matty away but he still invaded her mind with every thought. She kept backing away from Haruka, shaking her head slightly. She slightly bit her bottom lip, wincing as she remembered being backhanded by Matty, her lip still swollen. She could still feel every pain aching on her body.

Haruka tried approaching Michiru again, this time Michiru didn't back away. Michiru was starting to cry hard now, tears were streaming down her cheeks. Haruka embraced Michiru, pulling her close. She ran her fingers through Michiru's hair and kissed her forehead.

"What if he finds me? I can't go to school..he'll find me there. I can't go anywhere, he will just find me again."

"No he won't."

Michiru looked up to meet Haruka's eyes once more. Haruka's firm gaze made Michiru feel stronger.

"He won't touch you ever again. I will make sure of that, I will protect you. I promise I will keep you safe."

Michiru let Haruka hold her still. Tears were still running from her eyes but Haruka's words gave her a sense of security. She knew that Haruka would not let anyone harm her.

"Michiru, we're going to leave Japan for now."

"What?" Michiru's crying stopped now. Shock consumed her, she never thought she would take the drastic measure of leaving the country completely.

"I have a racing competition in America anyways, and I want you to come with me. I refuse to leave you by yourself here. I have to leave in a few days and we're going to be gone for six months. There is a lot of training to build up for this race and we can enroll in one of the schools while we're there, okay? It'll be alright Michiru."

Michiru was still trying to absorb the thought of leaving Japan for so long. What had seemed like more then a minute in her mind, left like an eternity in Haruka's.

"Well?" Haruka had impatience in her voice, but her usual smirk slowing growing on her face.

"Yes. I'll go with you to America." Michiru nodded her head and Haruka picked her up and held her close.

"Haruka! Ouch! That hurts!"

Haruka quickly set Michiru down, forgetting the ordeal that she had gone through no less then a day ago. Haruka's smirk was full out. Even her teal eyes shined brighter then usual.



"Your coffee is getting cold."

Haruka let out a noise of annoyance. The coffee was the last thing on her mind and she was still holding Michiru, just not quite as tight as earlier.

"Michiru, my silly woman, you are much more important."

Michiru blushed hearing Haruka's words. She still smiled though, she did feel more safe with Haruka. Haruka had pride and ego, but she knew when to let them go for Michiru's sake.

Michiru wiggled out of Haruka's arms and started to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Michiru giggled and turned around to face the tomboy's confused look.

"I can't just stay in just a dress shirt all day, now can I?"

Haruka felt almost offended but smirked once more, "You could just take it off and not worry about it at all."

Michiru listened to Haruka's bold words and just smiled sweetly, slowly unbuttoning the dress shirt to show a small amount of cleavage. She kept her eyes on Haruka's blushing face and dropped her hands down to her hips.

"That's all you get!" Michiru giggled again and ran into Haruka's bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

Haruka still stood there, her mind screaming at her to run after Michiru but Michiru's tease froze her body. After a couple minutes, she finally shook her head after hearing her bedroom door reopening and a dressed Michiru stepping back out.

Seeing the look on Haruka's face, Michiru walked right up to her and gently kissed Haruka on the lips. Haruka seemed to snap out of daze completely to Michiru's kiss.

"What now?" Haruka asked as Michiru stepped back.

"Well, it might be a good idea to start getting ready to leave for America. I have no clothes or anything to bring with me."

Haruka groaned, "Don't say it.."

"Haruka, we're going shopping at the Crossroads mall!"

A/N: Haha, had to leave it on a cute note. Plus it's almost 1am and I'm more then exhausted. I had an UNO tournament last night with some of the people in WAW and got pwned beyond belief. I didn't get home till almost 3am Hahaha and worked all day after!

New chapter to be up as soon as possible!

BTW, if your curious at all about the wrestling I'm in, its you check out the ROSTER, I'm Riley Coyote. also manager of the team, "Heroes, Hustlas and Hoes"