Pili-Chan:So! another DaichiJun fanficXD

Yami Pili-Chan: And were here again...

Chibi Pili: To bug you!

Accidia: No were not... Yawn

Pili-Chan: Anyway! This is from Jun's POV about the seven deadly sins...

Accidia: Am I here?

Pili-chan: yap:3

Accidia: Dose it mean I have to wake up again?

Pili-Chan: Ummmm...no?

Accidia: good...ZZZZZZZ



My Seven Deadly Sins

"The Seven Deadly Sins are those transgressions which are fatal to spiritual progress."

I remember, long ago, when I was sitting in the library in my home, I found a book about something called "The Seven Deadly Sins" it said something about being sent to hell for those sins, but I'm not a Christian and I don't believe in it, so I just ignored it back then.

I don't even believe in hell!

But now, as I lay in bad and think about it, I see how many sins I have committed.

These are my Seven Deadly Sins…