Summary: It is McGee's birthday and it doesn't go all that well…
A/N: I only own the plot. THAT IS IT!
Tony was sitting slumped in his chair with his feet on the desk, his mouth curled into a wide smile. In his hand was a mobile phone and he was talking happily into it.
"Yes I do have work today. I could take some time off. No, my boss would not shout at me, he would most likely kill me. Ok see you later. Get the plasters ready."
At that very moment Gibbs walked into the bullpen, a cup of his usual coffee held in his hand. "Feet off the desk DiNozzo!"
"Yes boss. Er, where's my coffee boss?"
"What coffee?"
"The coffee you usually get me, boss."
"I would have got you one but you have time off today." With that remark he headed purposefully towards the stairs, taking them two at a time as he went up.
"Yeah..." Tony turned around and sat back down at his desk, his face now in a grimace.
The lift let out a ping and a grumpy, wet McGee walked out, followed closely by Abby.
"Ah Probie!" Tony exclaimed happily, jumping up. "Happy birthday my fine McGeek. " He put his arm around McGee but withdrew quickly. "Er, why are you wet?"
"Abby made me a cake." Tony looked at McGee with a confused look on his face which led Tim to elaborate. "She lit the candles in the lift. The sprinklers went off." McGee dropped his wet rucksack on the floor and started to wring out the soaked jacket he was holding.
"Ah" Tony gave him a toothy grin and walked over to a nervous Abby.
"I'm sorry Tim. You can have a sip of my Caf-Pow later. Hi Tony."
"Abby, would you be so kind as to take a photo of me with the birthday boy?"
"Of course Tony." Abby smirked and took Tony's mobile from him.
"Tony, I don't want a photo looking like this." McGee grumbled.
"That's the point probie. Now smile!"
McGee gave Tony a thunderous look and turned away.
"Come on McGeek! We've got to have a picture."
"Go away Tony."
"DiNozzo, leave McGee alone and tell me where Ziva is!" Gibbs had just come charging down the stairs with his now empty cup still in hand.
"Well I don't know boss. She isn't here." His impertinence earned him a slap on the back of the head. "I mean, I'll find her boss." He smiled awkwardly and walked robot fashion back to his desk.
Gibbs threw his cup at Tony and it hit him on the head. Tony turned to glare at Gibbs, but his back was already turned. "Ouch!" He mimed it to Abby who giggled and pranced off back to the lift after briefly hugging McGee.
"McGee!" Gibbs now turned to Tim.
"Yes boss."
"Happy Birthday."
"Er, thank you boss—"
"Here, present from me." Gibbs dropped a large, soft package onto McGee's desk and walked off in the direction of the lift.
McGee started to undo the string around the brown paper but then Tony waved at him. He looked up.
"Rip it! Come on Probie!"
McGee grumbled again, but ripped the paper off nevertheless. A red towel lay within the ripped paper. A small card read:
To McGee,
Dry your hair.
From Gibbs
P.S. I thought it would match your face.
McGee slowly turned scarlet. He would have to suffer Tony's delight at the present for the rest of the day.