Disclaimer: I do not own Loveless... and neither does Tokyo Pop now. Lets all cry for that since we wont get any more American releases unless someone else picks it up.

Rating: Ummmm T?

Warnings: Seimei (Seimei needs his own warning system)

Love me without fear, trust me without questioning, need me without demanding, want me without restrictions, and accept me without change.

This was the small prayer that Seimei whispered every night as he tucked Ritsuka into bed every night. Once he was gone people would tell Ritsuka he was cruel and he knew that but that didn't make the time and memories he shared with his brother fake. No his devotion to his beloved little brother was real.

Sitting down at his desk he watched the slumbering form of his brother. It was always pleasant having him in his room. It made it easier to block out all the unnecessary people out there and create their own little world.

Looking down at his little brother he couldn't help but worry. Ritsuka was truly the purest person on this earth and would defiantly hate many of the things he had done for his sake. No matter what he would always love Ritsuka but he still worried about how his brother would feel towards him.

Leaning forward Seimei placed a small chaste kiss on his brother cheek only to have him stir and look up at him with those large violet eyes. Wrapping his arms around Seimei's neck he urged his brother to come to bed. Smiling he complied and slunk under the covers to embrace him. Their was nothing he wouldn't do for Ritsuka and that included putting off his homework for a night.